• Member Since 31st Aug, 2018

Ghost Mike

Hardcore animation enthusiast chilling away in this dimension and unbothered by his non-corporeal form. Also likes pastel cartoon ponies. They do that to people. And ghosts.

Really Good 242 stories
  • Really Good 242 stories - 0 unread chapters This provided enough of a great time that it's worth a reread at some point, length permitting. The kind of fic you’re delighted to have read, and know you’re talking proper writing quality, not just fanfiction. The flaws can't be ignored, and I'd be hard-pressed to claim you "have" to read it, but I'd still recommend it strongly enough.
    Created by Ghost Mike
    - May, 2021
Found 240 stories in 72ms

Total Words: 2,574,169
Estimated Reading: 1 week


  • Reviewed 639 stories - 0 unread chapters If it's here, I've read and reviewed it! Check my review blog index or the fic's comments to find which edition of "Ghost Mike's Ponyfic Review Monday Musings" the review is in. The fic will also be in that rating folder.

  • Excellent 59 stories - 0 unread chapters Everyone should read these, no questions asked. Not even your tastes in genre or characters matters. There might be room for a little improvement, but it's doing enough things really well that I have little to say against it. Many fics in here are so compelling in execution and reader involvement that the flaws simply don’t matter. Writing of this quality rewards your faith in the fandom.

  • Really Good 242 stories - 0 unread chapters This provided enough of a great time that it's worth a reread at some point, length permitting. The kind of fic you’re delighted to have read, and know you’re talking proper writing quality, not just fanfiction. The flaws can't be ignored, and I'd be hard-pressed to claim you "have" to read it, but I'd still recommend it strongly enough.

  • Pretty Good 290 stories - 0 unread chapters We’re starting to get somewhere here. There’s something holding these fics back from the kind of quality that encourages rereads, or enthusiasm on the level of gushing. Or perhaps the subject matter and delivery by their very nature puts a ceiling on the fic’s bounds. Regardless, you’re quite glad to have read it, and there’s enough to earn a recommendation. NOTE: Some fics that belong here are still in Good or Really Good, and will be moved here in due time.

  • Decent 397 stories - 2 unread chapters Worth the read. Little special about it, either due to lots of small flaws, select big ones, or having little standout. But it's likeable, and while I might not actively recommend it, I might suggest it as a casual read if it came up in conversation. A place for competent if unremarkable fics. By their very nature, many fluff pieces end up here.

  • Passable 238 stories - 1 unread chapters Doing enough right that I don't regret reading it. Some fics here may be otherwise Weak but have an element(s) of note to push them up, while others are just serviceable all around. If it's short or the subject matter appeals to you, a worthwhile diversion. I'd drag my heels (wait, ghosts haven’t got those…) about recommending it, though, especially if it's longer.

  • Weak 105 stories - 1 unread chapters There's some potential here, but it's either crushingly mediocre all around, or a equal balance of bad and good. Even if the subject matter appeals to you, you can pass on this with no regrets. These fics are usually very forgettable.

  • Bad 20 stories - 0 unread chapters There’s something going very wrong, and there’s little worthwhile to offset it. Often the fic is filled with things happening just because, has poor characterisation, is technically malnourished, or a combination of all three. These are the kind of fics one abandons rather than finishing.

  • Random/Crackfic/Can’t Grade 68 stories RETIRED FOLDER: So intentionally random and absurd that it basically can’t be judged in either direction. Also other fanfiction that, for whatever reason, can’t be evaluated and ranked on a conventional scale, at least by me – random fics are not a strength of mine to even judge, much less make.

  • Writing Work For Other Users 7 stories Any fic here is one for which I pre-read or edited to some degree. Or even co-authored, possibly! It is not guaranteed that I am credited in each fic's description.

  • Jinglemas Gifts 8 stories Jinglemas fics written for me, and Jinglemas fics I have written for others.


  • Featured 23572 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Pinkie Pie reads a newspaper headline warning of an increase in the price of hugs. Now she has to track down all her friends and give them a final, free hug before she can’t afford them anymore!

A lighthearted tale of ponies, hugs, and the socio-economic implications of monetizing physical expressions of companionship in a post-capitalist society.

Chapters (3)

Big ponies probably didn’t get lost at all. Especially not in the city. Especially not at night.

Filly Bon-Bon often visits her grandmother in Manehattan. This year, she even gets to spend Nightmare Night there, and go trick-or-treating in the busiest city after Canterlot! Everything is going to be awesome!

That is, until she gets lost in the back alleys of the busiest city after Canterlot and meets a couple of working mares...

A fan-funded fiction. Based on the prompt 'Bon-Bon meets some hookers'. Not nearly as cracky or cloppy as it sounds.

Now with a full cast reading here.

Chapters (1)

The pony tribes live divided from one another by generations of fear and mistrust. Long ago, however, they mingled, and married, freely with each other. What would happen when that genetic legacy expresses itself again, and a pegasus is born in Maretime Bay? Are there any ponies who might do their part to help such an ill-fated foal?

(This story is set an undetermined time before the main events of the My Little Pony: A New Generation movie, but after the intro sequence.)

Chapters (1)

During a simple winter day lunch with Twilight Sparkle, Sweetie Belle learns there's a lot she doesn't know about her sister.

Chapters (1)

Running across Equestria, a vast network of pipes transfers soup from the mines out West to hungry ponies on the East Coast. Few ponies sitting down to a bowl of fresh cazuela ever think about the soup pipeline.

For Langy, it’s her job. It’s her life.

The soup must flow.

Now with an audio reading by Wonder Gala (on Soundcloud)

Chapters (1)

Trixie's line of work is dangerous. But she's a careful showpony, and that's why she's only died a few dozen times in her career.

She thinks this is normal.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Best Hell Ever

Once upon a time, Twilight went to hell. It wasn’t that bad. It was pretty great, actually. It had a library! A big one. Like, bigger-than-the-universe big. But then Twilight went and got herself kicked out of hell, and now she’s depressed.

There’s only one logical solution: with Starlight’s reluctant help, Twilight is going to break into hell and invade its library. Oh, it’ll be tricky — trying to find one specific location in an infinite dimension tends to be a bit hard — but the infinite knowledge it’ll provide is too good to pass up. Twilight will find that library if it kills her (which, since this is hell, isn’t the worst thing ever in the grand scheme of things).

There is absolutely no way this can possibly go wrong.

Chapters (7)

Suddenly finding herself in hell, Twilight is presented with one fact: for the rest of eternity, she's stuck in a library holding every book possible. She's expected to organize them and is allowed to read them.

What makes this hell, again?

Now has two Spanish translations, one by SPANIARD KIWI and another by Pugg-Senpai.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow wants to do something to make up for the damage she caused at the Weather Factory. And Twilight wants to help. But you know Rainbow -- she can't settle for anything less than perfection...

Takes place in Season 5, shortly after Tanks for the Memories.

Chapters (1)

Ivory Cedar, "Balloon Pony" as most of Maretime Bay knows him, isn't handling the aftermath of his protracted flight very well. Thankfully, Zipp Storm is there to look out for him.

Chapters (1)