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The newly coronated Princess Twilight suffers an abrupt tragedy. Having lost two loved ones, she begins to question her own mortality, and that of her friends.

AJ, Dash, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy. . . they are just the beginning. Twilight will live for thousands of years, so every pony she cares about—every pony she will ever care about, will die.

She could barely handle the pain of one funeral, let alone the thought of hundreds of them. Twilight finds a clever way to ensure all of her friends never die. They can’t all be ageless alicorns, but they can all move into Twilight’s Dollhouse. Then they can be best friends forever.

Sequel: Twilight's Dollhouse 2
Fanmade Song: Twilight's Dollhouse

Source: Dreampaw
Editor: Gage of Grandiloquence, Breath of Plagues
Pre-read & Idea pony: TypeWriterError,
v1.1 Revised chapters 1-10 on May 1st 2013
--Pending a few more revisions, including ch. 14
Now on TV Tropes.

Chapters (18)

Rarity's obsession with loving and protecting her little sister goes too far.

Pre-reading by TimberWolf65
[Now approved by Twilight's Library!]
[Based on a dream.]

Chapters (1)

Sometimes, it takes an alicorn to solve a murder. Long before the return of Nightmare Moon, Princess Celestia is the only such power, and the responsibility falls on her shoulders every time.

Her methods are more than a little unorthodox.

[Another of my dream-based short stories.]

Chapters (2)

When Granny Smith arrives at Ponyville Hospital with a broken hip, Nurse Redheart resolves to take care of her.

An entry for A Thousand Words Contest II in the horror category.

Chapters (1)

She was tired of being a joke. Tired of being a failure.

Experimental neurosurgery seemed like the best option.

Now, for the first time, she can see the world as it truly is.

Chapters (12)

After the Smarty Pants incident, Big Mac ran off with Twilight's Smarty Pants doll, much to his little sisters' amusement. When he refused to return it, an anger fueled spell from Twilight resulted in a BIG problem for Big Mac, with Smarty Pants at the 'heart' of it

Cover art by Paper-pony

Chapters (12)

Princess Twilight Sparkle knows all about friendship. As a result, her former mentor has asked her to do a presentation about friendship in front of her and other nobles. Twilight takes this as seriously as she can, but when she practices her presentation in front of one of her friends, she finds out about a form of friendship she never knew about. Now it is her responsibility to learn more about it at all costs.

...the only problem is that she doesn't know exactly what it means to be friends with benefits.

Thanks to my sleep deprived mind for giving me this awful idea~! I thought it would be fun to write a little shitpost with a play on words as a title. This is also my first fic that isn't based in the world of Equestria Girls! I hope everyone enjoys the comedic hell Twilight goes through! Oh! This story is also a gift to Mon for being an awesome friend of mine~ (Marked Teen for having conversations based around sex, but only briefly.)

Chapters (1)

When we become so attached to the masks we wear, who are we when we take them off?

Covert art by Sea-Maas

Now with an audio-reading by StraightToThePointStudio!
Another audio-reading by Oakheart (lonedemongirl)!

Chapters (1)

The Orb of Almost only deals in false possibilities. Its prophecies tell the tales of missed opportunities, and of chances passed and ships that sailed. Flurry Heart thinks that's bullshit, and she's determined to prove it.

A collaboration with Shaslan, written as part of the Quills and Sofas Duos 3 Contest.

Chapters (1)

It's been a month of blank thoughts and no creativity, and Rarity is at her whit's end. She needs to find a solution to her dilemma lest she goes mad.

Starlight may just hold the key.

Chapters (1)