• Member Since 14th Feb, 2012

Sugar Moon

Brony form Northern Ireland. Think that kinda says it all really. For now at least

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Four years ago Vinyl and Octavia broke up. It was messy, painful and left scars on both of them. Four years on, now one of the most successful DJs in Equestria’s history, Vinyl receives news that Octavia has been in a terrible accident. The doctors say she may never recover from her coma, but Vinyl refuses to believe them. There are all sorts of stories about coma patients who are brought back by the voice of someone they care about, right? No matter what anypony else says, offers or threatens, and no matter what it costs her personally or professionally, she is determined to stay by Octavia’s side and do all she can to wake her.

But four years is a long time, and no matter how many fairytales end with the princess waking up, real life owes no-one a happy ending.

Featured on EQD - 3rd August 2013

Now with a fabulous dramatic reading by the even more fabulous Goombasa!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapters (13)

It's a simple agreement: Rarity will take Applejack to a proper gallery opening, and in turn, Applejack gets to take Rarity to something called a 'hootenanny.' What could possibly go wrong?

(apologies to René Magritte for the shameless appropriation of his work for a cover image)

Chapters (3)

When Dusk Shine is enlisted to welcome Dawn Star, Princess Luna's new student, to Ponyville, a certain blue stallion gets jealous. Can their friendship survive it? And what romances may blossom from the stormy landscapes?

Only the Mane Six are gender swapped.

Chapters (18)

Sometimes, we all need company. Big Mac found his in the form of a doll — a filly's mere toy. She provided companionship as an inanimate object, but now, it's not enough. Big Mac attempts to find a way to transform her into something more capable of understanding, but when he does, will he be able to make the ultimate sacrifice to see it through?

Chapters (8)

It's Father's Day, but one certain Element of Honesty is alone, so Rarity, being the generous mare she is, offers to let Applejack come with her and Magnum to Ponyville's finest restaurant. However, when Rarity sends the letter to her father explaining, a horrible misconception is made: Magnum believes that Applejack is his daughter's marefriend, here to have him approve of his daughter's choice in love.

Rarity is panicked.

Applejack thinks it's hilarious.

Sequel: Clear

Chapters (4)

There's no place like Donut Joe's diner to unwind after a long, hard day. Good company, great coffee, and the best dang cucumber omelette in Equestria. After the week Celestia's had, she could really, really use a place to get away from it all.

Here, the regulars all know her as Sunny Skies, the unassuming workaholic mare who hasn't taken a day off in... ever. Well, today's her lucky day. Sunny's about to have one apocalyptically long holiday.

Luna's become delirious with a fever, Discord's fled the castle in terror, there's a living moon locked in Celestia's dining room, and something is very, very wrong with Equestria's sugar.

Put on a pot of coffee, folks. We've got an all-nighter on our hooves.

Holy horseapples, Sugarfree has AMAZING FANART NOW! Cover art by the wonderful StyxLady.
Crazy huge thanks to Luminary, Brawny and Eakin for pre-reading and editing this horrid thing.

Chapters (15)

Every pony in Equestria knows the names Octavia Philharmonica and Vinyl Scratch. Every musician in Equestria knows and reveres their talent and most semi-jokingly complain that Octavia and Vinyl's relationship should count as a monopoly on musical talent. Very few know their early story, years ago when Octavia had only just left Canterlot Conservatory and Vinyl was... well, being Vinyl.

Chapters (33)

This story is a sequel to Fashion Crush

(Humanized) Vincenza Scratch, AkA Vinyl for her friends, AKA DJ-PON3 on stage, 22 years old. The DJ found herself in one of the low periods of her young career, probably the lowest and longest she ever experienced so far; writer's block, out of ideas for a new genre of music as her 'classic' electronica seems to go out of the crowd fashion, less and less attendance to her gigs, etc.

Starting to run low on money, She gets in touch with one of her mother's friend in the capital, Vito Philharmonica; Member of the board of one of the most prestigious private high school. Vito offers her a place to stay and a job to help her to get back on track : A music teacher job for a Highschool senior class, which includes Vito's own daughter, Octavia.

How's Vinyl going to teach to a bunch of teenagers when she's barely older than them? ( and probably not much more mature as well). And when other teachers and some of her students look down at her for being a 'simple' DJ? One answer, Becoming the GTVS: THE GREAT TEACHER VINYL SCRATCH! (Yes inspired by GTO, one of the coolest manga ever)

Fanart for the story on tumblr or on DA!

Don't forget to check the comic version as well

Chapters (23)

After losing out on first chair cellist in the Manehattan Philharmonic Orchestra to her biggest rival, Octavia tries to console herself with a healthy bout of moping and a strong drink. One drink soon becomes several, though, and her evening of debauchery leads to a long night of frenzied, sordid passion with her best friend Vinyl Scratch. It isn't until she wakes up in the morning with Vinyl's legs wrapped around her that Octavia remembers two very important things: one, she's straight. And two, if the infamously strict conductor of the Philharmonic finds out how unrefined Octavia's social life has become, she could lose her one and only chance at the only dream she's ever had in her life.

This could get a little bit complicated.

Cover art by CouchCrusader, who I swear to God is like fatting me up for slaughter or something with all the custom stuff he does for me.

Half-heartedly edited by NTSTS #dunked

Chapters (1)

That here is a lot of P words in a short description.

Something seems to have occurred in Equestria which is slowly draining the exuberance from everything. Without any warning the populace of Equestria has been tossed into the midst of a force long since dormant since the rise of Harmony in the land.

Chapters (1)