Good 310 stories
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  • Good 310 stories


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While experimenting with new spells, Princess Twilight and Starlight Glimmer died when a spell backfired with fatal results. Due to a screw-up in paperwork, the pair's spirits were called to Hell.

Unfortunately, it was beyond Devil's power to send Twilight and Starlight to their rightful place in Heaven. Until God could eventually get them, they had no choice but to suck it up and settle into their new home.

However, one of them got a little carried away with making the best of their situation...

Chapters (2)

Spike is tired. He's been awake for over a thousand years and now it is finally his turn to sleep, once he is tucked in by Twilight, one last time that is.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer is visited by her conscience. Her very annoying conscience.

Written for Sunset Shimmer day. Inspired by this artwork by Flight-of-the-Moon.


Chapters (1)

Chrysalis takes cover in a cave after another disastrous run-in with the ponies. Inside is another unfortunate soul who just can't catch a break.

Stupid ponies.

A gift for forbloodysummer. Merry Christmas!

Chapters (1)

Ocellus and Gallus are in love. That's it. That's the story.
[Contains: Language, Implied Sex]

This takes place in the future. Both characters are adults.

Chapters (6)

Seath the Scaleless, White Dragon God of Verdite, Traitor to the Everlasting Dragons, Duke of Anor Londo, Grandfather of Sorcery, and now the new friend and mentor to Twilight Sparkle? What will happen when two like-minded souls from opposite ends of the morality spectrum match wits? And what will remain in their wake?

A somewhat more meta twist on a MLP/Dark Souls cross-over, inspired predominantly by a few pictures I found of Seath and Twilight together, and my bewildered discovery that for all of the stories on this site that cover these two franchises, there's only one that focuses on Seath the Scaleless and so far it hasn't seen any updates in over a year ( for those curious).

For those who haven't played either the King's Field or Dark Souls games worry not. I'll do my best to either explain the lore of both in the story itself, or add an author's notes for anything that gets referenced.

UPDATE: New custom cover art at last! Courtesy of Cryophase ( )

Editing is courtesy of lunarstallion

Chapters (62)

Legend has it that a keeper of the forest will come to protect the forest and every creature in it.

Contains slight blood, violence, and profanity in future chapters

Chapters (23)

Isolated from her friends and taken prisoner in the middle of a war, Twilight must deal with the very real dangers of being percieved as an enemy as well as the nightmares of her arrival on 'Earth'. Can she overcome her own fears and the fears of her captors? Will the wayward unicorn's assistance be a boon or a curse to the 'humans?' Most importantly, will she ever find her way home?

"In short, it's a story of friendship and plasma rifles, with the emphasis on the friendship. The characters are well written, the XCOM setting is fleshed out very well, and the story is compelling. If you love XCOM, you'll love the story, but even if you've never heard of it, it's more than worth giving the first 3 chapters a read.

There's excellent action later on, but the real strength lies in the collision between the friendly and naive world of Twilight Sparkle and the desperate world of humans fighting a losing war for survival and willing to do anything to turn the tide."


(XCOM/FiM crossover)
(Cover art commissioned by a friend and created by the magnificent FoxInShadow!)
(Original cover art by the amazing Carnelian can be viewed here!)
(Gore tag for blood and some violence)
(Many thanks to the studius OminousTen, Arzoo, xXFluttershyForeverXx and finally Setokaiva for giving my rambles a once-over)
(Now with it's own TV Tropes page! Get to tropin' folks!)

Chapters (36)

The Mane 6 Leave Starlight in charge while they're off on a Friendship quest, so she does the responsible thing and call's Spike and Trixie to come and watch the world burn

Chapters (3)