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Left behind by their guardians, Boulder (the rock) and Phyllis (the plant) bond, despite their contrasts. But how will they be able to maintain their unexpected relationship?

Content Note: Some alcohol use by a plant and a rock. Be Warned. :ajbemused:

Era: After Season 9.

Featured: 24/2/2022 and 25/2/2022.
Won a Judge's Prize in the Crackship Contest! (Proceeds requested to be donated).

Image Only: The Image Only is a mash-up of: https://game-icons.net/1x1/delapouite/plant-roots.html by Delapouite and https://game-icons.net/1x1/lorc/rock.html by Lorc.

Chapters (1)

One day, Twilight finds a stallion staring at a hole in the wall. He seems strangely fascinated with it.

Chapters (1)

What happened to Pinkie Pie and Rarity after they were left together in the desert, when the others continued chasing Applejack?
Why were they riding a hoofcar back to Ponyville?
What happened during their journey back?
Which one would Rarity prefer: chimicherry, or cherrychanga?

Find the answer to these questions, and some others, in this story.

Set during and right after the events of "The Last Roundup" episode.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash's dream has come true, and she's been accepted for training at Wonderbolt Academy. All she needs to do is fill out a few forms, get fitted for a uniform, and get vaccinated for Feather Flu.

That last one might be a bit of a problem.

Marston241 showed me the picture, and I pretty much had to write a fic based on it.

Chapters (1)

Hi everypony! Or whoever you are. My name is Scootaloo, and I’ve recently found this really cool place and I thought to myself “huh. I write stories about ponies. I should put them on here!” So here they are! I’ll just post some here after I finish writing them. Pretty cool! So awesome! Hope you read them!! And feel free to leave a comment!

Chapters (4)

Commander James Bond was one of MI6's top operatives. Having succeeded in countless missions and bringing down international terrorists such as Le Chiffre and Dominic Greene, Bond is sent to Istanbul to retrieve a hard drive containing the names of every agent involved in undercover affairs. The hard drive in question has fallen into enemy hands, and it's his job to get it back.

After disastrous events in Istanbul during the mission, James finds himself in an unfamiliar land, and soon becomes entangled in a tale of international espionage.

Only one man can protect Equestria and its princesses in this new time of crisis, and his name's Bond.

James Bond.

A sequel has been published: An Equestrian Princess in London.

Chapters (13)

Let's be serious here. We all love our ponies. We all love our stories as well. But sometimes I think that we forget ourselves. There are so many stories here of tragedy and loss. There are so many stories here that involve quirky and surreal situations. And so, to rekindle a sort of forgotten flame, here is The Great Equestrian Picturebook, so that we can more so remember the kid inside of us.

This is pretty much a drawfriend with words.

Chapters (37)

'Sweetie Belle, you've been acting strange all week. I'm worried about you.'

'Don't be. I'm brand new.'

Sequel: The Changing of Sweet Apple Acres

(This story is set in Season 3)

The product of hours of lurking around DeviantArt.

Link to the beautiful yet oddly disturbing cover art by montag451: https://batjorge.deviantart.com/art/Arcimboldo-XLIII-738870312

Chapters (1)

Twilight finds herself bothered by a very strange and persistent itch. The more she scratches, the worse it gets. But no matter what she does, it simply won't go away. It's driving her out of her mind, yet relief seems impossible. However, the itch is only the beginning.

Trigger Warning: Arachnophobia

Happy (almost) Nightmare Night, ghouls and boys.

Chapters (1)