• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2014


If there was any way to cure laziness, I probably wouldn't know 'cause I'd be sleeping.

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"She was having another of those moments. The ones where haunts from your memory slip through your mental blockades and remind you of all the terrible things you've ever done. The ones where you watch yourself pave the road to Tartarus with your good intentions. The ones that brought tears to Twilight Sparkle's eyes as she watched the sky's violet and pink hues herald the sun's setting."

Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash visit the Frozen North, cradle of pony civilisation, to search for the cure to a mysterious affliction plaguing the former. How long until they too join the icy grave of ancient ponykind?

Chapters (2)

Twilight just got to the human world(again) and hears the whole situation about the Dazzlings. Adagio sees that she can be a threat and decides to take care of her. But not by getting rid of her, instead she wants Twilight to join them. How will they do that? Who knows? Will Sonata get her tacos? Just read and find out. Only slightly dark.

Warning this is my first story, constructive criticism is welcomed, and sorry if you don't like it. Enjoy.

Chapters (10)

During her entrance exam, Twilight's powers goes far out of control, leaving Celestia a shell of herself and Equestria in ruins. Now Nightmare Moon is free, but even she can't stop the Tyrant Filly. She flees through time and space, finding herself in an Equestria familiar to us but odd to her. Can the Mane Six help her stop a Twilight out of control?

Fanfiction.net link here!
Weekly featured fic in Authors Helping Authors group

TV Tropes Page, with sincere thanks to DrTempo.

Cover art from here.

Chapters (12)

It was just a normal day in the new castle of Princess Twilight Sparkle, except for a few incidents. As the King of Chaos, the Princess of the Night, the Element of Laughter and two old enemies decide at the same time reveal their love for her. What could go wrong? Well, simply everything.

Additional Character tags: Discord.
Editing by the awesome Lord Dragon, go and give him some hugs!
Art by megarexetera

Chapters (7)

Darkness is a living thing. It consumes the strong and destroys the weak, not knowing the meaning of mercy. It corrupts and devours until there is no light left within one's heart.

What happens when the young mare who wields the Element of Magic succumbs to the Darkness?

Chapters (8)

During the Discordian Era, Chaos ran free, allowing many monsters to establish solid footholds. Footholds that were lost when Celestia and Luna cast down Discord and took his place as the rulers of Equestria. Now, many thousands of years later, the Elements of Harmony, the very same tools that struck down Discord, belong to six individual ponies. Six vulnerable ponies. An ancient draconic vampire begins his campaign of revenge, uncaring of who is caught up within it. His first target? The Element of Magic, student of Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle.

Art by Archonix Source is in the link, and he does do commissions.

Chapters (4)

A long time ago, Twilight Sparkle, former Princess of Friendship and Magic, was banished to the Land of Twilight, a plane of existence where the Sun and the Moon stay in opposite places in the sky; never setting, always watching their only prisoner.
However, after one thousand years of imprisonment, the magical seal holding the plane together breaks and Twilight is set free... into a world that no longer remembers her, neither does she remember it.

Confused and lost in a mysterious world, and with ponies of dubious intentions aiding her, Twilight will have to find the only pony who can help her. And the only one she remembers.

This story is suffering 'rewriting'. Everything will be destroyed cleaned, some chapters will go into the trash and others will pop up and replace them, like changelings craving love. Characters will be wiped out of existence, orange ponies will be reduced to normal level of badass-ness and [DATA EXPUNGED].
Jesus Christ.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to What Have You Done?

Canterlot has fallen.

Chrysalis, the Changeling Queen, has taken her prize, unhindered by Equestria's precious heroes. Celestia is little more than another prisoner of war now. The Bearers of the Elements of Harmony are lost, and the Elements themselves have turned away from Equestria's plight. As the world they once knew begins to crumble, a single question is asked among the people as they look up at their fallen heroes.

It is no longer the question that needs to be asked, however.
It is no longer about what has been done, but what must be done now.

There is no such thing as "miserably ever after," for someone will always be fighting for things to change. Hope doesn't die just because someone's turned off the lights. Truth doesn't vanish when deceit begins its reign, and Harmony can only shine brighter among chaos.
Even as this world falls, we'll work to build it up again.
Even as you lose yourself, you can find greater things within you.
Even as fear rises up like a tidal wave, we'll forge a sanctuary to stand against it.
Even as you break, someone will always be standing there next to you to carry you through it.

And even if this entire broken world stands against me, as long as you do not give up, I will find my way back to you.

Cover art is by Odin-odin.
Story theme (Equestria in Grey) is by Omnipony.
Main Characters are Twilight, Velvet, Discord, Nightlight, Luna, and Chrysalis, in that order.
See you in the comments, my dear readers.

Chapters (3)

King Sombra came from an old age, a time where darkness and evil were prevalent across the land. The Princesse's power and influence were weaker in those days, for the land of Equestria was divided amongst many kingdoms of lesser Princesses and Princes. But out of all their ruling neighbors, The Four Shepherds held the most power of all, even threatening Celestia and Luna's kingdom. However, all of that changed when they vanished for a thousand years, ushering in a new era of peace and prosperity. Until that is, when the Crystal Kingdom reappeared, along with one of the Shepherds. King Sombra, however, was thankfully vanquished swiftly, but the following peace of his defeat would not last as long as anypony might think. A new force sets its eyes on the recently coronated Princess Twilight Sparkle, one that seeks to restore a lost heritage and remind the land of who is the true owner of the night. For when one evil is smitten, another appears in its place. And King Sombra was only the first in line.


Set before Season 4

Note: Dark tag is meant for Light Dark

Special thanks to my editor Ladrian for his diligent and superb work. I wish I had him when I first started this story because maybe then the early chapters would have been much better.

Special thanks to Stanku for revisions and prereading this story. It would be at a much worse state had it not been for his detailed opinions to each and every chapter, and letting me know where I can improve.

10/2/2014 : Woah... it's on the featured list... *cue squealing and fist pumping* THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!

Chapters (55)

Twilight Sparkle doesn't always have the easiest life, but maybe she can bear it, with a little help.

Cover Art by feather-chan. Many thanks!

Chapters (1)