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Ponyville is covered in complete darkness. Everyone is gone except for Twilight, Starlight, and Trixie. Together, the two ponies search for answers as they walk into the black.

An atmospheric horror and suspense story. I wrote the first half of this a year ago and decided to finish it on a whim. Based on a dream I had, pretty much beat for beat.

Chapters (1)

Luna has been entrusted with running the kingdom while her sister, Celestia, is away on a diplomatic mission to Griffinstone. With the nocturnal alicorn having to switch to daytime and preside over the Day Court in order to solve small issues and trivial matters, it has been so far a quiet week for the younger alicorn.

That is, until in the middle of the night, the phone starts to ring.

Written and Edited by: Bronie312

Proofread by: Alex, Contentgremlin, Player 4

"The Phone Call" is written for the A Thousand Words Contest III under the category of Drama

Chapters (1)

There was one thing that always bugged Twilight about her student, even long after her passing. So much so, that she could not live without an answer.

My entry into the thousand word contest!

Edited with the help of Muggonny, Sev, and RB

Chapters (1)

While exploring the decrepit remains of the Castle of Friendship, Sunny Starscout and her friends discover a strange book that might have belonged to Princess Twilight Sparkle herself. The book's contents resemble a series of letters that were apparently sent back and forth between Twilight and an unknown party.

At some point, Twilight stopped responding.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to We Don't Go Past The Garden Wall

Years pass by too fast. Applejack grows older, but does as she always has: she stays strong for her family. But the heart yet hungers. How long can she keep going alone? How long until her veins run dry? And if she stops, what was all of it for?

Written as part of the Expanding Universes 4 contest, an event in the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting server. The intention of this event was to submit a story that someone else would then have to write a story in the same universe, like a sequel or prequel.

My prompt was Caligari87's We Don't Go Past the Garden Wall, an absolutely fantastic short story that I needed to make a sequel to. I would recommend reading that first for context.

The fantastic cover art was made by Silent Whisper.

Chapters (1)

Twilight has recently come to the realization that Princess Cadence and Prince Blueblood are family, both having been adopted by Princess Celestia in their youth. Despite this, Twilight can't think of a time when she's ever seen Cadence and Blueblood interact, or even mention each other.

Determined to find out why, Twilight decides to ask Cadence herself. Cadence is understandably hesitant to mention her adopted brother, for reasons she believes to be very valid.

But when Blueblood ends up suddenly hospitalized with a serious illness, the complicated relationship and estranged family bonds are put to the ultimate test. Cadence must decide whether or not she can put aside her personal feelings and be there for her adopted brother when he needs her most.

(Featured on 6/24/2024.)

Chapters (1)

It is the first time that two creatures will be approaching the catastrophic planet. Never before has anything made by the inhabitants of Weil come close to it. What better creatures for this than two ponies?
Indeed, the mark on its surface, a crater, is one of the most recognized symbols in all of pony folklore. It's a symbol of peace, of joy, of fear and evil. Legends give it miraculous properties, as well as terrible corrupting powers.
Is there a link between this crater and pony folklore? Even if the planet is so far from Weil that it can't even be seen with the naked eye, it wasn't always the case. Millenia ago, it would have been visible in the night sky, barely smaller than the moon. Only for a brief period of time.

What will those two ponies find here? Are the legends true? And if they are, which ones? The good? Or the bad ones?

Warning: While there is no gore or physical violence so to speak, there are some disturbing things and implied pain. That's why the fic is rated "Teen". I don't think it needs the "Violence" tag, but I'm ready to add it if people deem it necessary. I'm also really bad with tags in general so I've put Horror and Dark because I think they do fit. Or, at least, the fic is intended that way.

Story written for the Science Fiction Contest III. I was planning on participating in the Wonderbolt Contest with another fic, but I couldn't do both in time, and this one was way more inspiring for me. So I did this one.
Art by Taïga Blackfield.
Music used: Ketsui to Kakugo (Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S)
Sweet Dreams (by RisenFromTheDust, from the album Beyond and Below of Neighsayer/Furtherproof & Feathers)
Light of the Seven (Game of Thrones)
We Die in Here All the Time (Borderlands 3)

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Apples and Pears Bloom at the Same Time

This is a place that isn't one.
This is the end before what's after.
This is where Pear Butter found herself to be.

Made for the thousand words contest (drama category, thought I made another drama one that won't be in the competition since it's only one entry)
Also serves as a "sequel" to one of my recent story. Not necessary to read this one. They just share the same universe and, in a way, join together. But they can be enjoyed seperatly, at least I intended them that way.

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom has no memories of her parents. But that's okay, it's not like Applejack and Big McIntosh knew them that much either.
One day, though, Granny finds an old album, with all the photos of their parents. And Apple Bloom notices something.

Inspired by The Hand That Takes from TJ Pones. I got other ideas on the same theme as well, but this one was the first one that really interested me.
Cover by emmaniac.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Hot Dragon Inaction

Ember and Spike's relationship has been getting pretty serious, the level of serious that starts to mandate certain conversations. Such as whether, if they do settle down, whether they want to bring a clutch of drakes into the family. The main problem is that the two of them are Busy with a capital B, and there's the question of whether they could make parenthood work with their respective packed schedules and the distances that are often between them.

However, there's another couple who has had a pretty hectic schedule, and their foal turned out pretty alright. And so Dragon Lord Ember and Spike the Brave and Glorious are now on the first train to the Crystal Empire to ask Cadance and Shining Armour for parenting advice.

And maybe they'll take some extra lessons along the way.

Written on commission, for Spamotron. If you'd like to commission me yourself, my rules are right here.
Also check out author Patreon and Ko-Fi.

Chapters (7)