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Once upon a time, Silver Spoon's life made sense. She had the right friends, the right house, and the right school for a young lady coming up in the world. Once upon a time, Silver Spoon lived amongst proud towers in a vibrant, bustling city that never slept.

Now she lives in Ponyville. Not so terrible once one gets used to it. Silver's learned to appreciate some ponies, harbor grudges for others, and tolerate the rest. But sometimes, she wonders if one pony in particular is as popular as she thought.

Preread and edited by Autumn Wind, Cthuluigi, and SaddlesoapOpera

Chinese translation by hehelover

Chapters (30)

The local crime syndicate sees Miller's lack of ID as an advantage. Before too long, our poor former human is eyeball-deep in the scum of Canterlot. Forget going home - the challenge is trying to stay one step ahead of police, criminals, and a pair of persistent mares.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Brushed Away

Despite being one of the few Gryphons living in the land of Equestria, Troius Clawston couldn't be happier with how his life has been. Along with having good friends and a stable job in Weather Patrol, Troy is happiest about his life for one reason: Canvas, the Earth Pony artist that he saved and befriended, who grew to become so much more.
However, before the two can begin their lives together, Troy has to overcome a new challenge in his life. Something he never thought he would have to face until now...

Telling his family.

Because of strong Gryphon values which look down on alternative relationships, how will Troy's family react when they discover he's not only with someone of a different species, but of the same gender? As traditions clash with taboos, how will the Gryphon handle telling his brothers and parents, while still staying with the stallion he cares about? Can he keep everyone together, or will family bonds break under pressure?

The cover art was made by High-Roller2108, and I want to thank Bad_Seed_72,Shadow Hawk, and Zyrian for proofreading this.

Chapters (43)

This story is a sequel to Of the Hive

Having fully embraced her new changeling heritage, Twilight Sparkle turns to the past to learn more about her people. A difficult task, given that every other queen cares next to nothing about it.

What she finds will shed unwanted light on a secret better left forgotten.

Editor in Chief: ABitterPill

Coverart: Tulip

Chapters (24)

Twilight sparkles wakes up to some bad news.
Apparently she went crazy with magic and decided to try to take over the world, including Equestria.
Oddly enough, this has been working out rather well.
Unfortunately for her she seems to of forgotten most of it.
Goodluck Twilight!
[New chapters being edited. Old chapters being edited as time allows.]

Chapters (7)

My name is Octavia Harmonious Melody, and I am mentally deranged… No no, I assure you, I'm quite serious. For the past three years I have lived with a voice inside my head, a crazed, lunatic of a voice, who I, through the displeasure of living with for the past three years, have come to almost befriend...


Now my childhood friend-turned-enemy, Vinyl Scratch, is inviting me to further my musical prowess by living under the same roof as her, and as much as I can barely stand the sight of her, she represents what may be my last chance at closure and sanity. The irony of which being that I'm sure she's already insane, if not pushing me towards it.
Although, to her credit, she's a nice enough mare, maybe if I could stop the voice in my head for a minute we could grow to become friends again…
...it isn't a sin to dream, is it?

Chapters (7)

Welcome to Trotondo, where the lakes freeze overnight and the snow never stops falling.
Welcome to the outermost Equestrian colony, where the foreign threat is so marginally low that only two royal pegasi guards were needed to keep it safe.
Welcome to the town protected by Dawn Guard and Dust Mote, two peacekeepers so hopelessly in love that they don't even know it.
... Thankfully, the other four hundred and thirty eight denizens of Trotondo are more than willing to help resolve this predicament.

Chapters (2)


The lands of Equestria and Gryphonia are being tainted by pollution from human industrialization. With the gryphons threatening with war, can the ponies keep the peace between them and the humans? With the future of Equestria hanging by a thread, can the ponies and gryphons stand up to a technology that is much more advanced than their own? Or will they be doomed to destruction by the hands of man?

Editors: pjabrony, RobertBel98
Many thanks to CplHenderson for spicing up my cover art.
Character tags will be added as they appear. My first fic, criticism and feedback is welcomed. Human tech is approximately that of 1918

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Reunited

Six years.

For six years she has slept in a coma and now she has awakened. The entire world wants her to die for her crimes. Equestria wants her to die for her lies. Even I will admit I just want to see her die so I can move on with my life.

But before I say goodbye to my mentor, the former Princess Celestia, I have to ask her one question.

Why? Why did she do all this? Why transport us from Equestria to Earth? Why try to turn Humanity into Ponies?

All I want is the truth.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-Read by bahatumay, Socks (Also thanks for finding this cover art), and Chaotic Note

Edited by Biker_Dash

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Useless

Twilight has suffered for so long. I've seen her lose friends, her family, her innocence, and more from the war we had with humanity. Ever since the surrender, she has spent every waking moment trying to earn both her redemption as well as Equestria's for our sins against the humans. Now that she has finally done so, she is ready to rest at last.

I just wish it wasn't her final rest.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-read and edited by: Socks, Chaotic Note, and Biker Dash

Artwork done by Pedro Hander

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)