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Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.
- Mahatma Gandhi

A young minotaur on the brink of adulthood goes to learn about his clan’s proud history from his wise grandfather. Of the duty and legacy he now must uphold.

He is told of the beginnings of his species proud nation. Of the great deeds of their forefather, and how, through his indomitable will, he reshaped the world itself despite all odds and hardships.

That, in the end, there is no greater strength than an unbreakable will.

This is a Canon-compliant Omake to my story The Power of Freedom, meaning that what happens here happened ‘off-screen’ in the main story.

Reading the main story isn’t necessary to appreciate and understand this, but it would make it far more enjoyable in my opinion.

Beta Reader: The Amazing Emtu!
Featured! 09/27/2020; 09/28/2020

Chapters (1)

Cutie Marks are an everyday, but extremely important aspect of pony life. They showed a pony’s greatest skills and talents, interests and aspirations, some would go so far as to say that they allowed a glimpse at a pony’s very soul itself.

If you could interpret the darned things, that is. Something that, more often than not, was easier said than done, especially when one considers the myriad of ways even the simplest of symbols can be interpreted and analyzed, and the many, many meanings even the most basic of marks could have.

As such, upon making three strange new friends with very similar and unique-looking Cutie Marks, young Singing Blossom couldn’t help but wonder: What did their Cutie Marks mean?

This is a Canon-Compliant Omake for my story The Power of Freedom, meaning that basically what happens here happened off-screen in the main story.

In this, we see Singing finally getting her answer to the question she first tried to ask Ganondorf during chapter V, about what his Cutie Mark means.

Timeline wise this tale took place around chapters XI to XII of the main story.

Beta Reader: The Amazing Emtu!

Featured! 05/28/2021;05/29/2021; 05/30/2021

Chapters (1)

Certain aspects of the palace have been stable for a long time, and the longer that time has gone on, the harder they are to shift -- no matter how badly Luna might desire it. But one tapestry is undeniably ugly. It's been ugly for more than a thousand years. And so she's going to do what should have been done centuries ago and simply kick it out.

Inanimate objects have a way of returning to the scene of the crime.

(A stand-alone, no prior-reading-necessary part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group: new members and trope edits are welcome. )

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Dedicated to Bill Veeck

Chapters (1)

The sun has gone out over Equestria, sending Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends off to Canterlot to deal with whatever new villain has caused the disaster.

...thankfully, it turns out to be a far smaller problem than anticipated.


Editing Credit: Bad Horse (Inspiration), Docontra

With a reading by Big Ash
Credit for the cover photo Celestia Stained Glass Window goes to LampKnapp at Deviantart.

Spanish translation of the first chapter done by Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (4)

When humanity is on the brink of destruction, they shine brightest. When men have nothing left to lose, they put everything on the line. When the children of Adam have everything taken from them, they return the favor. With interest.

I've read a few TCB fics with humans winning, but I don't think I've seen it done this way. Enjoy the ride. First serious fic, will still have a few jokes though. I can't take anything too seriously. Hope you like it.

Edit: Popular stories bar on the same day it was posted? wow o.O

Chapters (1)

Being an immortal goddess and supreme ruler of a nation is stressful. But sometimes you just have to cope with weird things. These are short stories about things that might or might not have happened, but were certainly erased from Equestrian history.

Chapters (14)

Twilight gets a distressing letter from Celestia and rushes to Canterlot.
What happened to the princess? What is Luna up to? Why do I sound like the narrator to a bad crime drama?
The first chapter is inspired by a drawing from JohnJoseco. The rest will be my own madness doing its part.

Chapters (20)

We all know the Makuta right? Giant protosteel titans who have 42 assorted powers?
In this retelling, the Makuta have been around for nearly 850 years and have been gaining power ever since. Not the "world domination" sort, but political power. While the Makuta are the protectors of the pony world, they also serve as advisers, politicians, and scientists for the Queen of the Sun.
While Celestia was apprehensive of the Makuta at first, over the years she came to trust them. She grew accustomed to their presence and individual behaviors, calling some of them friends.
Then, the day came when Twilight Sparkle passed her exam. A small seven-year-old filly with the potential to level the city, raise the sun and moon, and grasp concepts of magic that even boggled Celestia's mind.
Yet, all that magic.
And all that knowledge.
Would be gone in a matter of seconds.
Replaced by a mind for mechanical and biological science. And a body of flesh and bone, replaced by one of anti-dermis and indestructible metal.

Cover art commissioned by https://www.deviantart.com/azonbobcat

Chapters (4)

TV TROPES PAGE! Show it the love, people!

Tartarus: the fabled prison said to hold all of the demons of Equus at bay.

Few truly know what lies behind the impenetrable doors Cerberus guards. Some say that it is a pit, infinite in it's depth and darkness, from which there is no return. Other claim it to be a hellish plain, filled with fire and pain and suffering, to punish the demons for their sins.

All of them are wrong.

Tartarus is small. An inescapable cell for a single prisoner. But the tales about it's purpose are not false.

For this captive human holds the key to unleashing upon Equestria forces which have not been seen for centuries, forces which predate Equestria by many an age.

And soon, he shall be free.

EDIT: Featured on 5/25/14! SUH-WEEEEET!


Chapters (29)

My Twilight Facade through the eyes of the REAL Twilight Sparkle. Unable to take any action, unable to read, terrified, and trying to understand the situation she finds herself in.

This is more of a "Reading the Book" or "Reaction Video" than an actual story, given Twilight lacks any actual agency.

Posted with permission from axelsempai.

Chapters (2)