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Not long after becoming Equstria's new reigning monarch, Twilight receives a letter from Prince Blueblood. It's not a declaration of war from the land's rightful ruler to the unprincipled usurper who's claimed the throne, and he explains why.

My entry in the 2022 Crackship Contest, this story didn't make the top eleven.

Chapters (1)

Hope is fragile, fleeting, feathered
A feeble funny thing
It breaks apart at the slightest touch
On paper thin insect wings

Twilight Sparkle wakes up strapped to a table, with no memory of how she got there. How will she escape, and what's the most logical course of action?

Edited and preread by the amazing Troposphere and Scarlet Weather

Chapters (1)

The IRS has come to Applejack's door and demands her to pay her taxes. Applejack, the hard-working pony she is, refuses, deeming it as theft, leading her to flee to her friends to help her out. But this turns into another argument, dividing the Mane 6 over their stance on the IRS.

Chapters (1)

After an expedition into the Everfree Forest ends in disaster, Applejack and Rainbow Dash take refuge in an abandoned cabin until morning.

This is probably a poor decision, but it's only one night, after all. How bad could it be?

Chapters (1)

A choose your own adventure story

When walking in her home, Applejack has a tumble down the stairs. Will she get any ouchies, and how will her friends react?!

Only you can decide! Can you get a good end for our favorite farm horse?

Probably not...

Story featured 7/4/21: Thanks a lot for all the support guys :D

Chapters (99)

After a long day in town, Fluttershy feels ill. While trying to recover, she has strange dreams and starts to recall meeting somepony on her way home that day. Hopefully, she'll recover soon, and be able to enjoy another blue, sunny day with her friends.

CW: Animal death and Suicide.

Expanded from an entry for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting's "Colorful Characters: Fluttershy" contest where it took second place. The only requirement for the contest was to write a story centered on Fluttershy in an hour. However, I've had the idea for ages, and glad I finally wrote it.

Chapters (1)

What was supposed to be a day of laughter and joy for Spike ended in screams and terror.

After receiving a tear-stained scroll from Twilight, Princess Luna and a Royal Guard relief force race towards Ponyville. While the Guard sets to rendering aid to the shaken town, Luna heads for the Golden Oak Public Library to render aid to the one she knows all too well needs it the most.

Takes place directly after Secret of My Excess.

Pre-readers: Georg, Tek, and Pascoite

Cover art by Mysticalpha on Deviant Art, used with permission. Show him some love.

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (1)

For as long as any of the Cutie Mark Crusaders can remember, Diamond Tiara had always been the biggest bully they knew. But when that said bully dies in an accident, each of them starts to go through their own emotional experience from this sudden change in their lives. Each will learn more about themselves and about the pony who they all thought they knew before she is laid to rest.

***Takes place just after season 3 but before season 4. This story is completed.***

Now with TV Tropes page

Chapters (12)

Equestria has been brought to its knees. Monsters of all kinds flood every city, the world itself seems to be on the verge of complete collapse, and every pony is trapped by the physical manifestation of their own deepest, most inner terrors and nightmares.

But it's Hearth's Warming, and Rarity's got gifts to give. And she won't let something as mundane as the end of the world get in her way. Time to panic will have to come later.

This was written for The Seer as a part of Jinglemas 2019! For more information about Jinglemas, checkout our group!

Chapters (1)