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"We were so used to them wreaking havoc and walking away from the most ridiculous wreckages that it was easy to forget they weren't invincible. Fate was a cruel mistress to take one of them from us at such a young age...

I was fortunate, but somepony close to me was not. It was hard for me to imagine the loss she felt. It was so difficult. I wish there was more I could have done to comfort her, but my attention was focused elsewhere. Sweetie Belle lost one of her closest friends and she needed me to guide her through the grief and chase away the occasional nightmare. I devoted so much of my time to her that I dared not acknowledge the plague of strange happenings that fell upon Ponyville soon after the accident.

I was such a foolish mare..."

Chapters (8)

Twilight the dragon has never really felt at home in the Dragon Lands. Unlike most dragons, she values intelligence, and is seen as a pariah for it. But things change when she comes across a purple pony named Spike, who has come to the dragon lands on a "Friendship Mission."
But he must be in the wrong place. After all, dragons don't do friendship.

Written for the Choices Species Change Contest, November 2022

(OMG, This story was featured! I'm so honoured and humbled!)

Chapters (2)

Princess Twilight Sparkle has a vast knowledge of different magics, including magical afflictions, and so she's come to expect, when the truly unusual things crop up, to find letters from Equestria's hospitals showing up at the castle. And every time, she's dropped everything to help one of her subjects.

Luster Dawn is taking her first hospital trip with her mentor, to visit a sick pegasus filly. It's Nightmare Night, and the princess is bringing the celebration to the filly, alongside her weekly dose of a potion used to treat her illness. Luster doesn't know what precisely she's sick with, or why Princess Twilight even wants Luster to come at all, but she's assured her it's not contagious, or at least there's no risk of unicorns or alicorns catching it.

The longer she's around the filly, however, the more this disease looks familiar. But the book she saw it in was folklore. Just an old pony tale. There's no such thing as bat ponies.

Is there?

An entry in the SPOOK contest.
A standalone entry in the The Eventide Verse.
Also check out author Patreon, Ko-Fi and commissions.

Chapters (4)

Flurry Heart stands before a veteran of the Great War who now lays on their bed nearing their end.

She has planned for this day ever since she received her cutie mark. Not being before the pony before her, but being before any pony at all. This pony just happens to be the first.

She is there to see them to the end.

Chapters (1)

What does a married couple, a ruler of a nation and her life long partner, do when they have done everything? They've saved the world countless times, have unfatholmable wealth, and have everything they could ever ask for.

Well, they have some ideas.

Written as a gift for Zontan, and part of an anthology. Love ya!

Thank you to Shaslan for the lovely cover art.

Chapters (4)

Applejack loves Rainbow Dash. She does. Or...she did. Maybe sometimes love just isn't enough.

An exploration of what might happen a little further down the road in AJ and RD's relationship. Don't get me wrong, I'm a firm AppleDash shipper, but I do sometimes wonder how well they would work out. They would both certainly have a lot of learning and growing to do.

Written in September for the QnS poetry slam contest, with the prompt ‘a mans a man for a’ that’ by robert burns. Won joint first.

Chapters (1)

It is a common belief that with immortality comes a warped perception of time. The years blend together and decades pass in a blink of an eye.

Four hundred years after Luna's banishment, Princess Celestia wishes that those rumors were true.

Inspired by the 4everfreebrony's cover of Cyril the Wolf's "Millennium Alone".

Proofread by Reviewfilly and the anons of /fimfic/.

Chapters (1)

In the aftermath of Nightmare Moon's banishment, Celestia was left with grief. She lost Luna to the Nightmare's corruption, the Castle of the Two Sisters lay in ruin, and the Everfree was scarred by the battle. Despite everything, ponies call on her to lower the moon. So, the Princess is left with the Moon and her grief.

Featured November 17-18, 2022!
Companion piece to Interstellar
Part I in the Royal Pains AU

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to How Cutie Marks Came To Be

Ponies are used to constellations roaming the cave systems under Equestria but this was not always the case. They once dwelled in the skies above the world in their star kingdom. That was until the intervention of a powerful wizard named Greybeard who broke them free from their imprisonment in the sky and allowed them to roam freely on the land.

Chapters (1)

Sometimes something that we have at all times, something we consider mundane, can have amazing power. Twilight Sparkle discovers this.

Chapters (3)