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Perfectly Insane

I've been writing for, like, 8 years, and I still don't know what I'm doing. https://ko-fi.com/perfectlyinsane


There was one thing that always bugged Twilight about her student, even long after her passing. So much so, that she could not live without an answer.

My entry into the thousand word contest!

Edited with the help of Muggonny, Sev, and RB

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 50 )

Pure fire 🔥🔥🔥

Really well written.

A really creepy take on Twilight's OCD tendencies. Love it!

Cool. Thanks. I didn't want to sleep tonight anyway.

Twilight is scary when she hyperfixates, this was a very good (albeit startling) reminder of that :applecry:

I’m happy you decided to publish this 🙌🏽 great work bro!

“I’m sorry.”


Emil #6 · Last Tuesday · · 1 ·

Since Twilight has completely turned her back on friendship, one might suppose that her ability to use magic will surely fade away to nothingness before she destroys many more ponies.

Twilight couldn't, oh I don't know, ASK!? Can't she just do time travel? If she has the time to take away a ponies destiny, why not just go back in time, ask Starlight how she did what she did, and then she gets her awnser!

I swear, the Authors make Twilight both smart and dumb at the same time.

Always felt there was something missing in Starlight's back story. Where the heck did she learn magic so well she could keep up with Celestia-educated Alicorn Twilight and create new spells beyond anything we see Twilight come up with? Who taught her? Who was the Sidious to her Vader?

Somewhere, there is a sinister castle with the statue of a dark wizard who was tricked into looking at a Cockatrice. :pinkiehappy:

I love villain Twilight.

Kind of like she was written by Faust? A complete bookworm, idiot-savant, and social disaster raised in near isolation and trained by one of the most manipulative bitches out there. All to make her into a tool to first clean up said bitches failure as a sister then to take over so said bitch can retire while doing exactly as said bitch would. I mean what sort of mind thinks using a particularly nasty compulsion-based spell on an entire town just because she feels the need to write a weekly "friendship report" is a good idea? Or how about erasing magic from a world where entire species are literally sustained by magic. Exactly - one that is seriously sick. The kind that deep down doesn't doesn't give two hoots about anyone but what it wants.

I've worked with people like that and they are not good people. At all. First due to examplifying the whole "when you're only tool is a hammer every problem is a nail" mindset. To the point where they will smash everything around them to solve a problem in the one way they know. Second they have a profound lack of empathy and ethics due to a severe lack of social interaction and its attendant lessons in consequences. Meaning that they not only don't understand why their actions are hurting others, they plain don't care. At best its always case of "the good of the many/ greater good" - with them defining the many/ greater part so that they are always included. At worst they're your total sociopath oh feels that their victim deserves to suffer.

Toollight is why I stopped watching after the Nightmare arc. Aside from being boring as hell she's just plain disgusting if you strip back all the sugar coating.

When you mentioned the lesson zero episode, that made me realize that this is actually something Twilight might do.

I only watched up to Season 1 episode 13 at the moment but I do know the complete timeline of the entire show, however I like to pretend G5 doesn't exist, thank you very much.

Some Sith were actually self-taught. There was one, whose name I forget, that owned an asteroid mining company that stumbled on an asteroid that contained a nexus for the dark side. It just happened that said owner was not only force sensitive but - despite being an actually decent guy - extremely sensitive to the dark side. He got curious, put the money and connections he had to use, and got his hands on enough Jedi and Sith texts and holocrons to start learning. Once that was exhausted he did go out and look for other dark side users but as far as I know he was never an actual apprentice under the whole Rule of Two. Eventually he became an bonafide master of the dark side, along with staying a decent person and even more impressive dying of old age despite taking on apprentice.

We know Starlight was/ is as intelligent as Twilight and came from a family with some money. Even more she had/ has that same level of obsession, lack of empathy, etc. And Equastria is a place where you can find an artifact that will put an under-performing unicorn on par with its pseudo-gody rulers in a junk shop. Its not entirely impossible that after Sunburst left Starlight had a psychotic break and dove nose-first into some books and eventually found mention of a forgotten or forbidden text. Then was able to find said text in a store that didn't understand what it had, bought it, and just keep practicing whatever she could on whoever she could get away with until it all clicked. If that wasn't enough she could always go searching for various outcast unicorns and bribe them, trade spells, etc to get what she wanted.

Great story but i would have made her a painter or something more dramatic
"you took away who I am" juggling...
also, proceed? snowgrave????

BS - The Retconning aka G5
isn't canon to G4, so please keep that disaster out of this.
And if you hate Twilight this much, maybe you should simply stay away from stories like this?

Twilight has OCPD, not OCD.
Judging from your comment you have no idea what either actually is.

Twilight the powerful, ruthless idiot. Take #953
Not impressed

I have diagnosed OCD from a licensed psychiatrist, go fuck yourself lmao

But of course you do

Why don't you read this and go get a second opinion ^^

Lmao you really are a sad pathetic loser, commenting about other peoples' mental afflictions on a horsefiction website as if you know them. Newsflash buddy, you're not as smart or important as you think you are. Nobody actually gives a shit about your comments or what you think. You're a depressingly common sight on the internet, though. People love to assume they know everything about everyone else from only the briefest glimpse at them, or in this case, from a comment. Immediately hostile to people, too. Good lord I weep for your friends, if you somehow have any, because wow you must be a handful to deal with and they probably have to walk on eggshells around you.

Anyways, until you're a licensed psychiatrist like the one I saw from the ages of 8-19, you can do what I said before and go fuck yourself you twat. I can comment what I want to, I don't give a shit about the difference between the two when it was just a comment on a horse story.

fimfic keyboard warrior have a life challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


they probably have to walk on eggshells around you.

Wow, the irony.
And all just because I called out your nonsense. You're projecting way too hard.

You're an idiot lol

When people disagree with my professional diagnosis of a cartoon horse's mental disorders (I watched a scishow video so I'm basically an expert on the subject)

Is that an informed opinion you formed after you clicked the link, or do you just enjoy dog piles?
I have a suspicion

Obviously you care lol or is it just the "ocd" compelling you.
Also medicine is a practice because its way too easy to be wrong and get someone killed or overinflate someones ego
also im just commenting what i want and i think your the twat
Oh i didn't know that twi definitely has ocpd now that i know what it is. EVERY THING IN ITS PLACE AND EVERY PLACE HAS ITS THING.

Thanks for the great story i hope twi can find closure before her ponies decide to take back what's theirs. Also i would really think if shes retiring them she would have asked for willing subjects she is their god-queen after all she should have enough devotion for that

CHAV type beat. Why you gotta make a personal attack?
Fam didn't teach you manners? Or are you searching for something? I shouldn't type but shit like this makes me mad so I'm going to type. Mum gone sky for sure.

Oh god, you still log into Fimfic. Here's a website that can help you!

Also medicine is a practice because its way too easy to be wrong and get someone killed or overinflate someones ego

Look in the mirror, Lexie. You're the biggest egotistical commenter I've seen.


You sound like you haven't touched grass in ages. You should also use the website link above.

I especially love how they call me a twat but invalidate my mental disorder by putting it in quotations in the very same comment because apparently I don't have OCD due to a single comment on a story.

Very polite and not rude at all, I can't wait to call my psychiatrist back up and tell him I'm cured because of some people on Fimfic :)



That's what I said. Your point?

Wow, why did you just send me a selfie of yourself just now?

“Cutie mark experiment log seven: Subject has no relation to me, unlike the previous six, which should result in more objective testing and results. Aside from anomalies and diseases, Starswirl and Starlight Glimmer remain the only ponies in known history to manipulate cutie mark.”

This should either be plural or read 'the cutie mark' if she's talking about the concept of cutie marks. This appears at least one other time in the story.

Other than that, this was a nice little treat. Short, sinister, and nicely atmospheric. I would be interested in seeing a follow-up about her motives for doing these experiments.

Kind of like she was written by Faust? A complete bookworm, idiot-savant, and social disaster raised in near isolation and trained by one of the most manipulative bitches out there. All to make her into a tool to first clean up said bitches failure as a sister then to take over so said bitch can retire while doing exactly as said bitch would. I mean what sort of mind thinks using a particularly nasty compulsion-based spell on an entire town just because she feels the need to write a weekly "friendship report" is a good idea? Or how about erasing magic from a world where entire species are literally sustained by magic. Exactly - one that is seriously sick. The kind that deep down doesn't doesn't give two hoots about anyone but what it wants.

I mean this in the kindest possible way: are you okay?
G5 is an entirely separate franchise and entity. Even if you ignore things like internal inconsistencies it has, there isn't any reason to trash it or the people who enjoy it, just like there isn't any reason to try and force people who are only here for G4 to comply with G5 or take it into account. It may be intended as a sequel, but the medium itself complicates how that works -- it isn't like a book where only one person wrote it and had all the intent on a continuation. If the author doesn't have any intent on showing a connection between G5 and G4, there isn't any reason to force it.
11943165 Twilight is a fictional character with no confirmed diagnoses. Information in canon could suggest her having either for those who headcanon it, though if we take only pure canon into account, OCD would be the more likely of the two. Personality disorders require histories of trauma in the majority of cases and family histories of similar conditions. If you headcanon Twilight as having OCPD, that's fine, but it doesn't mean that you have the right to be a dick about it and impose your view on everyone else. If anything, the burden of proof is on you.
Are you... seriously trying to suggest someone doesn't know about a disability that they were diagnosed with? I've known Seven for years; he's a great friend of mine. In all the time I've known him, I've been aware that he has OCD. Once again, imposing your view of a character on everyone else not only doesn't make sense, it's rude and inconsiderate. You can't technically diagnose fictional characters with mental health conditions in most cases, especially when a) you're not a mental health professional and b) the character is written by multiple people over the years. The most you can do is have an informed headcanon. OCD themes and variants are effectively limitless and there isn't any way to 'rule out' the possibility that Twilight has it. As viewers, all we can say for sure is that characters have the tendencies of certain disorders. The opposite extreme to what you're doing would be for someone to deny that various characters have the tendencies of X, Y, and Z.


You're projecting way too hard.

The only irony I see is the one stemming from your chain of comments; it’s palpable. If you had any self-awareness you would not be throwing out that word as casually as you just did.


G5 is an entirely separate franchise and entity

G5 isn't canon to G4

Exactly what I said.

If the author doesn't have any intent on showing a connection between G5 and G4, there isn't any reason to force it.

G5 isn't canon to G4, so please keep that disaster out of this.

"Force it"? What the heck are you even talking about?

Good link. You should read it yourself.

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) is different than Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). OCPD is a personality disorder; individuals with this disorder are generally inflexible; have a strong bent toward perfectionism and orderliness; and are deeply concerned with rules, systems, and details.

If you have Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD), you may have difficulty completing projects because you tend to get caught up in completing every detail perfectly. People with OCPD may achieve at a high level and be very good at detailed and complex work. However, they are often unable to deal with any deviance from their self-imposed rules, timelines, or schedules. These rules or requirements may not make sense to anyone but them, and can cause difficulty in interactions with others.

The very first paragraphs on the site you linked.
Which purple horse does that remind you of?
If you wanted to prove my point, well done sir.

Besides, wanna take a guess why I care about the distinction ?
I just don't carry it as a shield against criticism.


your chain of comments

Interesting, please elaborate.
Because I had hardly said anything at that point.
Two short posts.
It's ok if you want to join the pile, but pls try to make sense.


Interesting, please elaborate

try to make sense.

Nah, the response was straightforward and perfectly understandable provided you do actually know the definitions of the words you’ve been using so flippantly. You know what you wrote, what I wrote, and the context therein, figure it out.

Side note, you made seven posts before I replied, not two. I can see everything you write after the post I initially commented on, I don’t have to reply to the latest one. But even I'll admit that's a semantic argument. Honestly, I don’t even know why that part of the comment stuck out you, it was the most irrelevant part of that entire sentence.


"Force it"? What the heck are you even talking about?

In the examples I gave, I provided what opposite conduct would be. That is obviously one of those examples.

Good link. You should read it yourself.

You do realize that everyone reads the links that they send you?

The very first paragraphs on the site you linked.
Which purple horse does that remind you of?
If you wanted to prove my point, well done sir.

All of the examples that you highlighted can also occur in individuals with OCD. The particular ones you put in bold are common examples of things that OCD complicates for people (like completing projects and avoidance) or symptoms common in multiple variants of OCD. The ones I can think of that embody the remaining bolded parts the most would be scrupulosity (which is, in fact, a form of OCD), 'just right' OCD, and perfectionism OCD. All of these are different from OCPD because they're an anxiety disorder. Personality disorders impact different parts of the brain, differ in intensity, differ in treatment, and virtually every other feature. You need a trained professional to help in cases with differential diagnosis -- which, in their most simple form, are the conditions that could be mistaken for what a patient has and even increase the chance of misdiagnosis. The areas of life impacted by a personality disorder are much more severe and hard to treat compared to those of an anxiety disorder. People with personality disorders display a range of symptoms that people with anxiety disorders do not have. Diagnosing a mental health condition means also ruling out what the individual doesn't show.

None of us can diagnose Twilight Sparkle with any of these conditions. She is a fictional character and none of us are trained professionals. You can headcanon her as having a condition, but that doesn't mean you have a right to mistreat others for having a different (and entirely plausible) headcanon. You should note that Seven also only said that Twilight had "OCD tendencies" which is the correct way to refer to the behavior of someone that you can't diagnose. At no point is he saying that Twilight Sparkle most assuredly has OCD. He only said that he has it.

Besides, wanna take a guess why I care about the distinction ?
I just don't carry it as a shield against criticism.

It doesn't matter. Just like it doesn't matter if I have OCD, OCPD, or none of those at all. The content of my comment -- and of your comment -- is what is being criticized here. You are attempting to correct something that never needed corrected and displaying ignorance in both how you comment and how you answer others. No one here is conflating OCD with OCPD or the other way around. Everyone present is perfectly aware that they are distinct conditions. Perfectly Insane's story isn't even about either of these conditions.

Dude, I don't even know what narrative you've constructed here.
EveilTreeRat ranted about Twilight's behavior in G5 lore, I told them to keep G5 out of a discussion about G4 since they're two separate things.
How did that statement lead to you lecturing me on how the author shouldn't be forced to make a connection between fim generations?
You're barking up the wrong tree.

You do realize that everyone reads the links that they send you?

Pft, are you serious? You should visit the internet someday, it's a place where ppl will post the first link google spits out so they can prove how right they are.

All of the examples that you highlighted ....

Why are you still trying to twist the wording of the text you linked?
I have a full shelf with physical books on the subject right here in my man cave.

Besides, wanna take a guess why I care about the distinction ?
I just don't carry it as a shield against criticism.

It doesn't matter

Lol. Oh, right. Because it only matters when it's in defense of your buddy.
I think there's a word for that.

I wouldn’t bother trying to use any sort of reasoning or logic with this guy. It’s wasted due to his not-so-subtle use of deflection and avoidance. He can’t and won’t respond to anyone's statements because he’s full of shit and he knows it, so he’s choosing to ignore a majority of them, almost entirely, in fact. Look at his replies, he’s just writing words- there’s no substance behind any of them. He is a textbook example of someone starting a fight they can’t finish. It’s kind sad actually, I’ve seen novice trolls last longer than this guy in an online ‘debate’.

But, hey, credit where credit is due; he didn’t immediately resort to some asinine redditor statement like ‘cope and seethe’ or some dumb shit like that the moment he felt he ‘lost’. But by god if still isn’t unironically doing the exact thing he accused another of.

You are attempting to correct something that never needed corrected and displaying ignorance in both how you comment and how you answer others.

displaying ignorance in both how you comment and how you answer others.

I know you know this given the comment I just highlighted, with emphasis on the latter portion of your statement, but I thought I’d just urge you to move on and not waste another second of your valuable time. I assure you it’s more important than this guy.

You should go bother someone else if you're gonna act this way, broski.

This story accomplishes a lot in 1k. Does a good job of setting up the atmosphere and providing enough context to get the gist of what's happening. Nice work!

What's a bit scary about this is I could totally see Twilight doing something like this if she got neurotic enough. Not to mention the fact that the story seems to imply she tried this already with the rest of the Mane Six and possibly Starlight Glimmer as the sixth. Well, either that or she tried it on herself. Now that I say that, I wonder if she got into this state by testing cutie mark removal and restoration on herself first, but then that failed and altered her personality to that of a faded version of herself. In any case, the premise is interesting, and the characterization of Twilight is chilling. Well done.

Trying to correct someone for a claim that they never actually made (and rudely doing so) is mind boggling. You will notice that Lucky never said Twilight has OCD, but rather that she displays OCD tendencies. It wasn't a diagnosis but an observation that Twilight possesses some traits characteristic to the condition. If you wanted to educate fellow readers or share information you didn't believe others were aware of, you could have done so without being antagonistic and falsely attacking someone.

I would suggest apologizing but you seem to lack the capacity to be a decent human being.

Your comment was really nice, thank you. I don't personally headcanon the characters as having any sorts of mental deficiencies, illnesses, or disorders. I just noticed some traits. Pinkie displays traits of ADHD such as constantly moving around and sometimes not being able to stop laughing, but that doesn't mean she has it in the same way I don't think Twilight has OCD. For the record, I have ADHD as well, so I noticed these things. That's really all there is to it.

If he had simply corrected me and been nice about it, that would be one thing. But to sit there and state I must know nothing about either and then double down after being told I have OCD is wild, and then for another person here to put "OCD" in quotes as if I'm faking having it.

Yeah, I clearly fake having to have things an exact way before I can sleep like a specific temperature in my room (69F), only a few blinds (specific ones) open, having a night light in a specific outlet because if it's in another one my brain believes it might not be as bright, and literally rearranging my room simply because it looked a little funny when I got home. That happens like three times a year.

Or how about when I eat my food and I have to eat it one item at a time, from smallest to largest for that item. After all, if I don't eat the largest one last it feels like I ate less food and I'll have to get more.

But yeah all that stuff was made up to win an argument on Fimfic. The fact that guy claims to have OCPD but is being so callously dismissive of my own disorder is not lost on me. Sad.

Of course, the man with a wolf fursona would have the most mentally ill takes.

Comment posted by ShadowLegacy13 deleted Yesterday

Made a audio adaptation of this amazing fic I hope you all enjoy it https://open.spotify.com/episode/4kcCKSPd8TuM7NEYSyNibn?si=IPU83gd9Ta-blOdXVzuk0g

I feel bad for this story being overshadowed by a random asshole starting shit, cos it actually is a cool story and i wish it would get a sequel since im really invested in this

Excellent story, less than excellent comment section.

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