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A phoenix seeking out a good nesting place finds an unexpected connection with the ponies living nearby. Unexpected for her, at least—they've been looking for just this phoenix.

Expanded version of a minific that won 3rd place in the /fic/ write-off "All In."

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Thanks to Chris for letting me bounce a few ideas off him.

Reading by Neighrator Pony.

Chapters (1)

For a thousand years, the alicorns of House Solaris have ruled over the ponies of Equestria with wisdom and care. Now, in the present, Twilight, youngest daughter of the Queen, goes about her day as befits a Princess of the Realm.

Chapters (1)

Alicorns fly. Sunflowers turn with the sun.

Celestia didn’t think these statements were particularly reliable.

She had her reasons.

Inspired by Raven, one of my favorite stories on Fimfiction. Cover art by Plainoasis, used with permission.

Thanks to PaulAsaran for proofreading the story.

Chapters (1)

Series finale spoilers.

Many years following the War of the Bell, Equestria is at rest, the land is filled with creatures living in peace, and friendship and the elements of harmony rein supreme. Princess Twilight Sparkle has grown in both maturity and wisdom as well as power, and, as royal advisor, Spike could not be happier with his life.

If only there wasn't the once-a-year event which seems to hurt his princess and friend so badly...

Why does she keep putting herself through this?

Cover art is property of Hasbro, Allspark Studios, and DHX Media.

Chapters (1)

The holidays are a time for food and fun, a time for joy and merriment, a time to spend together with those you love, and with those who love you. It is a time for strengthening old friendships and for making new ones, either with a hug, a loving word, or a beautifully wrapped present. It is a time for people to put aside their petty differences and appreciate what's really important in life. Pinkie Pie knows this better than anypony.

There is one person, however, one ancient magical centaur, who has much different opinions on what is truly important in life.

CW: Story contains implications of alcohol use, domestic abuse, and descriptions of minor physical injury.

Featured 12/17/22 - 12/18/22

Chapters (3)

'All the world’s a stage,
And all the mares and stallions merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one pony in her time plays many parts,
Her acts being seven ages.' ~ William Shakespony

In the aftermath of banishing her corrupted sister, Celestia is left to tend to a land ravaged by fear of their own rulers, political discontent, racial tensions between the three tribes and her own crushing loneliness. A thousand years is a long time to wait for the return of the pony she was closer to than anyone else in the world; long enough that she needs to make other connections with other ponies to prevent herself from going mad and following her sister into corruption. The question is, can one pony ever be strong enough to rule a land for a thousand years and be both a good ruler and a good pony?

Written as a Patreon reward for Echo Located, who asked for a first person story about Celestia during the period of Luna's absence based on the poem 'The Seven Ages of Man' by William Shakespeare.

Chapters (10)

Luna’s first pregnancy is proving to be extremely difficult. How will she navigate the next nine months?

Cover picture by ILIKELUNA

Chapters (3)

This story follows the lives of Princess Luna’s two daughters. Cover picture by ILIKELUNA. Playlist for the soundtrack is here: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2eYripN3BnnewYwtb434b4?si=7gwLgRU_Qr6I8c2lBh2ogw

Chapters (15)

Rarity is a busy mare, but such is the life of an up-and-coming young fashionista like her. Between designing her newest gowns, overseeing multiple shops in multiple cities, all while managing to maintain her social life, she hardly has time for anything else. There are some things, however, some ponies, that she will always have time for, such as that little red-headed filly gazing through her window of her boutique.

Featured 12/3/22 - 12/10/22

Chapters (1)

Once upon a time, Princess Celestia meant the world to her young protégée, Sunset Shimmer. In many ways, she was the world to the unicorn filly.

Now, the relationship between mentor and student has become deeply strained. Some weeks ago, the two suffered a major spat. As the rift between them grows and emotions churn inside Sunset, she begins to wonder exactly who she is in the eyes of the age-old alicorn who controls the sun.

And as Celestia prepares to leave for a diplomatic errand, she finds herself confronted by her volatile pupil -- and, put on the spot, must find a way to bridge the gap before it's too late.

Ignores the depiction of events in the comic The Fall of Sunset Shimmer. While the story works as a standalone prequel to canon G4 animated media, it is also canon with my ongoing longform story Together from Canterlot to Canterlot, as well as, separately, my alternate universe setting established by What My Destiny is Telling Me. (Despite the name, it is not directly related to my story Late-Night Conversations.)

Cover art by daOtterGuy, who pre-read the story along with The Sleepless Beholder. Special thanks to TCC56 (First Hoof Account) and Sledge115 (Sogno di Volare) for inspiring me to dabble in this period of Sunset's life.

Featured on 11/8/22-11/10/22! Re-edited 1/14/23. Now featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)