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Twilight Sparkle, becoming anxious at the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration, which she believes marks the return of Nightmare Moon, beseeches Princess Celestia to do something about it.

Celestia, however, has another, more important task for her; making sure that the Summer Sun Celebration goes off without a hitch. Every year, a different town is chosen to receive the honor of hosting the grand festival.

And the lucky city chosen this year, for this fateful holiday, is none other than the city of Manehattan...

Cover image by Conner Cogwork.

Chapters (4)

Discord was defeated. Villains always are. It’s really quite cliché.

Before he lost, he asked himself a question: what if your virtues went out of control, rather than your flaws? Perhaps if the heroes and villains weren't so clear-cut, the conclusion wouldn't be so inevitable. If nothing else, there would be some fun chaos along the way!

Can the main six find a way to undo Discord's magic, in spite of themselves and each other?

Disclaimer; I have been working on this for a while, and the writing at the beginning is not as good as the writing later. Hopefully it is not too great of an impediment to the story.

Editing by Meta Four, ocalhoun, Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi, Sessalisk, Sereg, and JapaneseTeeth, all of whom are amazing. Go shower them with admiration!

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Alternate cover by sstwins! Unfortunately I couldn't use it since it compresses badly on fimfic, but still worth a look!

Google Docs version (contains unpublished/scrapped chapters and early drafts--if you're only interested in the finished product you can safely ignore this link)

Chapters (11)

After finding her assistant missing again during her court duties, Twilight finds Spike with none other then Fluttershy and learns that the two have been a couple for a while. After overcoming her shock, she is told the story of how the two, unexpectedly, found comfort in each others embrace...

Chapters (10)

It's been uncounted millenia since the last of Twilight's first friends passed away. Even their names have passed into legend and myth, forgotten by the slow march of time. Now on a far away planet, she finds her musing upon all of her friends over the long years interrupted by her latest faithful student, Calming Waltz.

Now if she can only get that silly pony off to her wedding, and maybe teach her something about why her romance and wedding to come is so special and wonderous... Or at least something for Twilight to get a laugh out of, anyway.

Chapters (1)

Not quite a mare, but unhappy being a colt. It's a hard position for a young pony to be in. Would be easier if judgement weren't in every look, hate in every scowl. For Glitter Shell, even her friends and family aren't giving her the support she needs. So, she goes to find some in her personal hero.

Based on the blog Ask Glitter Shell. Give it a chance; I doubt you'll regret it.

Featured on Equestria Daily on August 12th, 2013; thank all of you for the support! Though please remember to support trans people in real life. This story is a very tame snapshot of what they have to go through for most of their lives.

Chapters (1)

After years of learning her new powers and growing into being an Alicorn, Twilight Sparkle has reached maturity. Her loving mentor Celestia feels she is now ready for the ultimate test, to succeed where her sister and herself failed. Celestia reveals the origin of her sister and herself, and tasks Twilight Sparkle to travel across the great sea and take the throne in the land that they were exiled from.

Chapters (10)

In the face of loss, there is precious little we can do ease our pain. But sometimes ... rarely, sometimes, there's something left. Something that helps. Something new that soothes the wound.

Chapters (1)

Twilight loves her. She is the Princess, the beautiful, powerful, kind ruler of Equestria. But when the Princess denies her, Twilight vows to become stronger, to be better. Until one day, she will be so powerful that not even her mentor can ignore her any longer. One day, she would make Celestia love her back.

Chapters (30)

This story is a sequel to Scion of Chaos

After returning to Ponyville from Canterlot, Sweetie Belle tries her best to find her place amongst friends and family and to remember what it feels like to be home.

This story takes place 4 days after the finale of Scion of Chaos. (I recommend reading that first, if you haven't already)
And set 5 years later is the sequel story: A Heart of Change

Thanks to Rameslack for his amazing cover art.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Scion of Chaos

Five years after the summer in which the three had gotten their cutie marks, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, now young mares in their own right, decide to go on a quick summer vacation, all as an attempt by Sweetie Belle to cheer up a sad friend. However, the trip turns out to be more than they had anticipated.

Set five years after Scion of Chaos and An Emerald Treasure. For the sake of context I'd recommend reading both of those first.

Special thanks to Mac349 and Plebeian for proofreading. Thanks to CMC4TW for editing/idea-mulling.

Chapters (24)