• Member Since 14th Feb, 2012

Sugar Moon

Brony form Northern Ireland. Think that kinda says it all really. For now at least

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It's been three weeks since Octavia's smash hit, I am Octavia, and while the cellist's career is on a high note, that's about the only thing that is. Vinyl and Octavia are a complete wreck without each other, but repairing such damage to a relationship isn't easy, nor is it always possible. This is my answer (even though I know it's already been done here) to the question on everypony's mind:

Will Vinyl and Octavia be friends again?

NOTE: If you haven't listened to EileMonty's amazing song, do so before reading this.

Chapters (8)

It all started with simple rainy weather, a friendly gesture on a stormy night. Though simple, it soon creates a chain of events that bring two friends closer than either expected. Like dominoes falling, one after the other—even if there are some bumpy obstacles in their path.

My first attempt at writing romance/shipping. Wish me luck. I'm going to need it.

*Due to lack of inspiration to write this fanfic as well as pony fanfiction altogether, this fanfic is cancelled. I'm terribly sorry*

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Golden Armor

It's more of a continuation than a sequel, but whatever.

Comet is the leader of Princess Celestia's personal guard. Angel is the leader of Princess Luna's.

Comet is awake during the day. Angel stays up all night.

Comet likes using a halberd. Angel excels at using claws.

Comet is a pegasus. Angel is a bat pony.

Together, they take on all the twists and turns life hands them. However, things don't always go as planned.

Cover art by Equestria Prevails.
Proofread by jmartkdr and Feather Scratch

Chapters (3)

After an argument with Rainbow Dash about the romance plot in the latest Daring Do issue, Twilight Sparkle constructs a machine that allows two ponies to enter a novel, in order to learn more about Rainbow's obsession with pairing Daring Do with her bookish sidekick Rosetta.

Soon, the two find themselves in a Daring Do adventure, with Rainbow taking the name part and Twilight playing Rosetta. As they deal with ancient jungle ruins, mythical artifacts and old adversaries, Twilight is starting to see the appeal of the pairing.

But after all, it is all just fiction, and what happens in a novel has little to do with the real world, right?

Written for the TwiDash Group's Abandoned Fic Challenge.

Rated Teen for some violence, some very tame makeouts, and a slightly inebriated pony.

Chapters (14)

Lyra and Bon Bon: foster parents? It'll happen, if they can only get past their sardonic caseworker, nerve-wracking inspections, and each others' neuroses. That's assuming things work out with any one of the children that passes through their home. After all of that, there's just the matter of the adoption and the birth relatives. Hugs, heartbreak, and humor will follow in droves.

Also, Lyra tries to cook soup.

Cover made by the wonderful Whipstitch.

Chapters (4)

Octavia finds Vinyl at a party after so many years and they become regular friends again. Though, amidst their friendship, Octavia develops feelings for Vinyl. She expresses these feelings by writing a composition for her new crush. Will Vinyl return Octavia's feelings?

Amazing cover art by DShou (deviantart.com).

Chapters (7)

In a world where ponies and vamponies co-exist, the lovely Octavia has fallen for the dashing vampony Vinyl Scratch. Can their love survive those who oppose it? The self proclaimed Vampony Hunter Rainbow Dash? And most importantly Vinyl's alter ego, DJ PON3?

Fic is based off the premise set forth in Charlaine Harris' books "The Southern Vampire Mysteries."

NEW COVER ART! Tangled Up In Bue by Kare Valgon on Deviantart


or comment on the artist's user page hereswift-blaze

The characters are still ponies and not humans but this wonderful author specializes in drawing human figures. Go check her out and leave her some love! Thank u so much swift-blaze

Chapters (11)

[Humanized] Many years before the Equestria Games that made her bearer of the title of Greatest swordswoman in Equestria, Cloud Kicker's thoughts about her future were miles away from wielding the sword and even further away from joining the Royal Guard .
What did push her in that direction?
How did her training go?
Who did she meet along the way?
How did a young and carefree teenager become one of the most famous guards in the country?
This tale will try to answer those questions.....

A side story/pseudo prequel to my Apple Scratch series

Cover art done by : BillieW.

Chapters (14)

Featured on 5/19/2013
Princess Twilight has taken her place as the newest member of the royal family. After some time Discord becomes Twilights personal advisor and they are driving each other crazy. In more ways than one.

With their partnership comes many changes to Equestria and Twilights political power has started overshadowing the Royal Sisters.
This was Celestia's plan all along, but it doesn't stop there.

Chapters (15)

After constant hassling from her parents combined with the long nights spent with only Tank for company, Rainbow Dash decides to give the dating scene a try. Unfortunately, it isn't until she's given a few stallions in Ponyville a chance to impress her does she realize the perfect stallion has been right in front of her the whole time! He understands her competitiveness, need for speed, and her hatred of boredom. There's just one problem: he could end up destroying the world.

Chapters (4)