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Vinyl Scratch has loved her stuffed pony since she was young. But Rainbow Dash, thinking she's too old for it, is bent on breaking her friend's habit. But both ponies learn a valuable lesson about being comfortable in their own skin.

Chapters (1)

Traditions build bonds and keep them tight. For Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, it's just what they need.

Not in continuity with my other stories

Chapters (1)

A terrible new day rises when a tragedy, foreseen only by Celestia but preventable by none, occurs right in the middle of Canterlot, turning Twilight Sparkle's world upside-down. Now, all of Equestria is looking to her to hold the broken nation together, all while she tries to pick up the pieces of her shattered life.

Coverart used with permission from: metalpandora

Old coverart may be found here.

A/N: Yes, the title was based of the Dragonforce song of the same name, you may stop postulating about it now.

Chapters (37)

We always tell ourselves to not dwell on the past. But what we do in the past marks us in the present and stays with us until we resolve it. And sometimes all we need is a little courage and love to overcome it.

Editors: The Wandering Bard and DemonBrightSpirit

Edit: Featured on 9 July 2015

Chapters (13)

A week ago, love was in bloom. Cadance, the Princess of Love and Shining Armor, Captain of the Royal Guard defeated and banished an invading army with the power of their love alone.

So why can't their sister start a conversation with her marefriend? They're already dating, for pony's sake! Maybe they just don't know each other well enough yet...

Cover art and proofreading done by the incomparable Noble Thought. Thank you for the help, my friend. Check out their blogs on writing. You'll learn something.

One hundred percent approved by Twilight's Library.

Accepted into the Royal Guard.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia’s 5000th birthday is fast approaching. The Mane Six and Luna decide to work together and throw a party for her, with many surprises that neither she nor they will ever forget.

A big thank you goes to Conicer, who made the wonderful cover art for me!

Chapters (12)

Part of RainbowDoubleDash's Lunaverse's Hearts-and-Hooves Day collab.

Lyra and Bon-Bon love each other. That's obvious to anypony just walking down the street. But today, on the most romantic day in Equestria, something terrible has happened. And if they missed such an important holiday, what else could this possibly mean for them? Is their romance over? Is there any way to salvage what love remains?

Chapters (1)

Twilight just wants to sleep; unfortunately for her, not only is Celestia in a playful mood, but Luna is itching for some quality time. Shining Armor and Cadence then show up, and it turns into tug of war with Twilight as the rope. The prize? Spending quality time with everypony's favorite purple alicorn.

This story has Twilight/Celestia and implied Twilight/Luna. Also, Cadence has a very... vivid imagination.

Now a plotless(okay, so there's a bit of plot. Just a smidge, though.) ball of comedic fluff with multiple chapters.

Chapters currently edited:
Chapter 1 - Say It - edited by ultra1437

Chapters (9)

A lonely alicorn wanders her castle prison, searching for any signs of life besides her own.

Inspired by the song "Hallowed Waltz" by Makkon
I encourage you to listen to the song as you read.
Cover art also by Makkon

Chapters (3)