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I used to be a human, but then I pissed off a wizard. Now I'm stuck in "Ponyville", in a land called "Equestria", and with no apparent way back home. I'm also pretty sure that I've just replaced somepony. I'd rather not have to answer any tricky questions, so I'm better off trying to be this unicorn whose name has been forced onto me.

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I'm not a pony.

[Rated Teen for extensive use of vulgar language and sexual references.]

[Cover art made by richhap on deviant art. Unamused Twilight, go figure.]

[Brybrythesciguy is working on a cool audiobook of this story right HERE. The characters' voices are even simulated with an AI! I definitely recommend giving it a listen!]

Chapters (50)

Its been centuries since Twilight's friends passed and since then the alicorn has taken many students. The latest one of which is about to get to the bottom of a two hundred-year-old lie.

This was a request for a patron and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over here if you want a story like this for 5$ or to see stories early for just 3$!

This is also the first of my 12 days of requests where you will see a new story requested by a patron every day until Christmas day so make sure to stop by every day for new stuff!

Now with a reading!

Chapters (1)

A human is transformed into Magolor Soul when he puts on the Master Crown. But when the Elements of Harmony are used on him he is reduced to a shadow of his former self. However, that won't stop him from seeking revenge!

Will he restore his power and strike down Celestia and Luna or will the element of kindness cause a change of heart? Better question, can everyone even survive the madness that seems to follow him and the Mane Six?

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Gunsmoke

Sunset Shimmer meant to visit another video game. Wild West games are always fun, right? But then things go wrong and Sunset's alter ego, Desert Mirage, becomes trapped in an entirely different world. This isn't a video game. The choices she makes matter. With a real chance of hurting somepony, Mirage decides to head home as quickly as possible. That'd be a lot easier if her way back hadn't been stolen. But Mirage has far more to worry about than mere card thieves.

The Bulletproof Heart is on the hunt.

A collaborative project with Wanderer D and a crossover of Bulletproof Heart, Gunsmoke, and Sunset's Isekai. This one's just for fun, folks!

Bangin' cover art commissioned from KorenCZ11.

Chapters (11)

Two hundred years have passed since the discovery of the purveyor and the events set in motion by Celestia's endeavor to save her own world. Now, the purveyor has returned from the void and their world will change, for the better... or for the worse.

This is the sequel to The Watcher, it is advised to read it before reading this.

A big thanks to Lord Destrustor for editing. Go check out his work, his stories are definitely worth your attention!

Chapters (25)

A creature of old has been present in Equestria since the beginning of the rule of the alicorns, watching, waiting. He saw their fall and the sisters' rise to power. Now, for the first time in eons, he steps from watching and takes action.

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to Changeling Space Program

Twilight Sparkle's experimental interplanetary drive has malfunctioned, stranding Starlight Glimmer, Spitfire, Cherry Berry, a changeling and a dragon on a hostile planet in another universe. With limited food supplies, very little magic, no communications with home, and no way to leave the planet, they must survive until somepony rescues them.

Fortunately they crashed right next door to another creature with the exact same problem- a creature named Mark Watney.

They're going to science the buck out of everything- and do whatever it takes to survive Mars and get everybody home.

TVTropes page here! Thanks to GymQuirk for making it!

Commissioned art and fan works from the readers! Thanks, everybody!

This experiment in an updates-daily story was made possible by a generous grant from Canary in the Coal Mine and viewers like you.

(Sex tag for crude talk about sex, but no actual sex in the story.)

Chapters (290)

I wanted to just enjoy going to Supanova with some friends. As embrassing as losing a bet, my punishment being going dressed as Raven from Teen Titans is, I'm not going to let it spoil my fun.

However, waking up in the world of My Little Pony as Raven herself might spoil that fun. I mean, being an empath in MLP... after the Changeling Invasion at the wedding?

Yeah. I don't see any problems for me from that. Not to mention keeping my new powers under control when they're tied to my emotions and I haven't had all the years of training Raven did.

And let's not forget that my new powers are shadow magic, so basically Dark Magic. I don't see that causing me any problems socially, either. Nope. None at all.

T due to Scenes of Violence, Blood, (hence the Gore tag) sometimes and nudity of a young girl and other things.

Adventure and Slice of Life tags would be here if they didn't go against each other, plus there was no room. Sex tag mostly for when Raven is nude and how she talks about sex and similar things with the ponies at times.

Featured 3/5/2016.

Featured 12/3/2017? Wow. Thanks:scootangel:

Featured 23/3/2017.:rainbowderp: Um... okay.

Chapters (14)

Hi there my name is Ori and I am a creature of light , a Lightkin or a Lucis propinquis if you want to go all sciency, I had been under pony care before I have been left wondering for a long time now or so to speak, though the term pet is more appropriate in my situation, I prefer not to label myself as such.

I have done many things in that time left wondering, climbed mountains discovered, long lost secrets and also made some friends and enemies, in time I will tell you all of that, but first let's start from the beginning...


A Ori and the Blind Forest crossover and a rewritten version of an older story, which you can read here.

Hope I do a better job, now let's begin.

Sad tag Removed because of reasons that are not sad.

Author:Derpy Engineer HD
Editor:Stellar Spiral
Backup editor: Jacknife557

Chapters (3)

Princess Twilight Sparkle has been the sole ruler of Equestria for ten years. The nation thrived under her rule, even more so than with her predeccessors. No catastrophe in sight. Until now...

Monsters unlike Equestria has ever seen suddenly appeared. Taking control of land, air and sea, Twilight and her little ponies stand helpless before the rampage. But as fate has it, and always will, a hero always comes to the rescue.

Chapters (4)