• Member Since 14th Feb, 2012

Sugar Moon

Brony form Northern Ireland. Think that kinda says it all really. For now at least

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Curious about Five Score? Come check out the story that inspired dozens of side fics and been enjoyed by bronies for years!

Original Synopsis Even though MLP:FiM ended a few years ago, my friends and I still loved the show. Stories, merch, fan art, I loved it all. Things started to get a weird though when I found myself with a cutie mark appearing on my leg. Humans aren't supposed to get cutie marks, so where the heck did this come from? And what's going on with my hair?

More Detailed Synopsis: Five Score is an action/adventure story of the human-to-pony transformation genre. It’s unique from most transformation stories because the transformation itself is not really the point of the story. It’s the inciting incident that raises countless challenges that must be resolved. They are on earth, as a pony, and need to fix this before things get worse. Think about yourself in their hooves for a moment. How are you supposed to change back or even figure out what caused it in the first place? How are you supposed to get food or do anything on Earth without being spotted by humans? If you are spotted or captured, how would you escape? How does one even open a door with hooves!? Did anyone else on Earth get changed as well? How could you get the word out to the other ponies who are themselves hiding? Is it worth risking travel across the country to reach the others? Which of your friends would you trust to help you deal with this? And why did you turn into this particular pony? Surely it wasn’t random chance, right?

These challenges are the tip of the iceberg in this full length adventure novel There’s a lot of humor, many tense scenes, and hell maybe even a war.

But don’t just take it from me, Look what random people on the internet are saying about Five Score, Divided by Four

One of the best things to come out of this fandom.

This made me change how I think about fictional worlds, imagination, and creativity

The only story on FimFiction to have me literally shaking with excitement.

-Shadow Reaper

Five Score master editor:

Five Score proofreaders:
Comrade Sparkle
Rustle my Jimmies

Chapters (38)

Rarity has a secret. Well, two secrets. First, she has a crush on one particular pony. And second, she has been writing a story for the object of her affections, to reveal her love. But when word gets out about her literary abilities, suddenly all of her friends want her help on their own writing projects. And all of them need to be done by Hearts and Hooves Day! Could Rarity not be the only one with a hidden agenda here? And how exactly will she manage so many projects in such a short period of time?

(Updated with some editing help from the superb Exuno)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Fires of Friendship

Applejack is bitter about her lineage among the wealthy and sophisticated Oranges of Manehattan, who apparently abandoned her simple country family. Rarity is desperate to fit in with the urbane elites of the fashion world, even if it means disparaging and rejecting the Ponyville home she loves. On a trip to the big city for Equestria's famous Fashion Week, Applejack will teach Rarity to be honest and true to herself, and Rarity will show Applejack that a little generosity and forgiveness go a long way. Together, they will learn that each has exactly what the other needs to be complete.

This story is in the same continuity as "The Fires of Friendship," and I suppose it is a sequel of sorts, though there is no need to read that story first. More than anything, this story is birthday present for a dear friend, and a fun celebration of her favorite ship.

The cover art (also a birthday present for our mutual chum) is provided courtesy of superstar art sorcerer WizardWannabe.

Chapters (1)

Rarity and Applejack share a secret history: as fillies, they were the best of friends, until one terrible day soured their relationship for years to come. Forced back together by recent events and mutual friendships, they nevertheless cannot ignore the painful memories of all that went wrong. The past cannot be changed, but when Rarity and Applejack must work together to save their sisters from terrible danger, it just may be the case that a friendship once broken can be reforged in fire, and emerge from the flames stronger than ever before.

This story is a birthday gift from me and the illustrator, Harwick, to a very dear friend with a singular affection for Rarity and Applejack.

Chapters (1)

Rarity's decided to break up with Applejack, but were they even an item in the first place? And, perhaps more importantly, what does Applejack have to say about it?

Hijinks, of course, will ensue.

Chapters (5)

Cancelled, re-write in progress. Please check it out at this link.


Ladies and Gentlemen, Fillies and Gentlecolts, I bring you the sequel to Adaptation. I don't know how well it'll go over, but you all seemed to want it, so I figured I'd give it a try.

In this volume, Echo has settled in to her life in Ponyville and has just begun to become accustomed to the strange ways in which ponies behave. While their social norms may be confounding to her, she is satisfied with her life. That is, until Scootaloo comes home from school one day shaken, and Echo finds that not everypony in Ponyville is as understanding and accepting of who she is as she thought they were. What has caused the normally kind ponies in this town to become so suddenly xenophobic?

Tagged gore for possible mild violence.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Apple Scratch : A summer at the Farm

Ponyville has been chosen to host the most important sporting events in the Country. It's up to the two grown up sisters of the Apple family and their friends to represent their town in the games.
Will they make Ponyville proud?
Will they win some gold medals?
How will they manage so much nobles in town? Including their lovers' family.

Awesome Cover art by BillieW.

Apple Scratch Saga:
1: Apple Scratch toward the world
2: A summer at the farm
3: Onward to the Equestria games
Bonus/World Building : Tales of Apple Scratch

Chapters (35)


The newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle has set up a bold new initiative to discover new magic, and is sending out an open call to the unicorns of Equestria to apply for her research team. No experience in magical theory or research necessary. Enthusiasm and out-of-the-box thinking a must. The Equestrian government is not responsible for any physical, emotional, or magical trauma experienced during the course of the project or the application process.

Cover art by Page Turner

Chapters (5)

When Rarity’s friends discover that she has been secretly meeting with an escort, they begin investigating, and soon discover a web of lies and unrequited romances none of them ever could have expected.

A reimagining of Rarity's Mare of the Evening.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to An Apple Scratch toward the World.

(Humanized) After their decisive actions during Chrysalis' Invasion of Canterlot, Princess Celestia gives to Vinyl and her 'sister' Applejack an other Mission. One they would have hope it never befalls to them. (or So they first thought)

Cover masterly done by BillieW

Apple Scratch Saga:
1: Apple Scratch toward the world
2: A summer at the farm
3: Onward to the Equestria games
Bonus/World Building : Tales of Apple Scratch

Chapters (25)