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A normal day was all it took.
A simple failed prototype, a missed experiment.
There was an explosion, and I woke up. I don't really know what happened between those two events, but I'm fairly certain I shouldn't have awoken in a small, dark box.

I'm scared.

Cover art by the amazing Avatar of Madness!

Chapters (5)

Hey there, what's up? My name is Lyra Heartstrings. I know, I know, it's cute, heard it a million times. Well, your flattery is wasted because I'm a taken mare!

Bon Bon is her name, and yes, she is amazing. She's the kind of gal that you don't have to have a lot of money to take out to a fancy restaurant because she just likes to sit with you and be together, y'know? Yeah, it's nice, cuz being a musician ain't the richest job in Equestria.

Anyway, yeah, her ideal date is to just sit with me. Yep. Not even joking.
On a bench in the park too, not even cuddling up by a fireplace.

And let me tell you, the craziest things go down by that bench in the park.

Thanks to Flint Sparks for encouraging this experiment, and thanks to RainbowBob for giving it a few looks as well!

Chapters (1)

Are They or Aren't They? Vinyl and Octavia have been best friends and radio co-hosts for years, and despite everypony thinking they're together, Vinyl insists they aren't . . . but Vinyl may just need a good push. Good thing Derpy comes along with a game of Truth or Dare!
Edit: Featured 12/17/14

Chapters (3)

Rainbow Dash is a proud mare. She'd be the last to deny she has plenty to be proud about. And even as the years catch up to her, she's as strong and fast as she ever was. She can still clear the skies as quickly as any young pony.

And yet nopony seems to think she's capable of looking after herself.

Thanks to my pre-readers, Blue_Paladin42 and jml123hi.

Now with a dramatic reading by Dr. Wolf.

Chapters (1)

Fresh off being crowned Equestria's newest princess, Twilight discovers that there are plenty of new aspects to her life. Being bowed down to, new wings, and having fastest pegasus in Equestria as a marefriend are among the many.

One of these is the ability of everlasting memory. She will be able to recall any moment of her life, good or bad, and will always be able to do so as long as she is alive. To her... its a nightmare in disguise.

However, Rainbow Dash's perspective on this might change her mind.


Winner of Surry's Eggcellent Egghead Competition
Thanks a million to my editor, Vertorm
Cover art by tarajelisha, found here

Chapters (1)

Following the time honored tradition of "Learning by Immersion", Rainbow has just the thing in mind to teach Twilight how to fly. Namely throwing her off a cliff.

A short oneshot inspired by the cover art commissioned by me during Bronycon. Thanks to the artist for his amazing work so go check his stuff out.

Chapters (1)

A dragon has lived alone for centuries in a cave far beneath the earth. When a pony trespasses on his domain through no fault of her own, what will become of her?

Are you the kind of person who would rather experience this story with your ears than your eyes? You're in luck! Here's a reading of the story courtesy of Thornquill!

Chapters (1)

During a slumber party, a thunderstorm unexpectedly rolls in, and a particular mare is absolutely terrified.

However, it's not who everypony expects it to be.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Phases of the Moon

No sin can remain buried forever.

Shining Armor believes that his troubles are over; his beloved Cadance is soon to give birth to their first foal and his affair with Princess Luna has cooled off considerably as her own pregnancy enters it's last stages.

Princess Luna is at the end of her rope; Shining Armor still has no idea that he is the father of the foal growing inside her and his clumsy gallantry is making her genuinely fall in love with him.

One elated, the other tormented, the pair of sinners will soon be faced with one of the unquestioned absolutes of the universe...

...what's done in the dark will be brought to the light.

Cover Art by the tremendous Swirling Line.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Lost in the Night

"I've always had only one. I've mourned them each in turn... as I will one day mourn you, my brave Captain."

Princess Luna's words have driven Shining Armor mad ever since she first uttered them when their affair began. Who were these past lovers? How did they come to be consorts to the Princess of the Night?

Shining Armor's quest for the answers leads him deep into the bowels Canterlot Castle and into the mysterious Archives of Truth. There, guided by a mysterious librarian called Brother Veritas, Shining Armor will uncover much more than he was ever expecting; hidden histories and origins, ancient conspiracies, and secrets that could very well change Equestria forever.

Special Thanks to DrTechno for the cover art.

Chapters (6)