• Member Since 9th Jul, 2021


Catch me inbetween hyperfixations

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One morning in Pipp’s salon, Mane Melody, a body was discovered. Thank goodness for Zipp and her detective skills. She has decided it’s up to her to find out the culprit.

This will be the darkest mystery she ever dealt with but...

She’s not gonna give up!

The story from start to end, has been prewritten and split into chapters before being published.

Chapters (7)

Fluttershy has a panic attack. In 7 days, she'll save the world.

With Angel's help, of course.

This story was written in the summer of 2018, so whatever season MLP was on back then, that's when this story takes place.

Cover art by Chib-bee

Chapters (8)

Applejack loves Rainbow Dash. She does. Or...she did. Maybe sometimes love just isn't enough.

An exploration of what might happen a little further down the road in AJ and RD's relationship. Don't get me wrong, I'm a firm AppleDash shipper, but I do sometimes wonder how well they would work out. They would both certainly have a lot of learning and growing to do.

Written in September for the QnS poetry slam contest, with the prompt ‘a mans a man for a’ that’ by robert burns. Won joint first.

Chapters (1)

Discord has a secret. Luna decides the best way to find it out is to steal it from within his dreams.
A genre-swapping Mystery-Comedy-Bildungsroman-High Fantasy-Romance adventure.

Written for Shrink Laureate's Season 10 Bingo Writing Contest from the following prompts:
Discord, Pinkie Clones, Princess Luna, Klugetown, Tartarus

Chapters (5)

Kyle is saddened by how bad today was. Sunny sees this and is determined to turn that frown upside down.

Art Source

A/N: Keep in mind, I haven’t watch the new generation movie or the show (yet), so I’m going through this blind. Also, NO SPOILERS!

Chapters (1)

A collection of letters between Octavia and Vinyl through their time apart. Taking place while they pursue their music careers on opposite ends of Equestria.

Chapters (12)

When Fluttershy is going through her attic, she discovers a photo of her deceased father. Unfortunately for her, that wasn't all she found...

Written as an entry to the SPOOK Contest held by The Reviewer's Mansion.

Written back in 8th grade as a group project. I give credit to my friends Lila, Bailey, and Clover as co-writers. I went back after we finished it and made more edits, which is this edition. I should note the original story was human with different characters, but this is a ponied version for it. Thanks for reading!

Chapters (2)

Spike and Thorax have been living together for a while. One day, Thorax comes home and seems just a little bit different. Spike has a conversation with him about colors.

Written for the M/M Shipping Contest 2022!
Cover art and Older!Spike design by me.

Chapters (1)

For a princess, Luna can't help thinking her freedom is a bit restricted. Ever since returning from the moon, her sister has kept a very close eye upon her actions. Even going so far as to cause some minor disagreements.

The chance bad dream of a certain griffon, gives Luna an idea of how to escape that watchful eye for a few days, while also helping out the griffon in question.

A story about a fusion of two characters.

Chapters (6)

“Life eternal,” whispered the stallion. “Beauty unchanging. Just for you, Lady Fleur. Just for you.”

Fleur de Lis plucked the bottle from his hoof — using her magic, of course, lest his ugliness somehow sully the delicate white of her coat — and she downed it in one.

Winner of the QnS ‘Power of Three’ speedwrite.

Also an entry for Nailah's spook contest.

Chapters (1)