Favourites 1993 stories
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For a thousand years, Canterlot Castle has stood as a bastion of order, hope, and prosperity for all. In those thousand years, there have been some off days.

Today happens to be one of those days. Unfortunately.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to An Alternative Ending

Gregory Graystone faces a monumental task. He must repair the bridges between several nations. Pull the former elements out of their sorrow and light the banner of harmony and friendship once again. And, maybe, help his fellow man out of his malaise. Meanwhile, groups behind the scenes work to undo the changes happening in Equestria.

Written in collaboration with


Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to Abducted by a Nightmare

It has been a year since Nightmare entered my mind. Since that day, we got to know each other better. Everything was fine until some guy named Discord escaped his stone prison and began spreading chaos and mess in similar way a 3 year old would. Just as I thought this world couldn't get anymore cartoonish, he comes along.

Chapters (2)

During the unification wars the two alicorn sisters was aided by a duke named Paul Atreides to unite the three pony tribes, but nearing the end of the war the dukedom suddenly vanished and it's abandoned lands are now part of the Everfree forest.

More than a thousand years later the great House Atreides reappeared in their as if nothing happened. And on great timing as the nations of Equus are on the brink of war.

Chapters (2)

As a child you where adopted by Solaris and Faust the rulers of the ponies before the great migration and unification of the three tribes.
Embark on a story of conquest loss and love, companionship and betrayal, and other significant things within one's life, as you learn to live the life of royalty with your two sisters.

Please give me as much criticism as possible as this is my first ever story

Chapters (2)

After the Nexus Shattering and his brother Jason Thunder being thrown to some unknown universe, Zachary Pyromaniac travels to different universes to seek out the Shards and his brother. On his way to collect the second shard, Pyromaniac meets Zachary Dearest, an alternate version of himself from the Friday Night Funkin universe as well as the Dearest family who agree to help him. As the others try to find Jason, Zac goes to find the remaining shards. But one of the universes he goes to is not what he expects it to be...

(Note: This story is mostly from Zachary Pyromaniac's perspective.)

You might want to read this first.https://www.fimfiction.net/story/537504/arrival-of-a-phoenix

Chapters (6)

Shortly after Queen Chrysalis' defeat at Canterlot, her army is demoralised and hungry, and the Queen herself is at her wits end - having locked herself in her bedroom, presumably to spare her subjects from her upcoming mental break in a short moment of compassion.

The Queen that leaves the room is far different from the one that entered it.

Queen Chrysalis, seemingly revitalised in her entirety, declares a change in course for her and her subjects. She promises to lead them to a new battlefield... and she swears victory in her name.

Chapters (6)

Jake, a new arrival to Equestria, finds himself roped into a high tea with Princess Celestia and a group of snobby nobles. The lunch is boring, the tea is boring, and the nobles are boring. Celestia gives Jake an out, and he takes it, braving a final conversation with one 'Lady Rarity' in the hopes that he can escape the whole boring affair and get a cup of goddamn coffee.

Inspired by the amazing cover art, by SunBusting.

Rated T for snarky language and witty banter.
The sequel to this story is now available.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Man Cannot Live On Tea Alone

Jake is a human, pulled into Equestria by a magic mishap. Rarity is a fashionista, businessmare, and all-around interesting pony. Jake and Rarity go out for coffee and conversation, and enjoy each other's company. Can Jake match wits with Rarity? Can he keep up with the savvy, sassy mare that he's come to appreciate?

No. No, probably not.

Rated T for Sassy Waitresses, Blushing Ponies, and Ponies That Are So Cute They'll Make You Die. (Oh, and violence!)

Story inspired by gign-3208's beautiful art.

It is highly recommended you read the prequel story first, but this story can stand on it's own thanks to a preface at the beginning that can bring new readers up to speed.

Special thanks to SS&E, Fourths, and Jern for editing.

Chapters (14)

How many people can say that Faust herself gave them a second chance at life? About three. What? She was bored. Archer, Kindle and Dartz were inseparable roommates who are now reborn in everybronies' favorite show. Let's get cracking.

(Shitty cover art hand drawn by yours truly)

Chapters (11)