Favourites 606 stories
  • Favourites 606 stories - 6117 unread chapters
    Created by shinhi
    - October, 2014
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Estimated Reading: 13 weeks



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Out of unnamed circumstance, a strange pony has arrived into Equestria with no memory of his former self. When discovered by the Elements of Harmony, will they aid him in re-obtaining his memory or will they teach him more about friendship for him to start a new life? One last question remains is why his cutie mark is an ominous looking '4'. Stay tuned to see what happens.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The 'Intermedio' chapters inside of this story are nothing but non-canon filler, one of which is its own story.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is copyright of Hasbro
Bleach is copyright of Tite Kubo/TV Tokyo

Fanart/ Cover art is special thanks to Iokusanagi a.k.a Io of FIMfiction! Thank you very much!!

Chapters (48)

Featured on May 14, 2013. And again on November 29, 2014 more times than I can count thanks to you guys.

Now with our own TVtropes page! Help us catalog the awesomeness.

Holy crap we've got a trailer too!

MLP:FIM is the property of Lauren Faust
Bleach is the property of Tite Kubo

Plot aspects for chapter thirty six onward contributed and improved by Ketvirtas and Alondro
Chapters 0-88 proofread by xbox432
Chapters 89-onward proofread by LyonAzakura
Partially inspired by Dirty Bit's story Cuatro
Further inspired by Christopher28's story A Different Viewpoint of Equestria
Further inspired by Trinary story Friendship is Empathy
Random plot elements inspired by SwimmingDalek98 and Phoenix Archangel
Story structure and pacing inspired by Tite Kubo

Ulquiorra Cifer was defeated at the hands of a mere human and died in Las Noches. Or at least that's what he thought. In the boundary that separates life and death for all Hollows, he's found by one that finds him interesting enough to give a second chance at life free from Aizen's control, and free to do as he pleases; he was just never told that his second chance of life would take him to an alternate world he never could've imagined even if he tried.

The land of Equestria is a magical place full of hope, and second chances. In this land where friendship is considered the most powerful magic in existence, can the Cuatro Espada find something that's been missing and learn how to live? Or will his presence be the downfall of the peaceful world and all of its inhabitants?

Chapters (155)

If I could go back to having my boring old normal life in San Diego, I would take the opportunity in a heartbeat. But no, I'm stuck in this strange... yet somehow familiar world of ponies. You can laugh at that if you wish, I won't. It's not as funny as it sounds as soon as you get a good look at what I have become.

I am no longer the man I was, at least not physically. I have somehow ended up in the body of the video game character Raiden. Not the one from 'Metal Gear Solid Two', No. I have become the one from the franchises spin off, 'Metal Gear Rising Revengence', and because of that. I am no longer fully human; most of my body has been changed into a cybernetic frame.

I'm afraid too show my face to the public; ponies don't like the walking cybernetic man with a sword, go figure. I've just been hiding in the shadows for now until i'm able to find someone too help me. I will then ask for their assistance in returning myself back too normal. I just hope I can find someone capable of this soon, not sure how much more mental strain I can take.

How rude of me, I haven't even told you my name. I don't care what I look like now, I will always go by the name of Arin.

[Displaced story]

I know what you're thinking, not another one of these stories. For Christ sake do they ever stop?

Well personally these stories are a guilty pleasure of mine, and I wanted to give one a try. You can complain all day long, but It won't change my opinion on these stories, and the group of people who write them.

With that being said, feel free to converse about the story in the comments. Except for complaints about this being a Displaced, they have already been said ten-thousand times. Complain instead about grammar, story structure, pacing, characters, et cetera. Those are the real worthwhile complaints that can make me improve as an author.

P.S Comments that are beyond rude, and just slander for slander sake will be deleted from this point on. If you hate the story, there is no need to be a dick.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Foal Necromancer

I got as far as I could. I wish I had more free time, but I need to face the music.
This project is dead. Feel free to have your laugh and then do better if you have an excess of free time.

By sequel, I mean rework. A re-adaptation. A different take on an already well-acclaimed story...

Please bear with me now.

I might've been talking big about wanting to make a better iteration. None of that was bragging at all, and none of that necesarily suggests that I should create a version the same as the original, only refined and polished.

That's not going to happen. I'm not Kytranis 2.0. I got my own shtick. And frankly, there are a lot of things that Kytra did that I do not agree with. Similarly, there are a lot of things I myself will do that the die-hard fans of the original will not care for either. Also, there's nothing wrong with wanting to surpass your predecessor, for the LOVE OF FU-

I will try a different take on the same central themes and general starting circumstances as the original, but everything else after that is going to be my own thing. A new shot aiming for the same target.

I don't actually owe the fans of the original anything in particular. All I owe is that for my own sake, and for the sake of anyone who might potentially take time out of their schedule to read my work, I need to create the best thing I personally can, through what means I personally can. That means through my own vision, not through someone else's vision.

The young are defined by moving ever forward and making mistakes, which they either learn from or disregard. You don't survive long if you don't learn from your shortcomings and adapt.

The Living Lich survived for a very long time. He has much to look back on and reflect on, before he can understand what happened and move on.

Princess Luna has had an even longer life than one can imagine. She forgot more things than most mortals experience in their lifetimes. She ventures to teach the necromancer a new way of life, but knowledge can be shared both ways.

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to Nigel M Chalmers, Emperor

(15/10/2015) Turned status back to incomplete pending an Epilouge and Alternate Endings chapter as per comment suggestions.

After being banished by Celestia for his misdeeds, the alien Emperor of the Crystal Empire is back... and out for revenge.

Emperor Chalmers is not a happy space man. After being stabbed in the back by Equestria, he was sent to the depths of the Underworld. Kicked out for causing too much trouble for the wardens, Nigel now has the chance to take back his empire and show Celestia just how disappointed he is with her.

This time things will be different. This time he has friends.

Chapters (15)

It was only about three months ago that the Department of Unified Protection had been in control in most of America's Largest Cities across the country. But ever since a small town delinquent, A ex-junkie, and a gamer have defeated the head of the DUP, their control has slowly began to fall apart like a house of cards. Even though some DUP soldiers still remain and the entire organization was suppose to be disbanded, the DUP's status was only inactive for the first two months. They're in the process of rebuilding because what happened in Seattle crippled their whole operation.

But if you think that small town delinquent is me, then you're definitely wrong. For one thing, I live in San Diego, not Seattle. I had a vacation their once though, but that was when I was eight and a year before the Empire Event.

My name is Shawn Kingston.

By how I look and dress, you can tell that I'm a Brony. But what most people can't tell is that I'm a Conduit.

Life was beginning to work out for me as my 16th birthday was almost here. But sometimes, I wonder... With the way the world is now, there are no boundaries between what is possible and what isn't. So could that mean that anything that's fictional... Could possibly be real?

I begin to think about this when I encounter a young girl that had her hair resemble the night sky and had a crescent moon on her clothes. It felt familiar... Like I have seen her somewhere else before.

A crossover based on the inFAMOUS games and takes place after the good ending of inFAMOUS Second Son. I've personally been focusing on this idea for quite some time and I felt like it was time to finally release it and see how you guys like it. I plan to be a bit creative with this story because I always liked how a conduit's powers worked. Takes place after season 4, but does not involve the events of Rainbow Rocks.

Credits to everything shown in this story
MLP belongs to Hasbro
inFAMOUS belongs to Sony and Sucker Punch
Gore tag because of the minor details in Chapter 1.

Chapters (20)

Hi my name is Crystal Soul! I went to a con as my online character from bleach.

I bought this cool sword of Ichigo's bankai and a cute plushy of kid Nel Tu.

I took tow steps from the seller, when I saw him about to use some weird stick thing.

Now I know who the creepy guy is. The creepy guy is the one who sends people to new world's.

:pinkiehappy: I just got an idea!!

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Livin' The Dream.

[there might be no mane 6 in this story by the way]

Who am I? or... what am I? am I even human anymore?

Have you ever wondered what defines a soul? well I hope you find the answer, i really do, and when you do, let me know, because I'm still searching for my soul...

Well, I've died thrice now, and it's not that enjoyable, I either expected eternal damnation or ascension, but no, I was given another chance, by... well we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, you'll know who he is VERY soon, no worries.

I have been given a third chance at life now, but where am I? what time is it? who am I? why am I asking you these things? just read the story.

(And to warn you my char is kind of a Mary Sue but he will still get his ass kicked and many other things which show that no matter how badass you are, things can go horribly wrong, so don't dislike because of that fact because I warned you.)

Chapters (13)

(the image is supposed to be Baz crying after his parents have died and obviously worried Princesses, just something to show the story's main line, my character is a broken man.)

Baz was a good kid, straight A* student, on his way to getting a good job, the works, life was going great... until year 10 in high school... At 18, his parents and brother died in a house fire, with him being the only survivor.

For the past 3 years he has been living on the road, working for gangs, getting into trouble, not because he wanted to but because he needed to, he could never step foot inside a school again after he found out, so he couldn't finish up and get a job, he didn't even have a house.

He had plenty of money however, but refused to settle down, he had also done some horrible things in order to survive, he also had a lot of general knowledge, not that it served him well.

One fateful night and a car accident later, he is in Equestria.

A certain Princess helps him acclimate while another thinks 'it' should be locked up, but not before Baz wakes up again and his life is destroyed further...

And G-Man is here?

what will ensue I wonder?


Chapters (9)

(Picture source, image is not mine: here Prototype by MDreed)

Chapter 6 contains time travel, and foaling(mare pregnancy and birth)

Project Pariah, stuck in a cell, made by a virus, that pretty much sums up life for him, he has led a lonely existence, imprisoned and scorned for something that he didn't cause, because they are scared, what happens when you corner a fox? bad things.

They learned this with Alex Mercer and James Heller, both interests to Pariah, who can patiently wait, but when the End War breaks out and shit goes wrong, Pariah is thrust into a world he doesn't understand, but Parah is an adapter and can make himself fit in, but when he ha to reveal what he is, he is worried and hopes these inhabitants will not mess with things they don't understand... but in a world filled with peace, does it have a place for people and ponies like Pariah? Pariah who is lonely? maybe he can find company in a purple pony and her 5 friends, and 2, perhaps 3 Princesses and learn what it means to be human/pony...

Chapters (9)