• Member Since 8th Mar, 2014

Key Ring

Hello everypony! I'm here for a good story and, if things progress as they should, I might start doing reviews on every fan fiction I've read on my Youtube account. So write good stories everypony!

Favourites 108 stories
Found 98 stories in 96ms

Total Words: 2,981,583
Estimated Reading: 1 week



  • Featured 23556 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Spitfire just wanted a normal day to the Cloudsdale market to buy some apples. Here's the catch: there's a little blue pegasus that keeps following her around...
And why does she keep yelling, "Mommy!"?


When pictures give you ideas, it's up to your imagination whether you wanna turn it into a story.

FEATURED on 1/28/16!

Dramatic reading by SkyOfStorms! Check it out here!

Chapters (1)

A breakfast conversation between the princesses turns toward Celestia's long history of losing fights.

Chapters (1)

A changeling sets up a secret shop inside of Ponyville. He can be anyone you want him to be. The crush you wished felt the same way about you. The boss you want to just scream at. The parent you hoped would return someday. The friend that's now your enemy.

He can be anyone you want him to be. Just don't ask him to be himself.

Now with a youtube reading. HERE!

Chapters (1)

Twilight's transfer from Crystal Prep hasn't exactly gone over that smoothly. She's terribly closeted and hates branching out to other things. Her interests lie in pen, paper, and books. So what is it that can bring all of those things together into one sociable, friendship-buidling (or destroying) activity?

Caverns and Critters, a fantasy tabletop game.

Sunset Shimmer has her reservations, but Twilight seems to enjoy building these fantasy worlds for them, and all of the other girls are enjoying themselves as well (even Fluttershy and Rarity, surprisingly enough.) Far be it from her to deny her friends their indulgence, and if she's being perfectly honest with herself, all the talk of magic and kingdoms and fantasy errata has her pining for Equestria and her old life.


Rated Teen for mild language, violence, and thematic elements.


I'm sure Gygax is rolling in his grave, but I felt a Dungeons and Dragons analog in Equestria Girls needed to be done. Because let's face it, what else do high school juniors do with their free time?

Chapters (4)

Rainbow discovers that she has a pest problem in her house. The pest turns out to be both cuter and more annoying than she expected.

A winner of the 2015 Bat Pony writing contest.

Russian translation by KoylanGOLD
Also read: The Most Annoying House Guest

Chapters (1)

Rainbow has a fever. Unfortunately for her, the cure is not simply 'more cowbell'. It's up to Twilight and Rarity to figure out a cure, and bring their friend back from the brink of birdom.

Chapters (1)

Helping a lost filly find her way home should have been a walk in the park for Princess Twilight Sparkle, but this time things turned out to be a bit stranger than she was expecting.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle always does things. Today, she's not going to do anything.

I don't know what made me come up with this.

Thanks to Timaeus and Majin Syeekoh for prereading!

Now with a reading by ChefSandy!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Bridge: A Godzilla-MLP Crossover

(Actually a midquel, but reading The Bridge is not required)

As the tales of the Bridge take hold, something else wholly the same and yet wholly different occurs.
After all, lightning never strikes the same way twice...

You guys are awesome! - 11/26/2015

Raiga made by Shinpei Hayashiya
MLP and FiM by Bonnie Zacherle, Lauren Faust, and Meghan McCarthy

Chapters (6)