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Twilight Sparkle is one of the most powerful Unicorns in Equestrian history. But how would the events of the show change if Twilight, the Element of Magic, was never a Unicorn? Would she still be able to wield the element? Would she still make the same friends? Would she even be Celestia's student at all?

A small story. Don't expect a super long story out of this. Inconsistent updates is my specialty. Especially due to college. Have fun reading this cutesy story!

Chapters (12)

The earth melts. The skies darken. Celestia has tired of being the nice princess, and the shadow of the sun has overtaken her.

To Prince Blueblood's immense regret, he can't leave this one to Sparkle and company.

Rated Teen for mild cursing and alcohol references. Honorable Mention in the 2023 Everfree Northwest Iron Author competition. Prompts were: Vexing Volcanism/Verdant Vegetable/Vibrant Vestigial

Original art by Adam Paquette.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash was beautiful, the most beautiful pony to be born in a century — and so her fate was sealed. Beauty must be sacrificed, and so Rainbow Dash must die.

Winner of the 2023 EFNW Iron Author Contest. I think I beat out about 40 other writers, and it was hugely exciting to win. Hope you enjoy the read!

Prompts were: vibrant vestigial, vexing volcano, verdant vegetable. Pretty insane for prompts, but Xepher had to pronounce all the Aztec words in my story so I think we're even.

Chapters (1)

This story also goes by the name: An Apple Forgotten.
When you finish reading this go check out Part 2: Here.

After Applejack loses her family as the result of a fire, the farm pony goes into a deep depression. Because of her grief Applejack neglects taking care of the farm, which then goes to waste.

Seeing her sadness Applejack's friends feel bad for her but the farm pony interprets this as pity, thus shutting herself off from the rest of her friends.

However things go wrong when Applejack starts to hear the voices of her family talking to her. Was the fire an accident?
The story was proof read by: 0_0

This was a story I wrote on Deviant Art as an art trade for AnAppleForgotton. She is also the owner of the story image.

Here are images pertaining to the story (Illustrated by:AnAppleForgotton):
Barn Fire
Insane Applejack

Chapters (1)

Twilight wakes up from a refreshing nights sleep. She decides to take a walk around Ponyville. But something feels off. Something seems to have changed.

Chapters (1)

When a strange plague hits the rest of Equestria, a pony records her experiences.

She lasts 50 days after the apocalypse.

Figured Starlight Glimmer needed a horror fic.

Chapters (1)

Whistling Wren is captain of the Hemera, a modest trading vessel operating in the Celestial Sea. With trade having reopened with the Griffon kingdom, there is high demand for brash young captains like her to brave the seas in search of fortune.

However the weather of the Celestial Sea remains outside the control of Equestrians. All it takes is a few rash decisions to leave Wren and her crew struggling for survival as winter closes in around them.

Preread by a friend. Covert art by Tiki Bat

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is good at finding books even in unexpected places.
She's also a very helpful and proactive young filly.

You'd think these would be good traits, and yet still she manages to nearly ruin Hearth's Warming with an interstellar war.

Written as a gift for Zontan, as part of an anthology. Art by rice.

Chapters (1)

After an incident at a dance club in Ponyville, Twilight is thrown out for good. To her horror, she finds out that her dancing is the cause.

Chapters (1)