• Member Since 18th Dec, 2020


The Voice from the Works.

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Trixie invites Glimmer over for a tea party...with pine cones.

What we do for our friends.

Made Popular List On ~ 2/20/19!

Reached Featured Box ~ 2/20/19! Thank you all!

Chapters (1)

Doing laundry is always a chore, and sometimes I envied my pony neighbor for rarely having to do laundry. Until I found out she wasn't allowed to wash her blankets.

It’s an unfair rule and shouldn’t apply to ponies, but the laundromat clerk won’t budge. A creative solution is required.

For Bicyclette’s Thousand Words contest

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio!

Now with a reading by Rainbow Infinity Readings!

Now with a Chinese translation by FLX071!

Chapters (1)

Three ponies are about to land on the moon in search of hope and salvation.

Reading by StraightToThePointStudio
Reading by VisualPony
Reading by Rainbow Infinity Readings

Entry into Bicyclette's Thousand Words Contest
Thanks to The Sleepless Beholder for editing.

Chapters (1)

Luna samples a culinary delight, discovered in her absence. Issues are addressed and secrets are unearthed because of this marvellous beverage.

Its name is... coffee?

Chapters (1)

Earth Ponies controlled the Ground. Pegasi, the Sky. Unicorns, the Aether.
And things generally worked out for a few thousand years.

And then there was the Sea.

And now there's just me.

An entry for Bicyclette's 1000 words contest (group / info) in the "Angst" category.

Chapters (1)

For as long as Pinkie Pie has worked at Sugar Cube Corner, she's never ever taken one of the delicious treats that's made there every day without paying.

The thought of theft had crossed her mind a few times, but does she actually have what it takes to really steal something so frivolous as sweets?

Everypony knows the answer... It's a big, fat MAYBE.

Chapters (1)

Due to some unfortunate weather management, Twilight is stuck at home with her favourite foal-sitter Cadance. However, that didn't stop them from having some fun together at home. When Twilight's big brother comes home, it seems even the rain has planned a chance meeting of romance.

Inspired by the fanart Fated First Meeting
By artist InuHoshi-to-DarkPen

Chapters (1)

When Pinkie Pie learns that Twilight might be using sweetener as a sugar replacement, she does the only reasonable thing: investigate thoroughly and not jump to extremes.

Chapters (1)

I am Scootaloo. My ancestor was Princess Raphinae, the founder of the island kingdom of flightless pegasi.

Takes place sometime before Diamond Tiara's reformation.

Chapters (1)