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Something is very wrong with Princess Cadance. Everypony close to her knows, except Twilight Sparkle. Something is very wrong with Twilight Sparkle. No pony knows, not even Twilight herself.

One problem lies hidden from the world and the other sits out in the open, invisible.

Something is very wrong.

This is not your traditional shipfic and touches on topics of addiction, recovery and relapse. Additionally, while this was originally written as prompt submissions to the Magic of Love: A Twidance Prompt Collab, they have been expanded upon to give more information.

Belated thanks go out to Misago and Pearple Prose for editing and being all around awesome dudes.
Change Log: Additional Edits have been made to Chapter 1 and 2 so that they feel less "prompty" and are less telly.

Chapters (8)

Cadance is the Alicorn of love, but what does that mean if she doesn't have her true love with her?

She needs him, at any cost.

Primary Cast: Cadance
Supporting Cast: Twilight Sparkle

Now with audio reading by CaptainBron3y

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight sets up a war game for the Royal Canterlot and Crystal Empire guards. By kidnapping Luna and Cadance.

The guards thought she knew the rules. They thought she knew the guard manual backwards and forwards.

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom re-write the manual... and conquer Equestria.

Edited by Noble Thought.

Cover art: Princess Predicament by radiantrealm

One hundred percent approved by Twilight's Library (also approved by Discord).

Chapters (6)

A Dark Fic. Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow, Applejack explore the pitch black room, looking for any sign of where they are, or where they might go, trying to avoid the dangers unseen to them...

It's all downhill from here.

[Note: This Fic Has A Surprise Twist Ending]

Chapters (1)

Twilight isn't sick. She's perfectly healthy in fact. And yet, something doesn't feel quite right, and it hasn't for weeks now and Pinkie's starting to get worried. Friends make sure friends are alright, don't they?

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Luna makes toast.

One average evening, one average princess, one average kitchen, and one average checklist on how to cook... Somehow, this sounds very familiar.

A simple one-Shot about sweet Celestia doing perhaps one of the most mundane tasks... Again, this sounds familiar.

Chapters (1)

One average morning, one average princess, one average kitchen, and one average bag of whole wheat bread slices... No one could mess this up.

One-Shot about beloved Luna doing perhaps one of the most mundane of tasks.

Chapters (1)

Twilight is sitting in her home. Little did she know she is about to get a visit from a plum-colored pony. What will happen when Ponyville's resident drunk meets Celestia's number one student?

Chapters (1)

That love can be a painful thing is something we both know all too well, sister. But it does not give you the right to throw your happiness away for mine...

I will not ask for your thanks for what I do now. I only ask for your forgiveness, and perhaps a promise to let yourself be happy.

Winner of the Fifth Bimonthly Twilestia is Bestia contest


Chapters (1)

Celestia wants to take a day off, but things just keep getting in the way... just like they have for thousands of years. Little things like small-town mayors, stuck-up princes, and of course, the obligatory dragon invasion.

Cover image by viwrastupr.
Proofreading by RaylanKrios.

Also read: Luna's Working Night

Chapters (1)