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Everyone wears a mask. For the rulers of Equestria, that mask must be impeccable for their subjects. Only around their guards can the two Princesses relax ever so slightly, occasionally showing that they are just as fallible as any other creature. For one Princess, the burdens of her own mind begin to make the mask crack. However, when Private Steel Heart notices that it is, in fact, the pony underneath the mask that is beginning to splinter, he offers to help.

He had no idea such help would first involve getting attacked with a large brush.

Warning: Involves slow-burn romances, lots of feelings, comforting moments, adorable affectionate gestures, lethal amounts of fluff, feel-good auras, and a deadly combing implement.
Takes place around Season 8-9 (ish)

Cover art used with permission by the talented Yakovlev-Vad, seriously, check out his art. He's fantastic!
*Edit. Featured on the first day? WHAT IS HAPPENING?

Chapters (8)

On the longest day, of the thousandth year, the stars aided in her escape.

Then Nightmare Moon looked out upon the land that would soon be her empire, and found a world she no longer existed in. In a thousand years, she had been all but forgotten.
She could conquer, and continue to be hated. She could put aside her pride, and be redundant. Or, she could disappear, and fade into the glorious night.

AN: While Princess of Equestria takes place before this, neither are required reading for the other. Rather, they complement each other.

Chapters (1)

It all used to be so simple: find a lead, survey the land, and grab a take to tide the Gang over for a few months. But the era of outlaws in the Equestrian Southwest is coming to an end, and it has no tolerance for ponies like Kestrel. Wanted by the law and stealing just to survive, Kestrel will have to take the fate of her band of outlaws into her own hooves and try to give them a good life... or die trying.

A comment-driven Choose Your Own Adventure story inspired by Red Dead Redemption 2. Key events in some chapters are in part influenced by dice rolls, which can be seen in my discord server. Be wary as the dice rolls may spoil current and past chapters.

As this story is different from traditional fare, there are a few caveats going in, inspired by another great CYOA story:

  1. The chapters will be kept fairly short, ideally not longer than 1500 words per chapter, barring the choices and author's notes.
  2. The vote will always have the last say, even if the choice they have chosen is suboptimal in terms of its effects in-world.
  3. The story will end once the fate of the Gang is resolved, though it may end prematurely if Kestrel dies before this can happen.

You can see Kestrel's character sheet, along with important information about the Gang, here.

Special thanks to Ruirik for the cover art.

Chapters (145)

This story is a sequel to Tantabus Communication Protocol

What started with laziness and a tiny slip-up in arcane intelligence creation has blossomed into its own being. With Luna's blessing, the second Tantabus is free to flit around the dreamscape as it pleases, unburdened by oversight. And what pleases it is making good dreams. Who couldn't be happy by making others happy?

As the Tantabus settles into its life, its horizons keep expanding, forever revealing more of the world and of ponies. There's always new things to learn. New dreams to spice up. New nightmares to beat down. New ponies to help. New ponies to annoy.

Don't tell Luna about that last part.

Cover art by Harwick.

Chapters (44)

Pegasus Pizza: Delivered in thirty minutes or less, directly to your GPS location!

An entry to Admiral Biscuit's not-a-contest for ponies with day jobs on Earth.

Now with an audio reading from StraightToThePointStudios! Big thanks!

Wow! Hit number one in the feature box while still number one in the new column! (Achievement unlocked?) Thanks for the comments and the votes, everyone, I love you!

Chapters (1)

What if Twilight had remembered a reforming spell? How would this decision affect Discord, Fluttershy, herself, and the whole of Equestria?

Cover art made by TheOperaticOne

Russian translation: https://ficbook.net/readfic/9144801

Day Four of #FluttercordWeek

Featured on 1/23/20, 1/24/20, 1/26/20,
1/27/20, 1/28/20, and 1/29/20

Chapters (1)

Featured on January 24th-28th, 2020

You stumbled apon facing the toughest challenge since coming to Equestria; fighting off three overpowered villains with a bell to take all the magic from the ponies. It is up to you to help stop them from getting more powerful by using yourself as bait. When Chrysalis encounters you though, a clever idea struck your vision.

To ask her out!

Cover art by mirroredsea

Audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio

Chapters (1)

Octavia's lived the high life for years. Practice after practice paid off and she's risen through the ranks. Now, she works for the Royal Orchestra itself, toiling every day to produce perfection. Untouchable, practiced, impeccable...lonely.

Vinyl couldn't be any lower. Out of home, out of work, and nowhere to go but to a cold grave. Cast out and left to fend for herself, Vinyl has nothing, not even a friend to call her own.

The two cross paths.

A love story that many have known, and yet different. Both come in broken, beaten down people, their only hope each other.

Chapters (21)

For most bronies going to Equestria would be a dream come, I'm not most bronies. I went to a game convention simply for fun dressed as my SWTOR Bounty Hunter character and end up here for my efforts, even worse I'm stuck with two fillies that I'm going to have to raise as leaders. Tahla'ada Vadugilyr!

Warning: I'm using Legends Star Wars Lore not Cannon Star Wars Lore.

*Rating and Tags will be changed as needed
*This is a Star Wars the Old Republic displaced story, I don't own SWTOR or Star Wars but the Character is mine so don't bloody steal it ya filthy sinners.
*some words in this story are written in Mando'a, the language spoken by Mandalorians.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Timeless

(This story is a direct sequel and picks up right after Timeless ends. If you haven't read the previous story, ye be warned for confusion and spoilers!)

The sun is eternal, distant, powerful, timeless, and out of reach of any mortal creature. Like the entity she controls Celestia has curated such a view of herself over a thousand years. Having run the nation for over a millennium the Solar Princess is, to many, a revered and nigh-unapproachable figure.

However when you wear a mask for too long, it is said, you can forget who you are underneath.

While attempting to maintain a semblance of government during a devastating plague-like outbreak Celestia herself falls ill and she is all too thankful when an expert on the disease arrives to help. What the Alicorn didn't expect to find however, was how much she needed a friend more than any curative potion. Yet something about this doctor seems oddly unnatural and familiar.

As the continued efforts from a dangerous foe strive to destroy everything the Solar Princess holds dear, friendships may prove to be more valuable than any blade.

Takes place during/after Season 9
Spoilers for Timeless, Prison of Ice with Silver Keys

Art used with permission, created by the talented Yakovlev-Vad *Click here for Link*

Chapters (24)