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This story is a sequel to Never Any Doubt

Needing advice on an important project, Twilight, Tempest, and their friends work to reopen the mirror portal, and rescue a former student of Celestia's... Sunset Shimmer.

Note: This story assumes the backstory for Sunset presented in: Sunset -- Part I and Part II.

For more of this AU, see: By the Light of the Moon

And also check out the series, beginning with Not Exactly Friends.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Without Your Cutie Mark

The Great and Powerful Trixie has her eye on a place in Twilight's circle of friends at Celestia's School... and then suddenly discovers it may be her only chance to stay at the School...

For more of this AU, see: Saving Sunset Shimmer (Note: You could also optionally take a detour through its backstory prequels: Sunset -- Part I and Part II.)

And check out the series, beginning with Not Exactly Friends.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Shelter of the Storm

Starlight Glimmer decides to accompany Sunburst when he goes to start classes at Celestia's School. It's the worst possible day in her entire life... that is, until a chance encounter with a certain plume-maned unicorn...

For more of this AU, see: Never Any Doubt

And also check out the series, beginning with Not Exactly Friends.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Not Exactly Friends

On a dark night, in a gathering storm, Tempest waits to walk Twilight back to her room... and is almost certain that something is out there, watching her...

For more of this AU, see: Without Your Cutie Mark

And also check out the series, beginning with Not Exactly Friends.

Chapters (1)

There's a new filly in Celestia's school, who finds making friends difficult. She's seated next to a filly who could care less about making friends. Neither is exactly friend material... but sometimes you just have to take a risk...

For more of this AU, see:

Series 1:

Series 2:

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Kindler

Hollow Knight Crossover

With the kindler rescued, Grimm brings Hearth with him as he travels to Canterlot, invited to Equestria's capital to meet the newest princess, a young Princess Cadance. The God of Nightmares brings with him a warning to Equestria's doorstep, yet his attempts to mitigate the future damage fall on deaf ears as The Goddess of the Sun is confident in her own plans to handle her wayward sister...

Featured 11/5/2021 (Um what? Didn't expect that, awesome!)
Featured 30/7/2021
Featured 8/8/2021
Featured 13/8/2021

Chapters (7)

Hollow Knight Crossover

A kindler is a different breed of changeling. Part of The Scarlet Hive, there is one of their kind found in every hive across the world, and in each they monitor the resources to sustain the population and judge the effectiveness of a Queen's rule.

The Badlands Hive in Equestria is slowly starving itself to death, and her Kindler voices their concerns when brought before The Queen...

Chapters (1)

Just for Harmony and the Sisters, Discord decided to take things a bit seriously the second time around.

Now seemingly unopposable on his Chaos Throne, King Discord has all of Equestria at his clawtips.

His very first decree? The very first royal act of chaos? The moment that may define his reign?

Pardoning Mane Six.

Wait, what?

Discord's reign will be filled with surprises, chief being how the draconequus is far from malevolent to those in his lands, despite what the ponies have been told. It seems that while Equestria belongs to Discord now, but he does play(mostly) responsibly.

And as time goes on, the appeal of Chaos can worm its way into most any heart.

NOTE: Not a tyrantlestia fic.

Chapters (3)

Who is Discord? Where did he come from? How did he get so powerful? Why did he unleash a reign of Chaos over young Equestria?

After defeating the Tantabus, Princess Luna is visited in her dreams by a batpony. He claims to be Discord yet acts very different from him. In the waking world, Discord's explanation leaves her shocked.

The Alicorn of the Night is about to get a front row seat to unraveling the mysterious past of Discord. Aided by none other than Discord's Masks, the mindsets and personalities from his past. However, what she and others find are more than just answers:

After all, some of the Cords don't forgive easily and none of them forget.

AN Cover Art from Elbdot on deviantart- The image is linked to the source page.

Chapters (3)

Immortals have a large amount of time on their hands and when they have access to the multi-verse there is little preventing them from experimenting. After watching the adventures of a certain six in one it uses that one as a base model as it searches for one that parallels it near exactly. Out of curiosity it adds another major element to this universe and sits back to observe just what will happen.

With her soul taken from another universe and thrust into this new one a young filly has to live her life with no memory of her past and thrown into danger. It's only through some agent of luck that she doesn't lose her new life as soon as she arrives and even finds a new family at the same time. As time passes she finds new friends and with them goes on adventures that change all their lives and all to satisfy the curiosity of some unknown creature.

(tentative title name, suggestions welcome)

Chapters (70)