• Member Since 8th Mar, 2014

Key Ring

Hello everypony! I'm here for a good story and, if things progress as they should, I might start doing reviews on every fan fiction I've read on my Youtube account. So write good stories everypony!

Favourites 108 stories
Found 98 stories in 75ms

Total Words: 2,981,583
Estimated Reading: 1 week



  • Featured 23556 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Apple Bloom gets a rare chance to spend the day with her friend (and possible relative!) Maud Pie. Of course, she knows there's more to Maud than it appears, but her special talent means helping Maud to figure that out, too.

Cover art by tikrs007.

Thanks to Themaskedferret for pre-reading feedback.

Chapters (1)

There is a point where we need to stop and we have clearly passed it. BUT LET’S KEEP GOING AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS.

Title pretty much says it all.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy might be stronger than she looks.

At least, that's what Rainbow says. Applejack's skeptical, to say the least. Especially after she just lost an arm wrestling match. Besides, that sweet, gentle pony couldn't win a tug-of-war against butterflies, much less be stronger than her, right?


Edited by Doccular42

Chapters (1)

What happens when a pony doesn't actually like the cutie mark that they receive? Perhaps one more embarrassing than most?

Well, that's when Starlight Glimmer's special talents come into play.

UPDATE: labeled as complete. I really can't think of anything else to add to this story.

Chapters (4)

When one's genetic template is overwritten, there tend to be... side effects. Most of the side effects come into play immediately.

Sometimes, though, one has to live with a new biochemistry for a while before it triggers.

It's actually very well documented.

Written for FTP13. Cover art by cheezedoodle96.

Chapters (1)

When trying to focus on her studies, Sunset Shimmer is stuck watching an annoying little filly who just won't let her study.

Original Art by Baekgup

Cover image by Novel-Idea

Now with Reading by Wubcake

Chapters (1)

Things have been going well for Sunset Shimmer since the Friendship Games. She's on good terms with the students at Canterlot High School, she has a close circle of friends she can depend on, and most of all, she now has a new friend and research partner in the form of the human world's Twilight Sparkle. With a brand new avenue in magical research now open to her, not even the prospect of her upcoming birthday can get in the way of her hope for the future.

Then her latest experiment blew up in her face.

Reduced to a mare in a child's body, Sunset has to find a way to reverse what she's done and return to what qualifies as normal in this world. But in a world where magic was a fairy tale until a few months ago, things are going to be more than a little difficult on that front. And as she struggles to maintain her adult mind against the immaturity of her current form, her friends are faced with the possibility that they may lose their friend forever.

Chapters (9)

As the Princess of Friendship, the only thing Twilight Sparkle loves as much as books, reading, books, making new friends, books, spending time with her friends, and...books...

...is spreading the magic of friendship. And one easy way to do that is to introduce your friends to each other.

In need of a weekend away from the castle before heading out to the Crystal Empire to spend time with her family, Twilight decides to take a little vacation to the human world...and brings three of her newest friends along.

After all, if Princess Ember, Moondancer, and Starlight Glimmer are all Twilight's friends, surely they'll get along well with each other and with Sunset Shimmer!


(Cover compiled from various source vectors.)

Chapters (8)

Twilight Sparkle receives a new book from Discord chock-full of interesting and unknown facts about draconequi. How fascinating!

Nothing sinister about that, right?

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to The Most Annoying Infestation

Rainbow Dash's plan was just to relax and read Daring Do books all night long. Too bad it was interupted by a certain bat pony colt, begging "Blue Mommy" to have a sleepover with him.

This is a contest entry for ocalhoun's Big 250k Contest.

Review by MixMassBasher

Awesome Reading by Winged T. Spears

Chapters (2)