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    Created by shinhi
    - October, 2014
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A cryptic Riddle left by forces unknown placed on Reaper's grave predicts a major event in the future. What does it entail? What will happen? Why is it connected to Reaper?

CAUTION: This is a sequel, go read WOLVERINES! first to get the full gist of just what the hay is going on.

Chapters (4)

A juggernaut, embroiled within the war between America and Russia, is ripped through a trans-dimensional rift to a new world called Equestria. Here, he will find out a fact that will shatter his prospect on life.

Chapters (21)

Xenolance, a devious villain, had been cornered by the Mane six, and soon his villainous ways will be brought to an end!

... If the six heroines can stay on topic, that is.

Just a quick one-shot. Had this idea for a day or two, and couldn't keep a serious face for the life of me.

Due to vague death threats popular demand, additional shorts in this series will be added. The story will remain 'Complete', as the additional shorts will be mostly self contained.

Chapters (12)

Cover Art by FriendlyTwo3
*Takes place after season 2 finale.*
(Currently revising past chapters to make them sexier and more appealing.)
(Currently revising summary description.)
(Note to self, remember to eventually revise summary description.)

Diabolical and evil human goes to Equestria, and tries to take over the world? Pfft, if he's "Evil", then that one guy who doesn't say 'bless you' when you sneeze must be Hitler reincarnate.

A HiE fanfic that was probably done a couple times before, BUT I MADE IT BETTER.

Wacky protagonist genius, an army of robots with stun-guns, a goal of domination, a moral code, and a determined mindset! Meet "Evil Lord Emperor Connery NotEvilGuy!" The inevitable future emperor of us all!

You can tell that he's pure evil, because he has the word "Evil" in his last name!

A guy that steal money from you, if you're a Government official that likes to deal drugs and smuggle newborn infants. A guy that will build a laser that can blow up the freakin' moon, but only if it was about to crash into us. He'll freakin' TICKLE YOU if you defy him and his empire!

Yeah... Diabolical mastermind right there.

Rated T: For lots of potty-mouth nonsense.


Chapters (22)

Story starts out fairly light-hearted, but later on, dark moments begin to seep in. The gore tag is used to describe the deaths of non-sentient creatures in moderate detail. The sex tag is for mild sexual humor, no r34. I do not believe the content in the story requires a Mature rating.

Note: This Story is not meant to be taken completely seriously. This is a semi-parody of Crossovers, Human X Pony, and Human in Equestria. That being said, please feel free to point out any unlampshaded plotholes or anything of that nature. Also, please DO criticize this story if you don't like it, because I feel like I need more constructive criticism.

During Der Riese, Nikolai and Dempsey are backed up and separated from Takeo and Richtofen. To make things worse, Nikolai is suffering from a terrible hangover and is unfit for combat. Dempsey manages to fight on, until he runs out of ammo. In desperation, he switches to his Wunderwaffe, but misfires, hits the teleporter, and sends Nikolai to Equestria.

At first, the drunk Russian does not feel very happy having to spend the rest of his life in a land of "girly, rainbow-farting" ponies. However, when he meets the town drunk, Berry Punch, he hits it off well with her, and they become fast friends, but Nikolai feels something in his gut, something he never felt before to anyone, not even his past nine wives. Could he actually be falling for Berry Punch?

Meanwhile, Dempsey and Richtofen work on a way to bring back Nikolai to their world, despite Takeo's protests. Will they find a way to bring back their lost friend? And what if he doesn't want to come back

Crossover with the Call of Duty Zombies series.

Chapters (33)

*** Special shout-out and thanks to my editor, Schadenponi! ***

*Important!*Patch 1.89 Notes*
-Overwatch is awesome!
-Still planning the contents for the next chapter.
-The Slice of Life tag has been removed and replaced with the Adventure tag because I say so.
-Added the Alternate Universe tag because, without it, this story might confuse people.
-Once the upcoming chapter, 'One Small Step For Man' is published, this story will officially be considered a HiE (Human in Equestria).
-Description has been changed and updated.
-Bacon is awesome

The hero of this story, Creme Fraiche, had just finished moving his stuff into his new apartment --- after being told that he was to be transferred. Everything in his apartment seemed to be in working order at first, until he discovered the broken bathroom mirror.

During his search for a replacement, an old lady from a mystical-looking Chinese antique shop gave Creme exactly what he needed: a mirror. But the hero soon discovers that not only does the mirror doesn't show his reflection, it shows something else entirely: a cerulean-coloured pony with a rainbow-coloured mane --- with wings, too.

And it can talk.

*Author Notes*
-Twilight Sparkle is an alicorn in this alternate universe, however she has never been to the human world, nor has she met any humans before. To put it in more simpler terms: the events of all MLP: EqG movies never took place in this AU. Deal with it.

-As of the chapter 'Beyond Earth'. I quickly realized that the direction that my story is heading for will no longer be considered as a Slice of Life. Therefore, (since the two tags are counted as 'conflicting categories') I had it removed, and replaced (Adventure) to avoid any further complications, confusion and complaining.

-Bacon is awesome.

-This adorable cover art is done by the amazing DShou from deviantart! Do check out the dude's other works!

Chapters (20)

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

[Before asking questions in the comments, please read!]
- The first chapter is the end of the ninth season. I put it there just to ease the flow of the story.
- You will probably be extremely confused if you have not seen the last two seasons of Red vs Blue.
- You will probably be even MORE confused if you have never heard of Caboose.
- I placed a series of hyphens to show when the story becomes my own work during the prologue.
- Click here to watch the series if you have not.

Uploaded to FimFiction: Monday, March 5th, 2011 at 2:30 PM.
Uploaded to RvBfics: Monday, March 26th, 2011 at 11:50 PM.
Linked on Bungie.net: Saturay, March 31st, 2011 at 3:29 AM.

Proofread/Edited By - Pissfer

Current Title Image:
The Group by ~Butts-are-Nice

Past Title Images:
Caboose and Pinkie by ~SarahWidiyanti
Caboose and Pinkie by ~Farore769
Church and Twilight by ~Farore769

Dramatic Readings:

Fan Art:
Caboose's Drawing by ~Depressing Rain

Chapters (257)

I'm Griffin, not much else to it. I've been bullied most of my life, which left me bitter and sarcastic. I'm a closet brony. What? You think I'm just gonna go out and tell a world that hates me that I watch a cartoon intended for little girls? I don't feel like giving the punks at school any more ammo. That's when cosmic powers decide I need to take a trip to my favorite fantasy land. But all is not sunshine and rainbows and it certainly won't be after I'm done with it. Equestria from the point of view of an extremely pissed off teenager, with a twist. Rust, the author of 'The Ballad of Echo the Diamond dog' is awesomesauce enough to have a cross over between our stories. Carnelian is a boss when it comes to art. Part of the 'Chess Game of the Gods'.

Violence, gratuitous swearing, and sexual themes. Reader discretion is advised.

Chapters (101)

We all know how this goes, don't we? Some unlucky schmuck goes to a Halloween party or convention dressed up as someone evil, gets sent to Equestria, and then ends up antagonizing the locals.

Well my story goes a bit differently. My name is Isaac Donohue, and after a night of drunken partying that I STILL can't remember, I wake up in Equestria fifteen hundred years before the events of canon with five seemingly random superpowers:

Angelic Physiology, so I'm frickin gorgeous now. Oxygen Independence, so I don't need to breath. Asexual Reproduction, just call me Mister Mommy why don't you...Bubble Breath, something useless that I rarely use. Power Replication, otherwise known as a game breaker.

So anyways I befriended everyone's favorite draconequus Discord, and we made such beautiful chaos together. Well, it was more of me trying to reform him before he got stoned by the Princesses in an effort to change history for the better. What a waste of time that was, and as a result of this I got petrified as well for being his accomplice. Can you believe that?

Since I'm free, I've decided to settle down and rule a kingdom of my own. I'm sure there are enough tyrants in the world that need to be overthrown despite Sunbutt's best efforts. But if there aren't any, I'm pretty sure I can steal the Crystal Empire from Sombra before Shining Armor and Cadence do.

The only problem is, THE LAW WON'T STOP CHASING ME!

A LoHAV story that I'm writing as I go on.

ANNOUNCEMENT 6/4/2017: I'm sorry, but this story is cancelled. This has been a long time coming. As I've progressed as a writer I look back on this story with increasing amounts of disgust. Still, I know people enjoy it for some reason which is why I'm leaving it up for posterity's sake. Maybe I'll completely rewrite it from the ground up in the future, but that time is not now.

Chapters (24)

Hi, my name is Kaiyo, but you can call me Delta. In fact, I would even go so far as to say don't call me Kaiyo. I don't know why I stopped using my name, but now... Delta just feels like me. Anyway, this all started one day when my sister and I went to a convention, and I went as Subject Delta while my sister went as Merry Nightmare.
I had a feeling about that guy, sold me a jar of Adam with the infinity sign on it and told me all of the stuff that'll come with it, but I ignored it. Now, now I'm an adoptive father for a strange creature in a world that feels familiar, and I'm also turned into Subject Delta.

Chapters (6)