• Member Since 31st Aug, 2018

Ghost Mike

Hardcore animation enthusiast chilling away in this dimension and unbothered by his non-corporeal form. Also likes pastel cartoon ponies. They do that to people. And ghosts.

Really Good 242 stories
  • Really Good 242 stories - 0 unread chapters This provided enough of a great time that it's worth a reread at some point, length permitting. The kind of fic you’re delighted to have read, and know you’re talking proper writing quality, not just fanfiction. The flaws can't be ignored, and I'd be hard-pressed to claim you "have" to read it, but I'd still recommend it strongly enough.
    Created by Ghost Mike
    - May, 2021
Found 240 stories in 60ms

Total Words: 2,574,169
Estimated Reading: 1 week


  • Reviewed 639 stories - 0 unread chapters If it's here, I've read and reviewed it! Check my review blog index or the fic's comments to find which edition of "Ghost Mike's Ponyfic Review Monday Musings" the review is in. The fic will also be in that rating folder.

  • Excellent 59 stories - 0 unread chapters Everyone should read these, no questions asked. Not even your tastes in genre or characters matters. There might be room for a little improvement, but it's doing enough things really well that I have little to say against it. Many fics in here are so compelling in execution and reader involvement that the flaws simply don’t matter. Writing of this quality rewards your faith in the fandom.

  • Really Good 242 stories - 0 unread chapters This provided enough of a great time that it's worth a reread at some point, length permitting. The kind of fic you’re delighted to have read, and know you’re talking proper writing quality, not just fanfiction. The flaws can't be ignored, and I'd be hard-pressed to claim you "have" to read it, but I'd still recommend it strongly enough.

  • Pretty Good 290 stories - 0 unread chapters We’re starting to get somewhere here. There’s something holding these fics back from the kind of quality that encourages rereads, or enthusiasm on the level of gushing. Or perhaps the subject matter and delivery by their very nature puts a ceiling on the fic’s bounds. Regardless, you’re quite glad to have read it, and there’s enough to earn a recommendation. NOTE: Some fics that belong here are still in Good or Really Good, and will be moved here in due time.

  • Decent 397 stories - 2 unread chapters Worth the read. Little special about it, either due to lots of small flaws, select big ones, or having little standout. But it's likeable, and while I might not actively recommend it, I might suggest it as a casual read if it came up in conversation. A place for competent if unremarkable fics. By their very nature, many fluff pieces end up here.

  • Passable 238 stories - 1 unread chapters Doing enough right that I don't regret reading it. Some fics here may be otherwise Weak but have an element(s) of note to push them up, while others are just serviceable all around. If it's short or the subject matter appeals to you, a worthwhile diversion. I'd drag my heels (wait, ghosts haven’t got those…) about recommending it, though, especially if it's longer.

  • Weak 105 stories - 1 unread chapters There's some potential here, but it's either crushingly mediocre all around, or a equal balance of bad and good. Even if the subject matter appeals to you, you can pass on this with no regrets. These fics are usually very forgettable.

  • Bad 20 stories - 0 unread chapters There’s something going very wrong, and there’s little worthwhile to offset it. Often the fic is filled with things happening just because, has poor characterisation, is technically malnourished, or a combination of all three. These are the kind of fics one abandons rather than finishing.

  • Random/Crackfic/Can’t Grade 68 stories RETIRED FOLDER: So intentionally random and absurd that it basically can’t be judged in either direction. Also other fanfiction that, for whatever reason, can’t be evaluated and ranked on a conventional scale, at least by me – random fics are not a strength of mine to even judge, much less make.

  • Writing Work For Other Users 7 stories Any fic here is one for which I pre-read or edited to some degree. Or even co-authored, possibly! It is not guaranteed that I am credited in each fic's description.

  • Jinglemas Gifts 8 stories Jinglemas fics written for me, and Jinglemas fics I have written for others.


  • Featured 23556 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

There has never been an athlete like Rainbow Dash. The sprints. The marathons. The land speed record. She held them all.

Until she didn't.

Until she had only one left... and met the pony that might take it from her...

(This is an idea I've had for a while. I hope you like it. Yay, completed stories.)

Spanish: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Broken-record-Spanish-translation-846035457 Thanks Spaniard for the translation.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's clone barely escaped her grisly end, and is seeking refuge in the large city of Manehattan. She's quite fine with going it alone, until she spots somepony just like her.

Inspired by the Cover Art by Badumsquish

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns is famous across Equestria as a center of academic excellence. Only the best and brightest unicorns are offered places, selected by their academic merit, magical ability and passion for study. To make the admissions process as fair and reliable as possible, all candidates are given three exams by different teams of examiners, who then meet in private to decide which students are most deserving of a place.

Winner of the December 2014 Writeoff competition: Behind Closed Doors.

Chapters (1)

Home on winter break from her first year at Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, Twilight Sparkle decides that she is old enough to go present shopping all by herself... with her brother.

Written for Atom Smash for Jinglemas 2021.

Chapters (1)

The birth of an alicorn is a truly blessed occasion.

Or so some ponies believe.

Part of the Jinglemas 2021 collaboration.
Written for Pen and Paper, who requested a story about Cadance and Shining Armor.
Edited by ROBCakeran53.
Big thanks to Redruin for the cover art.

Chapters (1)

A young Sunset Shimmer, spending her first Hearth’s Warming in Canterlot as Princess Celestia’s personal student, comes to the terrible realization that there’s not going to be any snow for the holiday.

She decides to do something about it.

A Hearth's Warming gift for DrakeyC.

Cover art courtesy of the wonderfully skilled RyuRedwings, used with permission.

Editing thanks to the incomparable and brilliant Pascoite.

Russian translation, courtesy of ya-RInA!

Now available in Spanish, courtesy of SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (1)

In her short time on the Wonderbolts roster, Rainbow Dash has become the star atraction of the locker room with her wild stories. It was amusing at first, but Spitfire's gotten sick of it. Clearly, the best way to stop these tall tales is to see just how mundane Dash's home life really is. Hearth's Warming will provide the perfect excuse.

And that's where the problem really started, Chief Rights...

Written for The Iguana Man for Jinglemas 2021. Miranda Rights borrowed with permission from Estee, who wants it on record that they had nothing to do with the title. Rated Teen for significant alcohol use.

Chapters (1)

What happens when you realize that your feelings for one of your friends aren't quite the same as your feelings for the rest of them? Do you just prefer some friends for others, or is it a sign of something deeper? What do you do with those feelings? Hide them? Admit them? And how will the rest of your friends react when they find out?

Twilight is going to have to do her best to find the answers, because they're anything but obvious.


Yes, this is a story about romance, but I'm trying to use it to explore the relationships between the characters and see how they'd really react if romantic feelings ever did crop up, and how such a development would impact the cast as a whole.

Now with a TvTropes page!

There's also a dramatic reading in progress on youtube, here.

And also an updated verison of the cover, courtesy of Novel Idea.

Chapters (36)

As a pony working the world of high fashion, Rarity knows how important reputation is. That's why she strives to make sure every client feels cared for - and that her employees do the same.

The only trouble is that a few ponies are raving about the dresses Rarity personally designed for them.

Ponies that Rarity has no recollection of meeting.

Featured from 12-20 to 12-23-21, peaking at the #1 spot. Thanks, everypony!

Chapters (1)

While out on a rather standard errand, a young Rarity encounters a strange new filly. A hyperactive pink one, who seems to be struggling with her own newfound talent as well.

Part of the Jinglemas 2018 exchange, written as a gift for Tangerine Blast.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)