• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2014


If there was any way to cure laziness, I probably wouldn't know 'cause I'd be sleeping.

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One day, as the Mane 6 and Spike are having a nice day out, a strange cloud appears to them from beyond the horizon. This cloud starts to cause immense chaos with its magical lightning bolts, with the chaos looking similar to the kind Discord had created before. After defeating the cloud, Twilight starts to act strangely, and the next day, Twilight's body parts start to change into different animal parts! Not knowing what to do, Twilight and her friends race to talk with Princess Celestia about this, with Twilight changing more and more with the more chaos she causes...

Chapters (42)

ACT One: (Chapters 1-10)
After a fatal tragedy, Twilight wakes up in a situation unlike anything she had experienced before. How is she supposed to react when she finds herself reincarnated as the daughter of Queen Chrysalis, the very one who orchestrated her assassination? Does she give into the rage and loss of her former self, or does she hold true to the magic of friendship?

ACT Two: Synopsis incoming

Chapters (10)

After a crazy night, Spike wakes up to find that Twilight is now his assistant. The next day, Rarity has a crush on him. The next, Rainbow Dash wants to watch him do tricks. You get the idea.

Chapters (3)

Of all the possible dimensions, planets, and places the Doctor had explored throughout his years of existence, none were quite like the pony-populated Equestria. A world of peace, harmony, friendship, and so much more. Long-since adapted into his equine-shaped twelfth incarnation, the Time Lord has come to accept this pony-filled land as a second home. And as such, he has sworn to protect it from whatever danger may occur.

However, trouble is beginning to brew on the horizon. The TARDIS is damaged after a rough voyage, and an attempt by Twilight to fix it only results in more problems for the Doctor to solve. Not only that, but it would seem that the TARDIS has had a few curious pony stowaways. But rather than throw them out, (or letting them simply leave) the Doctor decides to bring them all along as his new companions. And not a moment too soon, as a new danger from beyond threatens to uproot the very foundations of Equestria... that is, the foundations of its past!

Can the Doctor and his 'crew' stop the alien threat? But how can they do that if the enemy can bend even reality itself to their will? Should everypony have just stayed in bed today? The answers lie beyond the mysterious Nth Dimension...

On-hiatus until further notice, unfortunately. As one of my earliest stories, it's in serious need of some fixes, anyway.

Chapters (4)

When Princess Celestia asks Twilight to make an official, royal visit to Romaneia, Twilight dreads the inevitable succession of dry, boring diplomatic events. The charming Lord Bela soon wins her over, but Twilight is about to discover that all is not as it seems in Bela's apparently peaceful castle. (A story inspired by Carmilla, Dracula, and other classic vampire tales.)

Written for the BadassTwilight = Total Domination Twilight's Nightmare Halloween contest.

(Spoilers in comments.)

Chapters (2)

[12/14/2014] Revisions to Chapter 4 and onwards. More info here: http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/416547/fixing-i-think-i-can-remember

Celestia is settling into being a princess. It’s a lot of work, but luckily Star Swirl is a big help, even if Luna isn’t.

Then she wakes up and over a thousand years have passed. Her sister was banished to the moon and came back, Star Swirl is long gone, and Celestia apparently has a small purple alicorn student.

What’s going on?

Chapters (6)

A flip of a coin. A twist of fate.

Twilight Sparkle, younger sister of Princess Celestia's personal student, Shining Armor, grew up listening to her brother's bygone dreams of joining the elite of the elite: The Royal Guard.

Now, fresh out of the Academy, this young mare is ready to prove herself equal to the deeds of the great soldiers she read about as a filly. Too bad the princess she ends up protecting isn't Celestia.

Chapters (7)

Twilight's annual assessment is coming up, and she must go to Canterlot to visit her mentor. She decides to practice a spell that's sure to impress, but it goes horribly wrong, with potentially disastrous consequences. Princess Celestia and her sister Princess Luna are forced to pick up the pieces that remain while maintaining a cover on the scandal.


Twilight's magic fails somehow. The results can be comedic, romantic, or even horribly dark, but it's always a messy magical mishap from our mane mare. How often has that been used now? It's almost too easy.

Anyway, this is something I came up with while trying to break through my writer's block on my other story. It'll probably be 2 or 3 chapters long, but if people enjoy it enough, I might extend it.

Chapters (2)

16/6/20 EDIT: Cancelled. I don't have any more idea of where this is going than I did all those years ago. May or may not revisit.

No biggie. Just trying to chat up the living embodiment of the sun. What could go wrong?

Twilight has finally gathered the courage to confess herself to the stallion she loves, the stallion who is ultimately responsible for every good thing to come her way in life.

Now if only it were simple to do so.

Partially R63 alternate universe, most things are the same otherwise (like, basically everything!).
Cover is a cropped version of this picture right here.
Mention should also go to Bud Grazer for running his eyes over it before I published.

21/12/15: Chapter 1 has been edited a little, in line with hopefully adding in a Chapter 2 soon!

Chapters (1)

Twilight grew up a loving mare. To wake up on the moon as a new pony was something unexpected... But how she got there is going to be even more unexpected... As she begins to regain her memory, her questions only get harder to answer... She longs for the good days with Celestia and her friends... But somethings the past is a dangerous place to go...

And it definitely isn't going to be fun...

(Rated gore for safety in future chapters)

Chapters (2)