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Starlight Glimmer had heard of the rumors. She thought it couldn't be possible, she had finished off those mares decades ago. But she had to come see it for herself...confirm those little rumors and put them to rest for good.

Unfortunately for Starlight, her return is exactly what they've been hoping for.

Inspired by the ending of FNAF 3.

Chapters (1)

As a foal, Fluttershy discovered her love for nature's beauty. Now a mare, she moves out and down to the earth. At first, beauty is a blooming flower, a happy bunny. As she settles in, her definition bleeds into everything. She finds beauty in the deafening cicadas and the falling leaves and the fragile bones of a bird's body. She finds it in herself.

A story of Fluttershy's first year in Ponyville.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle's been dreaming of Luna. It's not out of the ordinary to dream of the mare you have a crush on, of course, but these aren't simple fantasies. They're rendezvouses, secret meetings where Luna dreamwalks to meet Twilight in her dream. They'd go public eventually, sure, but for now, Luna's visits are a secret, a space where their new relationship can flourish and find the strength to face the world. Still, shame haunts Twilight. Can Luna help her overcome her worries and take their courtship into the waking world?

Chapters (4)

Autumn Blaze is thrilled when she receives a parcel from her best (and only) friend, Applejack. But when she sees the cutie marks of Applejack's parents emblazoned on the bottles within, a memory is triggered. A memory Autumn wishes that she could forget...

Winner of the the Quills and Sofas duos speedwriting contest. Written in 90 minutes in partnership with Red Parade.

Chapters (1)

No one remembers just when it started, or where it started, all they know now is that there's nothing left. The once proud and industrious nation of Equestria has been turned to nothing but ash and ruin as a mysterious force attacks when they are most vulnerable, when they sleep. With the last remnants of the country packed huddled into the castle Canterlot, the only remaining line of defense, Princess Luna, shall enter the dreamscape and try to end this nightmare for her people. But as she travels further and further down the rabbit hole, she soon discovers that, despite being the sovereign of dreams, she is way out of her depth as the creature of her nation’s nightmares torments her.

Created in collaboration with Chivalry

Chapters (1)

'Where am I from?' It is a simple question, one that some of us may ask from time to time. But we usually received an answer. Spike, Twilight's number one assistant, has asked that question for nearly half a decade. Yet there was still no closure for him. Now on a cold day in the rain Princess Celestia finally agreed. Now Spike is about his wish, but you must always remember, sometimes the truth isn't what you want to hear.

Crazy one shot done in about three hours after seeing the cover art by the amazingly talented assasinmonkey. (I was on duty when I wrote this, so I guess you could call it me trying out different waters... after all, 'the safe zone is a dead zone'. Any and all criticism would be appreciated. Even if this flops I know that I at least tried something new... but I hope that you like it all the same.
Also introducing a new editor! OneWingedDevil did a lot of hard work making sure this was worthy. So even if you don't like this one shot, you could at least commend them for doing a good job.

Chapters (1)

What if Celestia never wrote back? Like, ever?

I got the idea from 4everfeebrony's song.

I also wrote this on the go.

Song: https://4everfreebrony.bandcamp.com/track/thought-id-let-you-know-ft-relative1pitch
Picture: http://dragonwolfrooke.deviantart.com/art/thought-I-d-let-you-know-431412930

Chapters (2)

Trixie is a mare who isn't great at emotions. Starlight isn't either but is getting better. They often help each other out sorting feelings out because that's what partners do.

(Wrote when drunk, you've been warned."

Chapters (2)

Twilight, ever the tutor, has devised a challenge for her friends to test their skills at linguistics, wit, and most importantly, brevity. In order to win, they will have to write short stories for five categories - Drama, Slice of Life, Horror, Comedy, and Experimental. The catch? Their stories all must count less than 200 words!

Nopony felt more up to the challenge more than Pinkie Pie.

And it's your lucky day - Twilight has chosen YOU, dear reader, to be one of the judges! Below are Pinkie's five entries into the five categories! Let her know how she did. She's very excited!

An entry into the 2nd A Thousand Words contest, under the "Experimental" category. I guess.

I wanted to write for all five categories, but as the deadline loomed, life kept happening, and so this is what I decided to come up with. Please enjoy!

Cover art by NovelAI. Yes, all of them.

Chapters (5)