• Member Since 31st Aug, 2018

Ghost Mike

Hardcore animation enthusiast chilling away in this dimension and unbothered by his non-corporeal form. Also likes pastel cartoon ponies. They do that to people. And ghosts.

Really Good 242 stories
  • Really Good 242 stories - 0 unread chapters This provided enough of a great time that it's worth a reread at some point, length permitting. The kind of fic you’re delighted to have read, and know you’re talking proper writing quality, not just fanfiction. The flaws can't be ignored, and I'd be hard-pressed to claim you "have" to read it, but I'd still recommend it strongly enough.
    Created by Ghost Mike
    - May, 2021
Found 240 stories in 68ms

Total Words: 2,574,169
Estimated Reading: 1 week


  • Reviewed 639 stories - 0 unread chapters If it's here, I've read and reviewed it! Check my review blog index or the fic's comments to find which edition of "Ghost Mike's Ponyfic Review Monday Musings" the review is in. The fic will also be in that rating folder.

  • Excellent 59 stories - 0 unread chapters Everyone should read these, no questions asked. Not even your tastes in genre or characters matters. There might be room for a little improvement, but it's doing enough things really well that I have little to say against it. Many fics in here are so compelling in execution and reader involvement that the flaws simply don’t matter. Writing of this quality rewards your faith in the fandom.

  • Really Good 242 stories - 0 unread chapters This provided enough of a great time that it's worth a reread at some point, length permitting. The kind of fic you’re delighted to have read, and know you’re talking proper writing quality, not just fanfiction. The flaws can't be ignored, and I'd be hard-pressed to claim you "have" to read it, but I'd still recommend it strongly enough.

  • Pretty Good 290 stories - 0 unread chapters We’re starting to get somewhere here. There’s something holding these fics back from the kind of quality that encourages rereads, or enthusiasm on the level of gushing. Or perhaps the subject matter and delivery by their very nature puts a ceiling on the fic’s bounds. Regardless, you’re quite glad to have read it, and there’s enough to earn a recommendation. NOTE: Some fics that belong here are still in Good or Really Good, and will be moved here in due time.

  • Decent 397 stories - 2 unread chapters Worth the read. Little special about it, either due to lots of small flaws, select big ones, or having little standout. But it's likeable, and while I might not actively recommend it, I might suggest it as a casual read if it came up in conversation. A place for competent if unremarkable fics. By their very nature, many fluff pieces end up here.

  • Passable 238 stories - 1 unread chapters Doing enough right that I don't regret reading it. Some fics here may be otherwise Weak but have an element(s) of note to push them up, while others are just serviceable all around. If it's short or the subject matter appeals to you, a worthwhile diversion. I'd drag my heels (wait, ghosts haven’t got those…) about recommending it, though, especially if it's longer.

  • Weak 105 stories - 1 unread chapters There's some potential here, but it's either crushingly mediocre all around, or a equal balance of bad and good. Even if the subject matter appeals to you, you can pass on this with no regrets. These fics are usually very forgettable.

  • Bad 20 stories - 0 unread chapters There’s something going very wrong, and there’s little worthwhile to offset it. Often the fic is filled with things happening just because, has poor characterisation, is technically malnourished, or a combination of all three. These are the kind of fics one abandons rather than finishing.

  • Random/Crackfic/Can’t Grade 68 stories RETIRED FOLDER: So intentionally random and absurd that it basically can’t be judged in either direction. Also other fanfiction that, for whatever reason, can’t be evaluated and ranked on a conventional scale, at least by me – random fics are not a strength of mine to even judge, much less make.

  • Writing Work For Other Users 7 stories Any fic here is one for which I pre-read or edited to some degree. Or even co-authored, possibly! It is not guaranteed that I am credited in each fic's description.

  • Jinglemas Gifts 8 stories Jinglemas fics written for me, and Jinglemas fics I have written for others.


  • Featured 23556 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

There are some situations where being an Element-Bearer can help a pony in her daily life.

Getting a mailing address officially changed isn't one of them.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Chapters (1)

Octavia's and Vinyl's life together. You think it's simple, and I'm going to prove you're wrong.

So, heads or tails?

Proofread by MrNumbers.

Reading by ObabScribbler

Reading by Voiceguy.

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis and Cadance have been engaged in a battle of wills against each other for longer than either can remember, but little do they know they're both fighting for the same reasons.

Thank you to Red Parade and Seer for pre-reading and editing.
Written for Seer. Thank you for inspiring me to try crazy new ideas. You inspire me and bring me joy!

Chapters (1)

The Spirit Pony is responsible for the End of All That Ever Was. It has always been so. This particular End looks like being a straightforward one – until a certain pink pony intervenes to prevent it happening. Pinkie has a very, very good reason for stopping the Spirit, too...

Now has a reading by... er... me! And another one by hystericaldominolego!
22/11/19: New! Dramatic reading by Scribbler, featuring Quirky Craft and Illya Leonov!

Featured by Equestria Daily
Featured by the Royal Canterlot Library
Featured by Seattle's Angels
"a look into the power of Pinkie ... Highly Recommended" -- PresentPerfect
"a delightful sense of unreality to the whole thing ... 9/10" -- Soge

Chapters (1)

I like my job, but of course I look forward to coming home at the end of the day. Especially lately. We have a daughter now. We actually have a daughter. And I can’t wait to see her.

Lengthened version of the third-place finisher in the /fic/ write-off “I Regret Nothing.”

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

Everyone always tells Twilight that the ones who love us never truly leave us.

But that's a lie. It's always been a lie.

Things that live must also die. It's simply the cycle of life, and that cycle doesn't care about love or the pain it causes.

Until one day, that cycle is broken by a forgotten figure from her past: a little tortoise who's not so little anymore.

This story is, first and foremost, a gift for the incomparable Mushroom, who clearly must be some sort of undiscovered species of fungus dog since we definitely don't deserve her. I have it on good authority that this story gave her Many Feelings, and I hope it gives them to you, too. :)

This also won first place in the of the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting '2021 Gift Fic Exchange' contest portion, which is neat.

Cover art commissioned from the lovely Shaslan!

Chapters (1)

Many have opposed Celestia and all of them have fallen, one way or another. Some she has slain. Others she redeemed. Her servants and friends have done great deeds in her name and her fame has spread throughout all of creation. She is the Sun in all of its glory.

And yet she finds that she cannot get a single child to believe she is even real.

Part of the Monophysite Quartet.
Ageless, Or Celestia Plays Dice With the Universe, Have You Considered My Servant, Twilight?, and The Esoteric Rites of Darkness (NSFW), all coming from a single story idea called "Monophysite" and exploring some perception/idea/theory about who or what Celestia is and how that effects her friends and loved ones.

Chapters (1)

After a strange set of circumstances involving baby beavers, a field trip from Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, and an "epic rain cloud" leave Sweet Apple Acres adrift Applejack writes to Mayor Mare asking for some understanding, some sympathy...and a bailout.

As things go from bad to worse around the farm a young republic is tested and Caramel finds himself in an usual position...all while Applejack informs the mayor of her attempts to save the farm.

Chapters (1)

Equestria stands on the brink of ruin. A necromancer has raised an army of the dead and is poised to plunge the world into darkness. Monsters and brigands roam freely across the land, preying upon the innocent.

Only one hope remains. Armed with swords, spells, snacks, and a bag of dice, five heroes band together to defeat the forces of evil… if their rolls are good enough.

Welcome to gaming night in Ponyville.

Dramatic reading by Goombasa.

Cover image by Elosande used with permission.

Chapters (5)

Under a rock in the Everfree Forest, there lived a pony.

Once a year, she came out to play.

**Beware of spoilers in the comments.**

Chapters (1)