Good 310 stories
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  • Good 310 stories


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What if Discord had not been turned to stone by the Mane 6? What if he had escaped?
It is three years later and the Mane 6 have moved on with their lives, all except Fluttershy, who cannot get the draconequus out of her mind. The others are happy in their new and comfortable lives, until their enemy returns and will only relieve Equestria of his havoc in exchange for a bride.

This has been adapted into an audio series.

Also, here's a dramatic reading by Pablo Didonna, and one by 666HellGirl1

Cover Art by Nstone53


*Bronyland Pony Awards Nominee 2013

Chapters (18)

Twilight Sparkle has diligently taken to her role as the new reigning monarch of Equestria. When a break in her schedule appears for a day, she decides to take a day off. Now, it’s up to Spike to make sure she’s not matter what comes up!

Unfortunately, the resurrection of the Grogar means Equestria is in danger and more importantly the Princess's desperately required rest!

This can only end poorly.

Now with audiobook awesomely provided by the wonderful, The Mysterious Fluttershy Fan

Chapters (1)

Even with the Equestrian magic roaming around the world, Fluttershy haven‘t found any strange animals; that was before she finds a moth wanting to sell its moth helmets.

This story is part of the A New Empathy-series, but can be read on its own.

SCP-2598 is from the SCP-universe and was written by "djkaktus".

Chapters (1)

In a freak accident from the Cloudsdale weather control team, Twilight is struck down by an errant lightning bolt. But the veil of death is relatively thin...

Chapters (1)

This is based on the fanfiction "Forever Faithful" By Konseiga. Which can be found on fimfiction.

Princess Celestia starts to write a journal, documenting the strange letters that she has received from her student, Twilight Sparkle. Who died a month ago.

Chapters (15)

Discord has been in these lands long before they became Equestria. He has seen kingdoms rise and fall, and countless generations of ponies pass him by. Unbeknownst to everypony else, he had more of an impact on history than just what his powers have done.

All of this and more comes to light during a late-night conversation between him and his wife, Fluttershy.

Sex tag is for minor references and talks of parenthood.

Cover Image by FarewellDecency

Written for a contest between friends.

Chapters (2)

Sweetie Belle just wanted to ask Twilight to help her get better in magic. Too bad she didn't choose a good time... One magical accident later, and she is now in a throne room in an unknown castle. Hopefully, the fat penguin on the throne will help her return to her home. Seeing his expression, it's not looking good...

Ooh boy...

Currently being rewritten. Number of chapters rewritten: 45/123
Starts around the first half of season 5.
Kirby Right Back At Ya canon will not be used.
I don't possess anything that appears in this story. Kirby belongs to HAL Laboratory and Nintendo, and My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro.
Cover from NecroHorse

Chapters (123)

This story is a sequel to Once Bonked, Twice Shy

After months of their relationship developing and the Grand Galloping Gala approaching, everything seems perfect for Fluttershy's first public date with her marefriend.

Something which is more difficult than it should be when she is dating the Queen of the Changelings.

Luckily, Fluttershy has a plan to make sure it goes off without a hitch.

Unfortunately, a certain other villain she helped reform takes issue.

At this point, she should really just consider not going to these galas.

(Cover image made by me with a screenshot and vectors found on Google images).

Somehow managed to be featured on 29/6/2022!

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Twilight sparkle lord of death

It's been three years since Twilight Sparkle became Lord Of Death and left Equestria, she's been alone fighting enemies that threaten the balance for three years, she's begun to get used to blood and death. ,... but after three years, fate once again brings her back to Equestria, meeting her family, old friends and mentor again, will they be able to accept what she has become ,... will they be able to correct their past mistakes to mend their friendship once again?

Chapters (1)

The universe can be a strange and dangerous place. Once you think you've understood almost everything, you are blindsided by something new that changes your viewpoint on everything you had seen before.

In the land of Teyvat, no one knows this better than Albedo, the Chief Alchemist of Mondstadt. As the Captain of the Investigation team for the Knights of Favonius, it's his job to go out into the world and investigate things that cannot simply be understood. Whether it be changes in the behavior of monsters or the ruins of a lost civilization, Albedo's job is turn the unknown into the known. For every effect, there must be a cause or reason behind it.

Yet, Albedo is more than just simply an alchemist. He is also a teacher and more notably, an older brother. Even though she isn't related to him by blood, he see's the little spark knight named Klee as his younger sister. Despite all of the times that Klee had gotten in trouble and end up getting 'grounded' by Grandmaster Jean, Albedo still cares for her and when he isn't busy, would spend time with her and make sure that Klee didn't cause too much trouble whenever she goes out to play

Though, one day, when the two of them venture to the ruins nearby Starsnatch Cliff, they find themselves caught in a rather bizarre circumstance. Now stranded in a unfamiliar world, where magic is present everywhere you look, the two of them have to rely on not just each other, but the residents of the world if they want to make it back home to Teyvat.

As long as Klee doesn't try to blow anything up, everything should be fine... right?

A crossover story with the game Genshin Impact involving the characters Albedo and Klee. This idea kind of emerged as a 'what if' one shot, but after giving it some more thought, I thought I would try to take a crack at it.

Credits to everything shown
MLP by Hasbro
Genshin Impact by Mihoyo
Takes place in between season 8 and 9 for MLP and after the Dragonspine quest line in Genshin Impact, but before Windblume and Midsummer Island Adventure. I'll try to be consistent with updates, but some things IRL might have these updates be a bit more spread out than usual.

Reached Popular stories tab and featured temporarily on 02/5/2021. "Klee thinks you guys are the best!"
Featured again on 2/10/2021. "Da-Da-Da!"
Featured once more on 3/26/2021 as well as 5/11/2021

Chapters (45)