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Rapid changes to my supposed "Destiny" isn't fun. First I am a human, turned pony. Though I don't know how I got here or why I am here. All I know is, someone wants me to become something, but it isn't clear.

Also it kinda hurts my head to think about this kind of thing.

Chapters (2)

Please, vote or comment your opinion if you care about this story.

So, I got blasted by some mages in my world, and now I'm in a completely new one. I'm something called a 'kirin', and I've lost my opposable thumbs. Surprisingly, it wasn't a polymorph spell either! My magic has gone completely wack. I burned down a forest. And apparently I'm the first ever Kirin to have alicorn magic, which sounds awesome right? Well, not when you're constantly combusting into flames! I never wanted this! And for some reason these ponies keep treating me so nicely. Even after I keep screwing everything up. How hard is it to act like normal for once in my life?

What? There's nothing wrong with me! Please don't send me back...

Cover art by: Ziper Ace
Featured on: 2023 - 4/13, 4/17, 4/22 and quite a few more... Thanks everyone!

Chapters (17)

{Being Re-Written}
Broken Wind was on the run for a majority of his life because of an act that shocked the Equestrian government and its citizens. He unknowingly gets the chance to relive his life again. He must relive challenges of racism, xenphobia, & sexism. But his life will a new direction.

Chapters (1)

Michael's life is devoid of relationships. Be they familial, work, or romantic. But on one lucky night, he's given an opportunity.

Chapters (5)

Ever since the dawn of civilization, there have been numerous varieties of legends and myths. They might have originated from historical truths that have been passed down through the generations or from the fantasies of somepony from a long time ago—tales that were told around campfires and in dining rooms. Then there are civilizations. They would eventually collapse, whether through natural or artificial means. When one falls, another rises in its place. Things have always been this way since the concept of society first emerged.

Therefore, allow me to tell you a story about several curious ponies who came across antiquities from a bygone civilization and a lost age in one of Equestria's most ominous places:

The Everfree Forest

Their discovery would upend their preconceived notions of reality and expose dark secrets that were supposed to remain hidden for all time.


(First fanfic [which is going to be partially graphic], tags are subject to change as the story goes on, and I might do multiple edits/re-edits to certain chapters that need them)
(Additional tags: Slice-of-life, Mystery) 

The story is in the process of being rewritten, but the original story is still up for those who want to know what the first version was like.


Bossypants, DuvetOfReason, and a grammar checker for double-checking grammar and punctuation, story ideas, and/or creating simpler or more readable sentences.

SecondPrances’ helpful suggestions to the story’s layout and design.

TearingNose24, Saffron48043, Moonstone_Knight, and Im a B O X for being helpful commentators of the story

Chapters (4)

Equestria, the land of friendship, harmony, and of course, ponies. One been through many disasters, of villains and foes, all defeated and put to rest. Or reformed, befriended, and settled into their lives with newfound warmth in their hearts.

But, how difficult a task does this become when the world begins to change, begins to resist the natural order of harmony and togetherness? When something unknowable worms its way into the earth, and sets up shop. An inevitable end. An open, slavering maw. All reaching, grasping, hungering for those who are alone. Desperate. Craving something bigger than themself. For those who want to save it.

For them, their Fates are already sealed.

hey ho everyone, haven't written ponyfic in literal years and this is what I come back with. this is going to be choc full of ocs, and the first pony seen that isn't is Luna in the (currently) unposted chapter 6. I do have quite a few plans for this and where it'll go, so please, enjoy!

Chapters (3)

Fragmented tales from the frontlines, starring or about Sergeant Reckless.

My tribute and gift to an oft unsung hero.

Chapters (5)

After an attempt on his own life. Axle Grey a man from a world left in ruin, finds himself in the world of Equestria just after the Nightmare Wars. Given a quest by Princess Celestia to go to a distance land. He will face many hardships and make some friends along the way to help him fight against the Legion of Night.

Chapters (1)

All she wanted was a Shamrock shake, smooth and cool, deliciously clover-y . . . but that's not what she got.

Merry May's been on Earth long enough to know that the pictures of food on a menu board and the actual food item received bear little resemblance. She hasn't yet figured out that there's sometimes outright deception. Shamrock Shakes contain no actual clover; they're not even clover-flavored.

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is widely known for her propensity for pranks. While seeing an unsuspecting Anonymous the human in the outskirts of Ponyville, Rainbow decides to hit him with classic from her arsenal, the ol' lightning stomp prank. It's simply really, she's played it on tons of ponies before.

Rainbow didn't think Anon would get hurt. She didn't think he'd become paralyzed. It was supposed to be a harmless prank!

'What have I done?!

Officially Featured March 1st 2023

Chapters (13)