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"Crystal Synergy used to be a middle-aged brony before she abruptly appeared as a young filly at the spot where lightning had struck the ground out of the clear blue sky, roughly two years before the Sonic Rainboom. She only wants to help. What could possibly go wrong?" :pinkiehappy:

"I can't believe you just said that, Pinkie..." :facehoof:

Crystal has lived ten years with fading memories about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic canon and fanon, the first two of which were spent unable to make any but the most illegible notes as she tried to keep them separated in her head. Not helping matters is the fact that while things mostly seem to be lining up with what she thinks is canon, there is a difference between events as presented in the thirty-minute blocks of a show aimed at a younger demographic (and intended to help sell toys) and living in that setting as a real world with a dynamic history. And she's not quite sure which version of Equestria she's actually in, but things seem to be just enough like what Crystal Synergy believes to be canon that she thinks she has a fair idea of what may happen, and how to help navigate or circumvent some of the more worrying problems looming on the horizon.

A little foreknowledge couldn't hurt, right?

A little foreknowledge can prove to be a very dangerous thing indeed. Especially when you aren't sure which bits of foreknowledge are actually true. And just ignoring the foreknowledge doesn't help either, because some of it is true...

A bit of a grab bag of categories: AU and Human should be self explanatory, but Random was selected because the story fluctuates between serious and silly, adventure and slice-of-life, and black-and-white values vs. blue-and-orange values.

[img]https://i.postimg.cc/sDLsnphg/Princess-Columbia-s-List-Badge.png[/img] Featured on Princess Columbia's List on 9/25/2019

Chapters (11)

Princess Luna was never loved amongst her ponies. Her older sister Celestia always got all the attention. Princess Luna even questioned herself why she even became a princess. Her Ponies never bothered to look at the night sky. All they cared about her sister's warming sun.

One night she found something in Everfree forest. Something that changed her entire life.....forever.

It was a child. A child named....Ori who is a Spirit Guardian who was separated from his father the Spirit tree.

Luna took Ori in and raised him as her own. She loved him so much that she began to change more and more. Luna began to care more about being a mom than her royal duties. They had happy life together, but not all good things last forever.

Luna is banished to the moon. A giant owl named Kuro takes the spirit Tree's light and Everfree forest begins to dye and starts to attract hostel creatures like Timber Wolves, Manticores, Hydras and Cockatrices.

Will Ori ever set Luna free ? Will he help Sein get to back to the Spirit Tree before its too late ?

Discover what really happend before Luna became Nightmare Moon. Discover the true secrets of Everfree forest. Discover how everything in pony history came to be. COMPASSION is Magic

Cover art by The-Butcher-X http://the-butcher-x.deviantart.com/

Chapters (3)

Dead Quiet is a necromancer, not a take over the world necromancer. Not a destroy all ponies and have zombies as the master race necromancer. And certainly not bring dead heros back to life and use them as undead knights to over throw everything. No, Dead Quiet is just another pony trying to live her uneventful life. But destiny has a way of making lives very eventful.

Intended as a short 1 chapter story but I kinda got in a relationship with it while proof-reading it.

Chapters (8)

Almost a year after what seemed to be the concluding battle in Celestia's great crusade against necromancers, something Mortem believes to be borderline discrimination, he discovers one of Celestia's armies setting up camp just outside his stronghold.

Not wanting to jump to any conclusions or risk angering the very powerful Princess, he concludes a diplomatic solution would be the best way forward. And so, he writes a letter.

Proofread by the wonderful Soren Mercer
Featured on Equestria Daily here
Audiobook versions by Illya Leonov and TheArchitect are here and here respectively
SoundCloud verion of Illya Leonov's is here

Chapters (1)

Angelic Chorus was an average young filly from her hometown on the edge of the Badlands. At least she was until her entire home was massacred by a necromantic blight leaving her a twisted wreck with little hope of survival. Yet due to the intervention of the incarnation of death himself she was saved and now lives only to avenge her hometown with the very powers that were used to destroy it.

Tags subject to change as chapters are released. Updates whenever other stories won't cooperate.

Takes place after Tirek but before Starlight.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Chaos is Displaced. The Tale of Loki!

Home is where my heart is, now I just have to find it. You know in a Void of Infinite realities. This should be "Fun".

After defeating the evil Twilight, Loki now lost in the void. Unable to find his Equestria he is forced to travel though the void itself.

Can he make a difference as the newly titled God of Balance, or would he fail to live up to the name?

All in all with two voices in his head a least he wouldn't go bored.

Co-written with thunderclap

Chapters (14)

In Brightest Night in Darkest Day, we use the fear you kept at bay. To fight the wrong and make evil pay, Sinestro's path, it is our way!

After buying a Sinestro Corps power ring from a mysterious vendor at ComicCon, Simon Jones finds himself in Equestria as a Sinestro Lantern version of Hal Jordan. Using the yellow light of fear, Hal becomes Equestria's resident anti-hero, facing down threats from the Green Lantern mythos as well as threats faced alongside the Mane 6/Elements of Harmony, and even some threats that don't fall into either category, all while seeking out ponies, griffons, and dragons to recruit into his Corps.

Story 1 of Phase 1 of The Lantern-Verse. Co-written with Hopelight

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle, Captain of the Red Wings of Colton, has misgivings after her last mission to Maresidia. Voicing her misgivings, however, causes her to lose her position. Little does she know that her demotion is just the beginning of a new adventure, one which will encompass her world... and beyond.

An attempting at retelling the story of Final Fantasy IV, with ponies. NOT, however, a glorified walkthrough. Elements of the story WILL be changed to better fit the characters.

New title card courtesy of Aakashi on DeviantART.

Chapters (15)

The Hive has suffered generation after generation of cruel rulers. After a fateful wedding, a fateful bite, they finally have a star to guide therm through the night.

An apology story for those who have been waiting for my first book. School has been killing me, but I pinkie promise i WILL finish this one. I'll probably rewrite my first book.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to A Passing Through Kamen Rider

Almost one year has passed since we last left Wyatt Matthews. In that time he and his friends have been preparing for the fight against Dai-Shocker. With their goal of taking the fight to the universe conquerors in sight, Wyatt is left with questions. Why does Dai-Shocker want to capture him? And can he defeat them before he ever has to find out?

Chapters (3)