• Member Since 9th Jul, 2021


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This story is a sequel to A Legend Returns

William is a normal human that tries his best to be happy. Although his father was arrested 5 years ago for trying to steal very expensive equipment from the lab he was working, and his mother got to work immediately to maintain him and his sister Melissa, but he always tries his best to be a good person.
One day, he stumbles in the park with something impossible: two little ponies with wings, horns, and the ability to speak. He tries to help them, and in the way, he might discover the real reason of why his father is at prison.

This story is a PREQUEL of https://www.fimfiction.net/story/516698/a-legend-returns not a sequel.
You don't need to read it before you read this one, although I recommend you to do it when you finish this one.

Chapters (26)

When the night comes to Ponyville, most ponies go to their homes for the night to rest.

They're missing out.

Some of Ponyville's inhabitants like this time of the day, and will do some interesting things. A brief look at the average night of some of Ponyville's denizens. Contains Flutterbat. Hide your apples.

Just a brief one-shot, I felt the desire to write something and threw this together in an evening. It's also written in the present tense. Fear me! :trollestia:

11/6/22: This story has been in the Featured Box! :pinkiesmile:


Chapters (1)

Some ponies might think that cutie mark magic has always existed but this is not the case. Like all things they had an origin. And this is the story of how they came to be.

Chapters (1)

At 3:15 AM, Adams woke me with a loud knock on my front door.
"Put your boots on," he said when I answered. "There's a biblical monster in my house."

* * *

A Visual Companion, by the author
Interview with the author, from the Royal Canterlot Library.
Audiobook by Robin Jacks and Wubcake.
Audiobook by Scribbler.
In-depth analysis by the Heroic Tales cast.
Literary Analysis by ScarletWeather.
Special thanks to GaryOak.
City of Doors
One Man's Pony Ramblings
Louder Yay
Between Lines
Bad Horse

Chapters (4)

Twilight is still fresh from her coronation as sole Princess of Harmony. The junior Anarch of Chaos is even more clueless than she is. Together, they wrangle the responsibilities of their predecessors.

Screwball is hooves down the hardest horsey harlequin I've put pen to paper and picked to portray. Hopefully her dithering dialogue sounds suitably strange while still somewhat sensible, since her speech sits saddled with an awkwardly articulated alliteration affinity and a readiness for randomly recursive restless rambling.

This is an entry in the Snippet Series, an anthology of old oneshots I (and my good buddy Str8aura) wrote based around interesting pics I found. New ones will be posted every Thursday for the foreseeable future.

Chapters (1)

Battle scars are a constant reminder of what you survived. A scar simply means you were stronger than what tried to hurt you.

Now with a reading by Wubcake! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhBvVZo9DOQ

Chapters (1)

Celestia had come to hate the fragrance of dark coffee. Because it had meant Twilight was up. 

Chapters (13)

Chrysalis has Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor cornered. This is her moment, to take the Crystal Empire! However, before she does, the two rulers have only one request.

A date with the Queen.

She can't say no to a pony's final request can she? Besides, it's just one date. One date, and that's it.

This is a commission. If you'd like your own commission, feel free to PM me, or support me on patreon.
Updates monthly.

Chapters (12)

New Cover Art! See the full image here: https://www.deviantart.com/harwicks-art/art/Commission-What-My-Destiny-is-Telling-Me-969614816

Sunset Shimmer was a pony that always had her destiny in her control… but that was before. Now, trapped for months in a world where she no longer has magic, no longer has a plan and no longer even has her own body, she's lost. She found an unexpected lifeline, however, when she showed up at the Crumbles/Flanks residence, desperate for help, and formed a close bond with a human around her own age, Rarity.

Having lived together for several months, Rarity has grown to consider Sunset a sister, even as Sunset feels hesitant about the moniker. Shortly before the start of the school year, Rarity brings Sunset along on an annual camping trip, hosted by Applejack and Big Mac, hoping to better acquaint Sunset with her friends. But one morning, Rarity awakes to find Sunset, sleepless and distraught, struggling with concerns and fears she doesn't understand... as the specter of destiny continues to loom large in the former unicorn's mind.

And it's up to Rarity to provide some much-needed comfort.

Set in an alternate universe in which the timeline diverges after Sunset leaves Equestria. This story also deviates from the depiction of Sunset's past as portrayed in the comic The Fall of Sunset Shimmer. Chronologically, it takes place after the events of The Final Conversation, though reading that story is not a requirement.

Pre-read by The Sleepless Beholder and Ninjadeadbeard. Cover art by Harwick. Originally written for the Bean's Writing Group prompt "Let's Go Camping".

Featured on 8/23/22–8/26/22!

Minor Note: My stories generally treat Canterlot High School as a 7-12 school to justify the Cutie Mark Crusaders/Canterlot Movie Club being there in the main films. Keep that in mind if you notice some odd-looking age math in there; at the time of the story, Rarity and Sunset are about to start 9th grade (freshman year).

Chapters (1)

With the end of the last year at Canterlot High approaching, all students find themselves on the crossroads that will decide their future.

Most of them will go their separate ways, only the tightest groups sure to remain together and stay alive though the long distances between colleges. For most, their paths are clear.

For Trixie, it's something quite different.

For how can she decide her destiny when she doesn't know the answer to the question that's haunted her all her life?

Just who is Trixie Lulamoon?

Somehow managed to be featured fourth on 14/8/2022!

Chapters (1)