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Some say that death is a peace most mortals have at the end of their life. For the Knight, preventing the Shade Lord was a sacrifice worth achieving for Hallownest. The Absolute Radiance was destroyed thanks to the aid of the Godseeker's power to summon the Shade Lord. Now the Knight finds itself, with Grimmchild, in Equestria, going through journeys with six of Equestria's best hopes to stop all evil.

However, will they be able to help the Knight go back home? What about its siblings? Did the Pale King also end up here?

All questions the Knight must find answers for while aiding its new home.

Credit of the cover art goes to: Elin_Buse

Chapters (10)

Starswirl’s mirror. A gateway to other worlds. Infinate possibility. In one timeline, it took Sunset Shimmer to Canterlot High. But where else could it have led? This is a tale of a world far different from what you know. Join Sunset on her decent into the depths of a ruined kingdom, as she learns of it’s glory and folly. Join Sunset, as she takes part in the legend of the Hollow Knight.

Chapters (5)

Nobody has seen the Sirens since the Battle of the Bands, and nearly everyone is fine with that. Months later, Sunset Shimmer feels her entire life is going better then it ever was since the Fall Formal. She has her best friends, the school no longer hates her, and it's summer vacation.

One night on her way back home from band practice, she finds the three powerless Sirens who are now homeless. Deciding to be a nice person, she takes them in, but the question becomes how long will they stay? And what will happen to them in the future?

Commissioned by: Dashhole

Edited by The Myth and DBZorDie and InsanityCorps

Chapters (8)

A young man who's dying with less than a year left in good health decides to put his fate in the Tarot Cards and follow a rumor, hoping for it to be true. Cosplaying as Velvet Room Resident Minato he searches and finds the Mercant and makes a special order.

With access to the Wild Card he will change his fate, seek out the truth and break the chains of rebellion in order to find his true purpose in existence and make sure to enjoy every second of it as the new Messiah of Equestria.

(This is a traditional displaced story)
(I want to give this genre a try and just have fun with it. This story will however not take place in the displaced multiverse, at least I don't plan too. Might change in the future but I want the story to get a proper start first before I do any crossovers.)
(The sex tag is more for descriptions, innuendos and other sexual implications.)

Mlp owned by Hasbro
Persona and Shin Megami Tensei is owned by Atlus

Chapters (8)

Chrysalis has heard rumors of a crystal mirror having the power to take ponies to other worlds, where they gain powers that put them on par with the likes of Princess Celestia or even the Spirit of Disharmony himself. She wishes to use the mirror for her own ends, so she can gain the power to finally have her revenge on the ponies that have taken everything from her and maybe regain her empire in the process. The world she finds, however, is the dark interior of a ship that is being overrun by dead creatures that will stop at nothing to kill her and the repair crew that came to fix the ship.

She must quickly get used to her new body while fighting the hordes of the dead, come to terms with all of the horrible decisions she has made over the years, and maybe see the light that the ponies talk about... provided that she, and her new companions, don't get killed first.

(Dead Space/ MLP Crossover)
(Part of the Universe 13 story series, though reading the other stories is not required)

Chapters (56)

A month after Sunset Shimmer entered the portal that's located in the base of the Wondercolt statue, and disappeared without a trace, Adagio and her sisters decide that its time to investigate what really happened and see where the missing girl went. When they enter the portal themselves, however, they are brought to what appears to be another world without magic, until an explosion of some kind knocks them onto their backs and awakens something new inside them. Despite being wounded they help a survivor of the explosion to his feet and help him find his way back to his friends, while witnessing the power that woke up inside him.

When Cole MacGrath awakens from his ordeal he and the Dazzlings begin training with their new powers, while the Dazzlings try to control their excitement about having some sort of magical nature again, even if their new powers are different than their old ones. Once a few days pass the four of them venture out into the decaying city, determined to stop the Reapers and to find a way to save the city... while at the same time the Dazzlings learn what it means to truly be heroes.

(InFamous/ MLP Crossover)
(Part of the Universe 13 story series, though reading the other stories is not required)

Chapters (50)

This story is a sequel to Dragon Ball Z: Daughters of Destruction

Sunset Shimmer thought it was over when the last of the displaced ponies returned to Equus and resumed their normal lives, even though she was the God of Destruction for their universe, the newly official Universe 13. What she wasn't expecting, however, was for the Grand Priest to call all the Gods of Destruction, their Angels, and the thirteen Kaioshin to Zeno's palace for an announcement that would change the face of the thirteen universes. There they discover that multiple universes would be required to take part in the Tournament of Power, where teams of ten from the chosen universes would be all that stood between that universe surviving or being erased from existence.

Even as the displaced ponies gather together for one last adventure, to save their universe in case they were called to battle once more, they know they must be careful, as the other universes weren't to be underestimated... and there was no telling just how powerful the fighters from the other universes would be.

(Dragon Ball Super/ MLP Crossover)
(Finale of the Universe 13 story series.)

Chapters (40)

Sombra, the dreaded King of Darkness, was defeated and his body shattered, but his dark soul survived the return of the Crystal Empire and went into hiding. Some time later it found a path between worlds, a mirror portal, and arrived in a place called Hueco Mundo, where it gained a new body to start a new life. In the process Sombra loses his memories and becomes a shell of his former self, searching for something that he knows that he lost while having no idea where to find what he was missing.

Along the way he somehow finds his way to Karakura Town, into the hands of Kisuke Urahara, and learns more about his new body than he could have learned on his own, before coming into contact with Ichigo Kurosaki and his small group of friends. From there he starts an epic journey to help them save another friend from a terrible fate, fight the people that were in their way, and face an evil that was hiding in plain sight at the same time... along with finding out what happened to his missing memories.

(Bleach/ MLP Crossover)
(Part of the Universe 13 story series, though reading the other stories is not required)
(Also, the story will not include the Fullbring or the Thousand Year War Arcs)

Chapters (75)

This story is a sequel to A Mother's Wish

For centuries a certain alicorn has been trapped in another dimension, living quietly, and avoiding being seen by the human eye. When she finally found a way home, her spell went wrong, and it pulled a human consciousness in with her.

That said, consciousness is me, Alex. I woke up one day, only to discover that I had turned into a pony, but I didn't turn into just any pony. I became a pony known as Lauren Faust, the mother to Celestia and Luna. Now I’m living in the Canterlot castle; I have a bunch of royals acting like children, changelings running around, and an ancient alicorn prankster stuck inside my head. All I can say is things get a little hectic.

Prequel is an optional side story.

Rewrite/Return to FimFiction.
You can find the original story HERE

Big thanks to STTPStudio for creating a reading of this story.

Chapters (11)

Today was a shaping up to be a bad day, Apple Bloom had been running for her life in the Everfree forest. Now she didn't even know if she was even in the same forest anymore. She had never before seen trees so tall, and never before had she met something so strange.

Something ancient.
Something overflowing with old and powerful magic.
Something green.

Chapters (1)