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Rarity fights a giant crab.

For Shandy.

AUDIOBOOK by The Mystery Fluttershy Fan

Chapters (2)

What does someone like Twilight Sparkle do when they need an editor for their writing?

Simple, they turn to magic instead.

A metafictional horror

Runner up in the Dreams contest for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Group.
This was originally written in an hour. This version has received some slight refinement. A big thanks to all who preread in the contest.
CW: Description of a suicide, depiction of a murder

Chapters (1)

Dr. Minuette will treat any patient. Even Cozy Glow. Even if dentists don't usually do Tartarus calls...

Set sometime between Seasons 8 and 9. Inspired by the old fan name for Minuette, "Colgate the Dentist."

Cover art: https://derpibooru.org/891971

"Yowza," as Minuette would say. Hit #1 in the feature box! Featured 26-30 November, 2019. Thanks, everypony!

Hey! My first Equestria Daily feature, 23 March 2020!

A Night In Tartarus takes a comedy fic premise—Colgate giving Cozy an oral checkup—and decides to play it dead serious.


Chapters (1)

I got featured again!!!! June 19th 2021 - June 22nd 2021 :heart:


Luna has spent untold lifetimes in the dream world with other ponies, and on a cold winter night, she settles in for another- with a colt who has just one hour to live. Luna's spent incredible amounts of time in the dream world, and while her body doesn't reflect it, she is much, much older than her "older" sister.

Hickory is a teenaged colt, an orphan, living in Canterlot. He's spent more of his life being sick than being well, and he's very familiar with "his" hospital room by now. One night, for some reason, the doctors wheeled his machines out of the room, letting him go to sleep in silence for once. The room, usually filled with the whirring of the machines, was actually quiet enough for him to dream.

And on that night, Luna happened to be drifting through the dream world...


Chinese translation by gezhehuohu can be found here: https://fimtale.com/en/t/25240 :heart:

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy is alone for the day in her cottage. With nopony around to interrupt or eavesdrop, she takes the opportunity to have some fun...

Chapters (1)

Welcome, my little pony, to the happy home I've carved out far beneath the earth. Please forgive the mess, guests don't drop by very often and I've been here in the dark alone for so many, many, many years.

Dedicated to centipedes because they are super cute.

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle knows there's something wrong with Ponyville. There should probably be plants growing, and less dirt in the air. Maybe the sun should set every now and then.

For her, no incongruity is quite as important as her simple mission. She must reach the center of the maze before her body runs down. It's a good thing she has such good friends along to help her.

The end of magic in Equestria doesn't have to be the end of ponies, not if Sweetie doesn't let it.

This story was written for the Iron Writer competition at Everfree Northwest, where it won an honorable mention. This contest required an idea conform to certain prompts, and be written entirely in the span of two hours.

Cover by Zutcha

Chapters (1)