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Late on Nightmare Night, after the rest of Ponyville has gone to bed, Pinkie Pie descends into the dark and silent basement of Carousel Boutique. She’s determined to make things better with Rarity after a friendship-splintering fight, but there might not be a solution for the troubles she finds once inside the house. Didn’t anypony tell her it’s not safe to venture out alone at night?

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia has lived for 4 billion years. Her children have left their cradle, and Equis sits nearly abandoned. She must perform her duty one last time.

My entry for, and winner of, /mlp/'s 2023 Pastejam. The first and last lines were set by Aftercase, but other than that, we were given free rein to write whatever. This was an attempt to write using only the absolute minimum number of words allowed for the prompt. Sadly, that's 300 words too few, so this is the extended edition to get it onto Fimfic.

Chapters (1)

Once a year, on Polaris Day, Apollo gets to eat dinner with his family.

Written for the Science Fiction Contest II. Find the other entries here!

Also written using a prompt from Bean's Writing Group. The prompt was "A shared meal".

Huge thanks to Domena100, Arkadios, and gapty for prereading!

Chapters (1)

For generation the kirins of the perilous Peaks have cut themselves off from the wider world. As such the wider world.

Twilight, curious on how an all-female species reproduces writes a letter to Autumn Blaze asking about kirin sexual biology. She receives a plus-one invitation to the kirin village for the summer mating season.

She decides to invite Cadance along

The sex tag is for talking about lewd topics

Reader warning: Kirin biology, kirin courtship and mating rituals, two characters talking about lewd subjects, and an explosive finish.

This story was inspired in part by a comment I had on this story.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Broken and the Damned

A mysterious magic surge has been discovered just off the coast of Creui. Praetor Rainbow Dash is apart of the contingent sent to investigate, only to be caught in it.

At the same time, Luster Dawn has returned to Canterlot for her first Grand Galloping Gala since heading to Ponyville. While there, she demonstrates a spell that she found in the archive of the Princesses old castle.

Said spell may create a situation that neither is properly prepared for, nor even want. However, it may just be what they need...

Chapters (12)

Calligraphy, a unicorn scholar, is informed of a strange book in an ancient language. He and his colleagues embark on a quest to discover its secrets... secrets that are buried perplexingly deep.

Expanded from my finalist entry for the 5th Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Contest, for the prompt "We Tried".

Special thanks to Petrichord, FloydienSlip, Syke Jr and Lofty Withers for giving it a good look and some proofreading/suggestions on the first draft.

Chapters (1)

Granny Smith built a legacy, she was the matriarch of the Apple Family for a long, long time. She is nigh 200 years old, and she knew that it would come soon.

Death from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish is featured here as a character, what he does here doesn't really spoil anything, but I recommend watching the movie then coming back to read this.

Featured 1/21/23

You already know my friend Fire Hearth has made some audio of this story! Go ahead and check it out (as well as his other readings, they're very good.) Here it is!

Chapters (1)

"I wonder whether the history of us is already written in the love we’ll make. And whether I might be the only pony who can read it.”

Winning entry into the Colourful Characters Contest focusing on Princess Cadance for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Group.
Originally written in 75 minutes, this version has received some refinement. Special thanks to all who read in the contest and particularly Shaslan, Red, Snow Quill and AFanaticRabbit for their editing notes.

Chapters (1)

There is little more exciting for Twilight than coming across a new problem. Especially when it's something she doesn't understand. And this...thing, that she's found out there... this is something she definitely doesn't understand.

Written for my mate Zontan as a part of an anthology of short stories compiled as a gift for him. You can find the others Here.

The story is finished and chapters will be published over the next week.

Thank you to Shaslan for the incredible cover art, on top of her help with the fic and description, and thank you to Snow Quill for additional editing help.

Chapters (6)

Ever since her ascension, Twilight has been having the same nightmares.

About a pale mare who shines brighter than anything she's ever seen.

This is an entry to the barcast's Halloween in April Contest. Thank you very much to wishcometrue and Flashgen for their help with editing and pre-reading. Any errors are because of last minute changes I made without consulting them.

Chapters (1)