• Member Since 9th Jul, 2021


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In a world of brass and electricity, a disgraced Sunset Shimmer attempts to prove herself to her erstwhile mentor; bringing life into the world through means unnatural! But things don't quite work out as she planned...

This is an ongoing commissionned work. If you would like to commission me, click here!

Features ponified versions of EQG characters. Marked as Teen for saucy interactions, but is largely SFW.

Cover art is a cropped screenshot from the show, sourced from derpibooru.

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to Rainbow Dash and the Daring Do Connection

Ever since finding out that Daring Do is her aunt, Rainbow Dash has been trying to think of how to get her mom and her aunt to patch things up. She eventually decides the holiday of Hearth's Warming is the perfect opportunity to do so.

After some convincing, Rainbow manages to persuade Daring to come and visit Bow and Windy up in Cloudsdale during Hearth's Warming. But Daring isn't exactly looking forward to the reunion since it's been so long since she saw Windy.

But Rainbow Dash is quite determined to get the bad blood between the two sisters resolved. After all, family is supposed to spend Hearth's Warming together, no matter what.

Chapters (1)

You stand at the water's edge. Feeling the waves sucking at your feet. You think of her. When do you not? With her wings and her spiral horn. Her crown and her kingdom. She is everything you aren’t.

Principal Celestia muses on what it must be like to be a princess.
TW for dark thoughts and a suicide attempt. Other than that it doesnt really need the T rating.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo. A name out of the tougher side of history. The Rider. The Speed Demon. The Devil-Made Mare.

She dreamed of busting barriers. She dreamed big. They say she dreamed bigger than dreams themselves. And then she conquered them.

The history books say Scootaloo died long ago. But legends live for as long as you tell them. This is the tale that will never die.

Originally intended for Loganberry's Flashfic 150, June 2020: "Dream a Little Dream" event.

Chapters (1)

While preparing for a sad celebration, Fashion Plate and Rivet reminisce about a lifetime of happiness.

Winner of the 2022 M/M Shipping Contest!

Best read online for proper formatting.

Cover art by Bright Sight. Thanks to Bright Sight and Rillegas08 for pre-reading.

Chapters (7)

It has been a decade since Twilight Sparkle was crowned sole Princess, and Equestria is at peace.

The Crystal Empire, not so much. King Sombra is apparently unkillable, despite all efforts. He returns several times a year to be destroyed, leaving behind his horn and always swearing vengeance. The jaded Crystal Ponies, some literally jade, have grown used to their tyrant attempting to return. Princess Cadance rules with her husband Shining Armor, while their daughter Flurry Heart excels in school. All is well.

All seems well, until Cadance begins to suspect that something is wrong with her daughter after the latest battle with Sombra. Flurry quite literally walks off a blast of concentrated dark magic. What Cadance discovers will shake her family to the core and upend everything she thought she knew about her daughter.

Flurry Heart is evil. If Cadance cannot save her daughter, she must stop her before it's too late.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Black Canvas

The time for a jolly good Hearth's Warming has come yet again, and what better way for Rainbow and Taciturn to celebrate their favorite holiday by going out and have fun?
Of course, Rainbow Dash had her sights set on something more. She had been through every challenge that she been tossed into and now, she thinks she's ready to move on; to continue her life with Taciturn by her side every night. She's ready to be his loving, happy wife.

Surely nothing could go wrong this time.

This story is the third in a series. It is recommended you guys read And He Silently Painted A Rainbow and the second-parter, Black Canvas if you do not want to get lost.

Art by TheLittleBear

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Call of the Mountain

Applejack and Fluttershy have been together a long time. They have a lot in common, including a mutual love for Everfree. The forest is their home. It had been for centuries, and it would be for as long as they lived.

Or rather, that’s what Applejack had thought. But then a pair of traveling griffons began enticing Fluttershy with stories of life outside of the forest. With the draconequus’s interests shifting away from Applejack, she takes it upon herself to prove that she's not just a dull forest-dweller.

A story in the Noodleverse series, a species swap AU shared by myself and Pasu-Chan. This is the second story in the Harmony's Chosen arc.

Written as a birthday present for Pasu-Chan, and based on her Noodle AU. Familiarity with the AU isn't necessary, but I’d definitely recommend checking it out for some amazing artwork :raritywink:

Now with a TVTropes page!

Proofread by ArchAngelsWings, mouch30, Mind Jack, and Eddie Grammar
Cover and all internal artwork done by Pasu-Chan.

Chapters (8)

Sprout Cloverleaf has fallen from his one time, lofty and cushy job and secure financial future to become perhaps thee most despised pony in all of Equestria. As Hitch Trailblaizer's deputy and the defacto CEO of Canterlogic Inc. once his mother stepped down from the position, Sprout had a future any pony would've envied. But, in the blink of an eye, he threw away his whole life over baseless fears and bigotry.

Sprout now must face the consequences of his actions, face an uncertain future where everything he took for granted is gone and must learn to rebuild a life for himself. With help from some old friends and from a few new ones he will meet along the way, he will face many challenges and heartbreak in the quest to reclaim his life. Will he make the right choice(s) when pressed, or will he fall back on old habits that ruined his life before and could very well ruin him again.

Chapters (2)

After a pony named Minty befriends Derpy Hooves.

The lovable pony’s clumsiness ends up destroying all the presents in Ponyville. Feeling very guilty and ashamed.

After being rescued by some old friends she finds out she must travel to the north pole to find the magical relic called “the wish box”

To somehow return all the presents to Ponyville before the windigos return.

Set in the G4 universe. Includes a G3 character.

Chapters (12)