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Lyra has talked Bon Bon into hosting a baking class.

Twilight, Spike and Pinkie Pie are the students.

Uh oh.

Takes place in that magic zone where everything's happened right up until Alicorn Twilight.

Note: This is a comedy, but there are some sharp edges hiding in there. A friendship lesson is learned that probably couldn't be done on the show. Think of it as whipped cream with knives. Be warned.

Additional note: Fimfic won't let me click the 'sad' tag. This is more comedy than drama, but is definitely a dramedy. Sorry if anyone felt misled.

Cover art: Bon Bon design by IamthegreatLyra, Obama Posterization by whatever website I found that does that, slogan by me.

An Entry for NaPoWriMo one shot July contest.

Entered into Twilight's Library 12/1/13.

Chapters (1)

Hearts and Hooves Day fast approaches. For Twilight, her friends are shocked to learn she's never had a date. For Celestia, Luna reminds her that she's not had a date in, well, a time period she would rather not get in to. Luna conspires to push the two princesses together. Will a so-called "practice date" turn into something more?

Now with a sneaky little interquel in the form of Celestia Wants To Do Naughty Things To Twilight Sparkle. A mature treat for those who like that!

Took second place in the Fifth Bimonthly Twilestia Contest.

Chapters (7)

Twilight is a princess, and traveling the land to meet ponies far and wide; an excellent opportunity to make more friends. So why is she so unhappy?

Chapters (1)

Nopony ever really knew much about the alicorns that came before Celestia and Luna. Without any prior knowledge, they just assumed that the sisters were immortal due to their age. Thing is, they weren't.

After their four thousand years were up, Celestia and Luna were taken from their mortal bodies to join their fellow passed in the Manaveil. This left behind two more, of course- such is the way of things.

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, niece of the sun goddess, who now raises and sets the sun in honor of her dear aunt, Celestia.

And Princess Twilight Sparkle, who raises and sets the moon and stars in memory of her loving wife, Luna.

Now, one hundred years after Luna's death, she joins her dear Twilight to make one last memory until daylight comes.

My first, and likely only, one-shot (because I despise the things). Just a (hopefully) cute/heartbreaking story I thought of while sitting in the car and driving from Iowa to New Mexico. It was hell, but I got a lot of stuff done.

If you didn't like it, you could be kind enough to tell me why- that will really help improve my writing in the future. Or, if you really are that one person who just really wants to be a jackass, screw off and don't read it.

Credit for the cover art goes to lionel23 of deviantart.com.

Chapters (1)

My entry for the Dark Paradise: TwiLuna Prompt Collab! Expect copious amounts of adorkableness! I hope.

Twilight and Luna go to a fun house, and have fun with the mirrors inside! The only issue is, it doesn't quite turn out the way Twilight expected.

Chapters (1)

You think you know this story. You don't. One night at Berry Punch's bar, two jilted ponies strike up a conversation over some hard cider. The rest is drunken history.

Approved by Twilight's Library!

Chapters (1)

A saucy collab with Skeeter The Lurker.
After several failed attempts at other friendly games, Luna and Celestia have finally found the perfect game to pass the time: poker. One night, drunk on cider, they decide to make the game interesting: If Celestia wins, Luna has to go on a date. If Luna wins, Celestia has to tell Twilight how she feels about her. Ante up.

Sexy artwork by Rurik.

Editing by Sharp Spark.

(Note: much shipping abounds, but this is not a Celestia/Luna fic.)

Rated "Teen Sex" for some heavy wink wink, nudge nudge, and also booze.

Chapters (2)

Every week, Cadance and Celestia used to have tea and discuss everything. Now that Cadance has become Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, ruler of the Crystal Empire, those weekly tea sessions have gone away. So Celestia decides to visit the Empire, unannounced. Why?

Because, as Cadance is about to learn, when you are a Princess, making a pot of tea is more than just making a pot of tea...

Set in S4, before the events of Three's a Crowd.

Non-mature FB on 3/22/14. Mature FB on 3/23/14.

Added to Twilight's Library on 3/23/14.

NOTE: Rated E for everyone, but if this was a movie, I'd rate it PG for Adult Situations. These ponies have a serious talk about life and s--t.

Prompt suggested by Skeeter the Lurker. ("Cadance and Celestia have tea.")

Pre-read and edited by Cola Bubble Gum and Sharp Spark.

I don't know who made this amazing picture. If you know who, or are that person, PM me for credit. ARTIST FOUND!

Thanks, Xeadin!

Chapters (1)

Sooner or later, everyone finds their way to Roseluck's flower stall. And then they leave.

Part of Twilight's Library
Now available as an audio book
And also in Russian apparently

Chapters (1)

What should be done about Discord?

Fluttershy knows that’s the question that Princess Luna and Princess Celestia will be asking during their meeting about “the breezies” in the most secure room in all of Equestria.

Could she ever forgive herself if she condemned one of her friends to be imprisoned in stone for a thousand years? But if the fate of Equestria really is on the line, could she ever forgive herself if she doesn’t?

Set prior to the season 4 finale.

Chapters (1)