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This story is a sequel to An Affliction of the Heart

Kuno and Warden are happily together now, but events are transpiring to force them from their happy life.

The reappearance of the Crystal Empire causes Kuno and Warden to give up their new-found home. And Kuno, ignoring the fact that they're two different species and completely incompatible, decides that she wants a baby.

Chapters (14)

Twilight Sparkle's friends have lived long and happy lives. Now their time is coming to an end, but Rainbow Dash, at least, will not go gently. Twilight has the power to save her friend's life. Is it worth violating the natural order?

"The things that pull at your heart—the memorial in the prologue, the wedding in Chapter 1, the births and deaths and relationships to come—are not the point of the story: they are the stakes, and the story is at its heart about a decision that must be made."

Chapters (7)

Every town has one: the store that nobody goes into. The one that doesn't sell anything ponies want. In Ponyville, this store is "Inkwell Commissions," run by a reclusive writer-for-hire. Trying to befriend this reclusive pony, Twilight asks for a story about Changelings, thinking that the two of them can bond over the writing process. Little does she know that she is about to get swept up into an adventure straight out of a Daring Do novel! One with the REAL Daring Do: small-time author with a big-time attitude named Pennington Inkwell!

Chapters (46)

In a magical accident Smarty Pants becomes a filly. Will Twilight turn Smarty back, or will her heart melt as she cares for the filly?

- Special thanks to my editor MidnightBrightBrony
- Special thanks to 1110Soulite for cover art!

Chapters (4)

Derpy has always been the sad kind of pony. Her completely unfocused eyes haven't helped at all. She had been teased all her life and was just at the brink of ending it all. No more sadness, no more mockery. That's when she met an interesting stallion who changed her life for the better.

Chapters (14)

Something very odd is happening to Sweetie Belle. First, her magic is powerful and uncontrollable all of a sudden. Second, old scars that disappeared years ago have come back. Third, her mane and tail are waving like the princesses' do. Confused, everypony goes to investigate. They may find that there's a lot more to this filly than they thought.

Any criticism is both welcome and appreciated :)

The artist who made the vector used in the coverart is http://pvt-llama.deviantart.com/ .

Chapters (4)

Shortly after her lyre is desecrated by magically altered parasprites, an irritated Lyra receives a package from a pony she hasn't heard from in years. And if the contents are anything to judge by, that pony misses her very much...

Chapters (2)

Evening Rose is a survivor.

She endured a fall from Canterlot mountain after being attacked by her father. She barely survived the attack by Granite that left her hospitalized. She even faced a copy of herself in the midst of a changeling invasion she helped cause. Her life has not been easy, but each experience helped her come to terms with herself and the life she has.

She's finally happy with her life, and all she wants to do is leave the past behind and enjoy the normalcy she's earned. However, changes are happening in Equestria and she's caught in the middle, despite her wishes against getting involved.

But what can one do when destiny knocks?

This story follows the events of Dysphoria, Arc 1: Introductions, Arc 2: Ponyville, and Arc 3: Canterlot.

This Arc is finished but the story continues in Dysphoria, Arc 5: Equestria

Chapters (9)

After King Sombra's defeat and the return of the Crystal Empire, Princess Celestia came to the mane six with an offer: to become a manifestation of her will throughout the world, an elite team designed to solve Equestria's most dangerous problems. Warriors and diplomats, Twilight and her friends must leave their homes and their loved ones to ensure the safety of all. This pursuit will push them to new heights, and new depths.

The world is a dangerous place.

Chapters (9)

This story, and the Kirin Chronicles as a whole, are being rewritten and published as a new story due to the size of the adjustments.

Part II of the Kirin Chronicles
After Equestria recognized Twilight Sparkle's half-dragon form as a true Princess, word comes from the southern kingdoms that a great evil has returned. Will the Elements of Harmony still be able to stop it, or will their half-dragon abilities keep them from succeeding?


Part I of the Kirin Chronicles
Part III of the Kirin Chronicles
Featured from April 13th, 2013 to April 15th, 2013.

** This story was written when I was 15, and the quality and content reflect that. Please be aware that my position on topics contained within may have changed in the time between publishing and now, and I apologize for any offensive material that I may have condoned in my younger years. **

Chapters (6)