• Member Since 31st Aug, 2018

Ghost Mike

Hardcore animation enthusiast chilling away in this dimension and unbothered by his non-corporeal form. Also likes pastel cartoon ponies. They do that to people. And ghosts.

Really Good 242 stories
  • Really Good 242 stories - 0 unread chapters This provided enough of a great time that it's worth a reread at some point, length permitting. The kind of fic you’re delighted to have read, and know you’re talking proper writing quality, not just fanfiction. The flaws can't be ignored, and I'd be hard-pressed to claim you "have" to read it, but I'd still recommend it strongly enough.
    Created by Ghost Mike
    - May, 2021
Found 240 stories in 65ms

Total Words: 2,574,169
Estimated Reading: 1 week


  • Reviewed 639 stories - 0 unread chapters If it's here, I've read and reviewed it! Check my review blog index or the fic's comments to find which edition of "Ghost Mike's Ponyfic Review Monday Musings" the review is in. The fic will also be in that rating folder.

  • Excellent 59 stories - 0 unread chapters Everyone should read these, no questions asked. Not even your tastes in genre or characters matters. There might be room for a little improvement, but it's doing enough things really well that I have little to say against it. Many fics in here are so compelling in execution and reader involvement that the flaws simply don’t matter. Writing of this quality rewards your faith in the fandom.

  • Really Good 242 stories - 0 unread chapters This provided enough of a great time that it's worth a reread at some point, length permitting. The kind of fic you’re delighted to have read, and know you’re talking proper writing quality, not just fanfiction. The flaws can't be ignored, and I'd be hard-pressed to claim you "have" to read it, but I'd still recommend it strongly enough.

  • Pretty Good 290 stories - 0 unread chapters We’re starting to get somewhere here. There’s something holding these fics back from the kind of quality that encourages rereads, or enthusiasm on the level of gushing. Or perhaps the subject matter and delivery by their very nature puts a ceiling on the fic’s bounds. Regardless, you’re quite glad to have read it, and there’s enough to earn a recommendation. NOTE: Some fics that belong here are still in Good or Really Good, and will be moved here in due time.

  • Decent 397 stories - 2 unread chapters Worth the read. Little special about it, either due to lots of small flaws, select big ones, or having little standout. But it's likeable, and while I might not actively recommend it, I might suggest it as a casual read if it came up in conversation. A place for competent if unremarkable fics. By their very nature, many fluff pieces end up here.

  • Passable 238 stories - 1 unread chapters Doing enough right that I don't regret reading it. Some fics here may be otherwise Weak but have an element(s) of note to push them up, while others are just serviceable all around. If it's short or the subject matter appeals to you, a worthwhile diversion. I'd drag my heels (wait, ghosts haven’t got those…) about recommending it, though, especially if it's longer.

  • Weak 105 stories - 1 unread chapters There's some potential here, but it's either crushingly mediocre all around, or a equal balance of bad and good. Even if the subject matter appeals to you, you can pass on this with no regrets. These fics are usually very forgettable.

  • Bad 20 stories - 0 unread chapters There’s something going very wrong, and there’s little worthwhile to offset it. Often the fic is filled with things happening just because, has poor characterisation, is technically malnourished, or a combination of all three. These are the kind of fics one abandons rather than finishing.

  • Random/Crackfic/Can’t Grade 68 stories RETIRED FOLDER: So intentionally random and absurd that it basically can’t be judged in either direction. Also other fanfiction that, for whatever reason, can’t be evaluated and ranked on a conventional scale, at least by me – random fics are not a strength of mine to even judge, much less make.

  • Writing Work For Other Users 7 stories Any fic here is one for which I pre-read or edited to some degree. Or even co-authored, possibly! It is not guaranteed that I am credited in each fic's description.

  • Jinglemas Gifts 8 stories Jinglemas fics written for me, and Jinglemas fics I have written for others.


  • Featured 23572 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

The Diarchy has asked -- ordered, really -- Twilight to attend the Zoology Conference. This means meeting the leaders of various nations, along with making a speech. And with Twilight increasingly suspicious about what all of these extra duties might eventually mean, she's becoming desperate to make it all stop.

There's a briefing book. Long lists of things she shouldn't discuss, because doing so would be seen as an insult. And Twilight has just learned about what Applejack calls 'cancel culture'. So if she just offends enough attendees, proving that she isn't suited for this sort of thing, then she's home-free! It's not as if being offensive is hard.

Unless you're Twilight Sparkle...

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Cover art by SockPuppet.

Chapters (1)

When a unicorn infant is born in Zephyr Heights, young Crown Princess Haven must carry her to Bridlewood and convince the unicorns to raise her as their own. 

An entry in Imposing Sovereigns III, using the prompt Queen Haven/Integrity. 

Prereader thanks: Mockingbirb, Samey90, daOtterGuy, Roxylalolcat
Title suggested by Greymane Shadow
Chapter title suggested by Mockingbirb
Several OC names suggested by Damaged.

Chapters (1)

When Princesses Celestia and Luna visit a public art gallery, they come upon a painting of Celestia, banished to the moon. They react to this in the only reasonable way: artistic criticism and analysis.


Cover art by that paragon of good sportsmanship and all-around talented person, Rocket Lawn Chair.

Originally written for the Reversal of Fortune writeoff, with the cover art as the prompt. Thank you to everyone there for the pre-reading and advice, and to Pascoite for his (always invaluable) additional help and editing suggestions!

Now available in Spanish, courtesy of SPANIARD KIWI.
Now available in Russian, courtesy of oranzinispegasas.

Chapters (1)

It's that time of year again. The leaves are turning, the air is cooling, and the chimneys are smoking.

But to a young Shining Armor, this can only mean one thing: pony flu season has arrived. And, thanks to his mother, this inevitably means a date with the dreaded needle.

Only this time, Shining isn't the only one who has to be worried. His filly sister is coming along for the ride for the first time... albeit, against her will.

And despite having fears of his own, Shining Armor knows that, for Twilight's sake... somepony has to be brave.

Warning: Cuteness abound.

Featured on Equestria Daily on 12/17/2014.

Chapters (1)

Having been many months since the last one, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo decide it would be a fun idea to take another weekend camping trip up to Winsome Falls in the spring. But on their first night in the tent, Scootaloo accidentally wakes up Rainbow Dash in the middle of the night... and ends up revealing an embarrassing secret.

She's wet the bed.

Lots of Scootalove up in this hood. Read at your own peril.

Featured on Equestria Daily 2/11/2014.

Chapters (1)

The doctor pronounced it officially: Scootaloo will never fly. However, Rainbow Dash and Applejack introduce her to another pony who has a story they hope Scootaloo can relate to.

Sequel: The Ponies in the Caves
Side-story: Redheart's War

Chapters (1)

Ted Valiant has been running the Valiant and Valiant detective agency on his own since his father Eddie passed away. When Twilight Sparkle, one of the stars of the hit show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, goes missing, the studio calls Ted to find their missing actress.

Crossover with Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Chapters (1)

"Please, she thought desperately, please give my ponies the benefit of the doubt..."

Celestia and her pony subjects face the ultimate disaster: they're being sold! With the help of some unexpected new friends, they must show the true value of the series to a little girl named Bonnie... and her mother!

Featured 10/2-10/5, 2018 - Thanks, everypony, for the amazing support and positive feedback! It's deeply appreciated!

Chapters (1)

The fruit of Sweet Apple Acres are grown with skill, experience, and love.

That last part makes them nutritious for changelings, a fact which Applejack is only now about to learn. But the changelings themselves have known for a long time – after all, they are some of her closest friends.

Chapters (1)

Running a library is a lot of work, especially when you're doing it all by yourself. But the Bearers are out of town, a little dragon wasn't allowed to participate in the mission, it's the sort of autumn day where all of Ponyville wants to curl up with a book -- and just to make things worse, Twilight was running a Print Your Own Story event. Add in the boxes upon boxes of fresh Release Day hardcovers, and Spike just has too much to do.

So why not let the patrons do it themselves? What's the hazard in allowing ponies to check out (and print) their own books with no supervision whatsoever? The library has rules. Surely you can't get a card unless you understand that.

Spike thinks ponies understand rules.

It's a mistake he's only going to make once.

(Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.)

Chapters (1)