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Prince Blueblood is many things.

He's a Unicorn, He's royalty, He's a stallion, He's entitled, He's high-class, And most importantly he's not here right now.

If Blueblood isn't here right now, then who's that?

Well, That's Blueblood, the new Blueblood that is, a human in the body of Blueblood.

What will follow the actions of the new prince can be nothing short of disastrous.

Warning, this story contains Jokes, Magical Politics, a human-turned pony who doesn't know about MLP, Prince Blueblood doing Blueblood things, "Wine-Moms", and a very large sum of money.
You have been warned.

Featured for the first time two hours after being published :) 24/4/2023

Chapters (98)

Warning: This story and this description both contain spoilers for the Web Novel: Worm. If you don't want to be spoiled, read Worm first, then come back and read this

The apocalypse had come at the hand of a god-like multidimensional alien entity. Taylor Hebert, a parahuman with power over bugs and bug-like things has her powers altered by a former enemy and subsequently uses morally questionable means to make everyone in existence with superpowers fight this evil deity, eventually defeating him.

This however came with a cost. Her mind was deteriorating as her power was subsuming her. Thus another cape decided it would be a mercy to put a pair of bullets in the back of her skull.

Another entity witnessed all of this. This entity, grateful for Taylor's role in stopping this alien god and thus saving countless worlds and thus countless lives, decides to intervene. It brings Taylor to Equestria turning her into a Changeling Queen in the process.

(Warning, Dark, Death, and/or Tragedy may be added to the list of tags in the future, depending on how things go. Furthermore, the Suicide tag is for the references to suicide in the description and in the first chapter. Suicide and/or self harm will NOT be a major theme in this story.)

(This is a crossover with the web novel called Worm by the author Wildbow. I highly recommend reading it if you haven't, it's a really good story!)

Chapters (17)

In a flash of green light, five college students from Earth are transported to Equestria and transformed into changelings. Will they be able to find a way home?

My loving alternate take on Don't Bug Me, by Starscribe.

Chapters (4)

A man wakes up in the middle of the woods and is surprised to see that his hands aren’t hands anymore. Lost, confused, and alone, can he find his way out of the woods and get some help with his ‘condition?’.

Chapters (1)

Eight years ago, ponies got sent to earth, but their magic doesn't come with them. Now they're destined to live life with limited magic in a world not their own.

With the awe and surprise having played their part, ponies have been accepted into certain Earth cities as citizens with limited rights.

One such pony is Starlight Glimmer; who quickly fades into the background due to her special talent being mostly useless and her life skills being very limited.

Follow Starlight as she makes friends and tries to find a way home.

Chapters (8)

A story about a human who enters Equestria. But this time, our heroin can't remember the information about this pony's country for some reason. And she continues to suffer attack from some unknown monsters. Why would this happen? It seems that there are more mysteries hidden within her.。

Chapters (2)

It has been six months since Princess Luna's return to Equestria, however everything is still so new to her. Equestria is not as it once was, and so much seem new and strange. From the words, to the customs, and even the way they conduct their ruling.

Luna felt lonely for a long time, that is until she discovered the joys of gaming. She even found a new friend, just one small problem, he is human, and not from their dimension. Well, it would not be a problem, not if Luna would not have used a certain spell to drag her newest friend through their online game and into Equestria.

Turns out dragging a human through a game and landing him in Equestria has some unforeseen consequences... Other than the fact he is a pony now...

Editor: SoloBrony

Story Inspired by the cover used.
Cover Owner: RedchetGreen from DeviantArt

Chapters (9)

Nothing lived here. Nothing could.

These were the only coherent words Luna could force onto the page of her dream journal.

Who is to blame? Why is this happening? How does her sister not see the chaos unfolding?

These questions dance within Luna's addled mind as her nightmares become indistinguishable from reality.

A big thank you to UnamsuedWaffle, INeedSleep, and Orderly Disassembly for prereading and editing!

Chapters (1)

On that fateful night on the moon, the princess of night is truly no more, and from those ashes, rises a new entity that is forced to take over her mantle, all her good and her sin.

Destiny weaved by the harmony itself laid before her. A part of the grand story, to be a tutorial villain, to be an exposition giver's sidekick, and to be slaved away beside the golden throne, then retired to a hut in god knows where, lost in history.

"Fuck that I'm out"

And so begin a new tale.

  1. Half of "dark" tags are there as precaution because i will skimps over a bit but very rarely. for example Non-consensual will be use one time on no-name one-time oc character in a flashback. as far as i planned currently.
  2. This is my first time writing a long novel. I promised to post the full plot outline somewhere if I somehow unable to finish it.
Chapters (31)

This story is a sequel to In Plain Sight

Princess Twilight Sparkle has become the new ruler of Equestria. Just as you're getting ready to finally settle down with Celestia, she disappears. You made a vow to protect her, but what will you do when, faced with the kidnapper, the world looks the other way? Does Celestia even want to be saved?

The climax of the Royal-Tea series.

Chapters (6)