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Finally, Roseluck's special project is complete. Now, it's time for her to request an audience with Princess Luna, and see if her rose really does give her luck.

A short and sweet one-shot ship. Thanks to the overwhelming popularity of this pairing, I'll definitely be making a sequel! As always, I adore getting comments, the more specific and prolific, the better.

Proofreading by RaylanKrios.

Chapters (1)

After her thousand year imprisonment, Luna has had problems reintegrating into Equestrian society due to the fact that everypony still fears her. But now, she must face her greatest challenge yet: technology.

Set prior to the events of 'Luna Eclipsed.' This was just a story for fun, so this shouldn't be taken seriously. I'm well aware that this isn't my best writing, but it was such a silly idea that I couldn't resist.

Chapters (1)

Goodbyes are hardest when you see them coming and can do nothing to put them off. That doesn't stop Rainbow Dash from trying when she has to say goodbye to her very special somepony much sooner than she thought.

Applejack/Rainbow Dash. Futurefic.

I created a full cast audio drama version of this fic can be found here.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia asked Twilight to do a census of her new home. Through this process she discovers certain anomalies that she finds strange as a unicorn. There seems to be something missing when it comes to the pegasi, and after much prodding, prying, some spying and begging, she finally gets them to open up. What she discovers is not only shocking (to her, at least), but revealing on pegasi subculture.

Will what she learns change the way she looks at her friends? Will her friendship with them be ruined?


Chapters (15)

Before her descent into madness and her rebellion as Nightmare Moon, Luna lived entire lifetimes as a mortal and traveller amongst the ponies of Equestria.

Restored to her true self, Luna knows she must return to her cyclic life to remain whole. As preparation she chooses to reacquaint herself with the lives of her subjects in this modern age, and in the guise of Sable Moonshine, unicorn scholar and distant friend of Twilight Sparkle, she travels to Ponyville to spend time with Twilight's companions. Despite the 'exciting' month of astronomical observation and scientific research planned by Twilight, Luna nevertheless finds time to work a day at Sweet Apple Acres. And then another.

And another.

Applejack, meanwhile, is pleasantly surprised by Sable's dedication and enthusiasm for hard work. She's less pleasantly surprised by Sable's enthusiasm for Applejack.

Chapters (15)

Artists suffer from many things, one of which is a mental block that disrupts and makes them second guess their work. For Octavia, she starts developing such music blocks that causes her to quickly fall into depression and turn to cigarettes and wine to ease her pain. Sometimes though, all it really takes is a friend to hear out ones problems. Thankfully, Octavia is fortunate to have such a friend and when her housemate, Vinyl checks up on her, she happily listens to Octavia's frustrations.

Edited and preread by: SolidFire, The Abyss, and Skeeter The Lurker

Chapters (1)

Octavia had it all. Fame, money, respect, and a warm home centered in the lower district of Canterlot. However, a series of unfortunate events sends everything she had come to know into a crumbling nightmare and lands the talented mare on the streets of the Equestrian capital. On the verge of starvation, an old friend convinces her to move out to a little village, known as Ponyville where she can rent out the spare cottage.
Octavia leaps at the chance gathering what little she has left. Little does she know she has a roommate. Not only must she now balance between recovering her lost fame, her weekly cello lessons for the fillies and colts of Ponyville, but she must also overcome the obstacle of living with a roomtmate who by her very essence is the polar opposite of her.

How will it end for this talented mare, and what secrets shall be uncovered? The future is unknown, but one thing is certain. It will be musical.
(Note, tags may be updated as the story progresses. However, it will remain within the teen age group. No clop for you.)
7/15/14 Yay! New cover! The other one was nice, but it was a little overused. Hurray for new images!

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Waiting Game

A few months after being accepted into the Unicorn Academy, Lyra begins to struggle with her magical studies. Feeling like she's not cut out for the Academy, Lyra's ready to give up. Lucky for her, Bon Bon's not about to let her quit. Bon Bon does everything she can to help her best friend, and together they slowly discover something that wasn't there before. But it isn't as easy as either of them hoped it would be.

Chapters (2)