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This is the first book of The Humanity Within Trilogy. Its sequel is What I've Done.

I wasn't always like this, a monster, running through the woods on an alien planet. I was once a man. I had dreams, a girlfriend, and a great job.
Then They came. In the middle of the night, They scooped me from my home, and... changed me.

Now I'm a beast, a demon the like of which the world I've become stranded on has never seen before, scraping by on the fringes of society, hiding from the natives, and doing my best to avoid notice.

After all, who could ever be friends with a monster?

Cover Image done by the very talented PaintSplotch! You can find his FimFic account here.
And here is his DeviantArt Account!
Now 100% approved by Twilight's Library!
Mad props to my prereaders:
Admiral Applejack.

Chapters (15)

Waking up with a hole in the head might seem like a bad way to start your life, but what if you deserved it?

"Every pony like me should be shot in the head at least once."

When he discovers the entire wasteland hates him, the amnesiac Ripple, once Two-Kick Rip the raider warlord, sees his wounds in a very new light. On a path that's half vengeance and half bid to redeem himself, he must rid the wasteland of his old gang and another, much more sinister foe.


The cancelled sequel is over at Fallout Equestria: Echoes of Chaos.
This fanfiction is based on Fallout Equestria by Kkat; a familiarity with the source material may aid your enjoyment.

Chapters (24)

Princess Luna still feels alone, nineteen years after her return to Equestria . But when she finds a friend in an online game, everything seems better. She can be herself without worrying about what others think, and she can finally talk to another pony, even if he never knows who she really is.

Celestia is worried about her sister, especially right now. Upcoming peace talks with a powerful new nation mean that all the Princesses need to be completely ready. With her Luna so absorbed in a fantasy world, she wonders how she'll make it through the harrowing weeks to come.

Button Mash feels like a failure. He's still living at home, he still can't find work that can use his degree from the university, and he still feels alone. His friends are getting married, starting families, and thriving in their careers. On the plus side, he plays games regularly, and his best friend is a mare, even if she doesn't know his name. He hopes that his upcoming vacation to Canterlot might help his mindset.

But, unbeknownst to all of them, a sinister web within a dark plot threatens to ensnare Equestria... And Luna may be the only one able to stop it.

She may face it alone, or maybe she'll have some help from her knight in faded armor...


Cover art credit to yamashta. Link here.

Preread by -TGM- and Goldenwing

Edited by m1ntf4n, PheonixStarr, Wing, and the_Doc, and Swan Song, and Orion Caelum.

Follows canon up to about season 4 or so. I'm not sure when everything went off the rails, but it was originally as true as possible when initially written.

Link to the Discord chat HERE!

Chapters (42)

Twilight Sparkle, also known as Medusa, is a hardened criminal mastermind, and the leader of what was formerly the most feared band of criminals in all of Equestria. That was years ago. Now, her crew is in shambles, and she looks to two-bit thug Rainbow Dash to bring it back to its former glory.

With Twilight's genius and experience, combined with some fresh blood, the Mythos Crew may become more formidable than ever.

Chapters (30)

Back home from "The Sandbox", one soldier tries to rebuild and restart his life. Though broken and depressed from battle, he is unsure about his place in life. Still living inside the bottle, he discovers MLP:FiM, which gives him hope and motivation to carry on. But his trip to the Central Library one day is what seals the fate of this soldier's future.

A small salute to those who have put themselves on the line and those who are going to.

I love the feedback and i'll try to respond to everything

Chapters (30)

[Complete! With TVTropes apparently!]
Also, apparently, an animated trailer.

In a world of brass and steam, Twilight Sparkle had thought she had made a life-changing discovery with the invention of the telescope. For better or worse, she was correct.

Now her discovery has not only changed her life, but the lives of those she seeks out in her desperate attempt to contact the only other creature as lonely as Twilight herself.

It all would have been much simpler, but it had to be the one Twilight could only call The Mare on the Moon.

Decidedly not within walking distance, then.

[Featured on EQD before story was meant to be submitted. 4/03/2015]

[Editing team: Southpaw, Wolfvenom, Maskedferret, SwanSong and BluePaladin42, without whom this story would be a fraction of its current state.]
[Special thanks to Novel-Idea for the updated cover]

Chapters (16)

The beginning of the 18th century seems bright for the Swedish Empire, led by Charles XII. His foes defeated just a few years prior and an unstable peace looms. Parts of Norway, Latvia and Estonia as well as Pomerania now belongs to a new, powerful Sweden in the north.

However, the future is cast into uncertainty as great bouts of lightning fills the skies over Stockholm. Gods will or not, the Swedish Empire disappeared forever. This is the story of what happened when the great and mighty Empire of Sweden appeared in the world of Equestria.

AC: After many sleepless nights, I've finally decided to do this fic. This fic was inspired by "Liberté, égalité, fraternité." If you haven't read it, I strongly suggest that you do. It's a very good fic!
Also, there might be some historical inaccuracies, but I'm trying to make it as historically as possible. Some characters are created by me, but many of the ships, cities, armies and characters are historical.

Please, excuse any spelling mistakes or strange grammar. English is not my first language, but I'm trying my best to make it presentable. I'm Swedish, as you probably could guess from this fic ;P

Chapters (6)

Ponies are enslaved. Humans are in control.

Nolan Anderson didn't want to be whisked away to a land full of discrimination and judgement. Yet he was there anyway. He just wanted to get by another day in his own world, no matter the hardships. Being a part of S.W.A.T. meant being the best he could be with what he could do. Little did he know he would apply his skills in a magical world, where the ponies think he's an evil human, and where the humans think he's a pony sympathizer. As crazy as everything is, Nolan wants to get back home, a feat that seems impossible, even in a world full of magic. However, the difficulty won't be getting back to where he belongs, but finding allies in a place where trust is rarely given, and earning it still.

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."
- Christopher Reeve

Rated Teen for language, blood, and sexual themes.
The story takes place between season 3 and 4 of MLP; Lots of non-canon material.

Primary Editor: the amazing Legion222.
Secondary Editor: the cool JoshuaGrahamPony.
Proofreader: the neat Rokkurin.

Applejack vector by Fureox.

I have never been a part of S.W.A.T., nor have I done extensive research on it. I have only taken a quick look at some procedures, weaponry, and armor for the purposes of this story. If you find something that doesn't seem right, please let me know. Also note I have taken a few liberties with how S.W.A.T. works that I will not change.

Chapters (25)

Commander Shepard remembers firing the crucible. She remembers she had to make an important choice. She remembers good friends, a lover, and plenty of loyal crewmen.

She just can't remember what her choice was. What the threat she was striving so hard to end was. Or what the faces of the most important people in her life look like.

She also has no idea how she wound up in the monster filled forest she's come to call home for the past eight months. Or how she picked up a snarky A.I. making its home in her omni-tool.

Chapters (21)

Searching for any records King Sombra may have left behind, Twilight learned of the shadowy king's tragic past. However, she also discovered his horn, in which his mind and remaining power were contained. Determined to learn how to use his Dark Magic for Good, Twilight brought Sombra back to Ponyville with her. After all, what could he possibly do as a horn? ...Or will he stay that way?

Edited by Darth Vendar and Myrkur
Inspired by Issue #1 of FIENDship is Magic
Gore tag just to be safe.

Edit 06/15/23: Now in the top 2K stories on the site, by rating! :twilightsmile: Thank you all!

Chapters (38)