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This story is a sequel to The Dresden Fillies: False Masks

It's been a while since the girls have seen their good friend Harry Dresden. Discord escaped, Luna attended her first Nightmare Night, the Royal Wedding was crashed by hordes of changelings, and Pinkie Pie threw a statistically improbable number of parties. They tried inviting Dresden, but between his new job and new apprentice, he always claimed to be too busy. The solution was obvious; if he couldn't come to his friends, they needed to go visit him. Besides, they say Earth is lovely this time of year. What could go wrong?

Chapters (14)

Collected here are the various omakes, bonus chapters and any other extra content from the Dresden Fillies series.

All of the following are non-canon to the Dresden Fillies series, except 'Ditzy Dream' and 'Obsidian Journeys' which are companion pieces to 'The Dresden Fillies: False Masks'. All stories containing spoilers will include a disclaimer.

Story image by Jameson9101322

Chapters (9)

After the slumber party at Rarity's, the humane 5 are shocked to discover that the pictures that were taken during the slumber party have been posted on Anon-A-Miss's page for the whole school to see. pictures that were taken using Sunset's phone.

Naturally the girls assumed that Sunset was Anon-A-Miss and when she didn't show up at School it further proved her guilt. But when they visited her apartment using the spare key Sunset gave Rainbow Dash in case of an emergency, they discover a very ill Sunset resting on her bed.

Pushing their anger aside to aid their sick friend the girls soon discover that Sunset is not Anon-A-Miss as whoever it is made a post while they were watching Sunset.

Now as they figure out who Anon-A-Miss could be, Sunset's fever continues to get worse and when her body starts flashing red, they realize that whatever Sunset has is beyond their world's ability to treat.

Chapters (22)

Anon-a-Miss has invaded Canterlot High and the girls think that Sunset did it! How can she ever regain her honor?

Mortal Kombat, of course. Equestrian Tradition dictates that challenges are to be issued and duels are to be performed. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack are all well aware of these facts.

The CMCs, however, haven't had that particular Social Studies class, and now they have started to realize what they have unleashed.

Reading by StraightToThePointStudio

Chapters (1)

Warning: This story and this description both contain spoilers for the Web Novel: Worm. If you don't want to be spoiled, read Worm first, then come back and read this

The apocalypse had come at the hand of a god-like multidimensional alien entity. Taylor Hebert, a parahuman with power over bugs and bug-like things has her powers altered by a former enemy and subsequently uses morally questionable means to make everyone in existence with superpowers fight this evil deity, eventually defeating him.

This however came with a cost. Her mind was deteriorating as her power was subsuming her. Thus another cape decided it would be a mercy to put a pair of bullets in the back of her skull.

Another entity witnessed all of this. This entity, grateful for Taylor's role in stopping this alien god and thus saving countless worlds and thus countless lives, decides to intervene. It brings Taylor to Equestria turning her into a Changeling Queen in the process.

(Warning, Dark, Death, and/or Tragedy may be added to the list of tags in the future, depending on how things go. Furthermore, the Suicide tag is for the references to suicide in the description and in the first chapter. Suicide and/or self harm will NOT be a major theme in this story.)

(This is a crossover with the web novel called Worm by the author Wildbow. I highly recommend reading it if you haven't, it's a really good story!)

Chapters (17)

After being impaled by Cinder during the Battle of Haven, Weiss finds herself in a new world, one filled with ponies. A world on the edge of war.

Crossover with RWBY Post Volume 5

Set in Equestria at War universe

Thanks for all the support!
Featured!! 4/21/2023
Featured!! 4/24/2023
Featured!! 5/3/2023
Featured! 12/23/2023
Featured! 1/4/2023
Featured! 2/28/2024
Featured! 5/10/2024

Cover art done by Seon1ce for the story and logo done by Zereleuer

Chapters (18)

Pinocchio wasn't the only wooden puppet to become a real person.

There are other puppets out there, animal-like beings controlled by quasi-intelligent trees. Ponies call them timberwolves and know them as nothing but beasts. But what happens if one of those beasts were to gain the intelligence and ambition of one of the most successful hunters in the universe, a human?

This story loosely shares continuity from Split Second: An Eternity Divided. Reading that is not required at all.

Has a Tv Tropes page.
Featured on EQD: 10/2/2015

Chapters (15)

Devin Hall, a former human of sound mind is randomly catapulted into the magical world of Equis in an unfamiliar body. Hopefully with some help, he will be able to find a way home or at least adjust to this new world filled with magic and sorcery. However, during his stay in Equestria he is asked to help out the nation with one of it's most important matters to date. Unfortunately, this is much easier said than done.

This is a HIE story that I just wanted to write the first chapter to. If it gains some momentum, I will continue to add chapters. Rated T for cursing and implied sexual situations. Rating may change depending on feedback.

Update: Just got a cover art for the story and I am so very proud of it! It was drawn by my amazing friend Dreamy (Link here, who you should go support by either commissioning her or supporting her on ko-fi. She is seriously an amazing artist!)

Chapters (9)

Loyalty; Generosity; Laughter; Honesty; Kindness; Magic;
These are the pillars upon which Equestrian society stands. Upon these principles, Harmony is maintained, and civilization flourishes.

But there are other magics in this world. Intelligent life requires three things:
Wisdom, to decide upon an action.
Courage, to go through with the action.
Power, to carry out the action.

An individual with Wisdom, Courage, and Power... can change the world.

Evil unlike any Equestria has ever seen has come to the Everfree, and through proximity, Ponyville. The Mane 6 must attempt to overcome the darkness they are faced with; it will not be easy.

But they will not face such evil alone.

The Hero has come.

A Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess and MLP crossover.

Chapters (48)

Heroes, those who are touched by Fate and Destiny itself, can’t help but leave a mark in the life of others. Unknowingly entwining their destinies together due to their sheer presence, forever altering the destiny of those they interact with. Leaving behind marks that can persist long after they are gone. And Link was no exception to this rule.

Something that all those who ever met Link could easily attest, especially when they find themselves accidentaly turned into new beings and in a whole new dimension due to that.

This will be a series of non-Canon omakes and short-stories to my story The Power of Freedom, depicting various other characters of the Zelda franchise appearing in the universe of the story, their many adventures and misadventures, and all the chaos and shenanigans that shall ensue due to that.

Reading the main story is not necessary to read and enjoy this, but it would make things flow more smoothly in my opinion. If you haven’t read it, just know that the setting is that the Main Characters of the Zelda franchise, Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf, were turned into ponies and transported to the ancient days of the Pony Tribes, before the first Hearts Warming Eve.

Beta Reader: The amazing Emtu!
Featured! 11/27/2020

Chapters (3)