Good 310 stories
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  • Good 310 stories


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[An idea I had based on Breaking Out to Avoid Being Broken In, written by Justice3442 (story and author are clickable).]

It's breakfast time for Twilight Sparkle, and she finds an unexpected guest at the table.

Chapters (1)

Magician pulls rabbit out of hat? Standard.
Rabbit pulls magician out of hat? Not so standard.
Psychotic lagomorph pulls filly magician with delusions of grandeur out of hat? Normal for here.
Lagomorph can't/won't put her back? Sounds like a case for the Freelance Police.

Sam and Max have handled many big cases, and their biggest are yet to come. However, it looks like there's someone else along for the ride...someone who refuses to be sidelined, is eager for the spotlight...and is too cute not to spoil rotten.

Part of the PWNY-verse.

Edit: New cover art by EmmyWithVeri!

Chapters (44)

This story is a sequel to The Three Sisters

What if... After "The Three Sisters" Rarity managed to find Chrysalis and talk to her?

A definite sequel.

Now with a TV Tropes page! Warning: will contain spoilers.

Chapters (1)

After a good day passed crusading, Scootaloo is napping before returning to her home when a rift suddenly opens before her. Out of the rift comes a strange ruby followed by a bipedal mustachioed being. Scootaloo quickly discovers that the ruby possesses great powers but before she knows it, she accidentally merges with it.

Now, she has to learn to control her new phenomenal powers, fight the mustachioed being who reveals to be a mad scientist who wants to use the power of the ruby to return home (and conquer Equestria on the way), and deal with the spirit of a sicko trapped in the ruby calling himself Infinite.

Perfect setting for the rising of a new, awesome super hero: Zero.

Crossover with Sonic the Hedgehog. Starts during season 4 of My Little Pony and after the events of Sonic Mania Plus.

Chapters (23)

There was once a time where I would smile and giggle just from the sight of other ponies. What's the point in that? I would go out and play with my friends every single day. What's the point in that? I would search for my cutie mark, it was our quest. No point in that either. My quest now is to find a way to fix things, to fix everything. The trouble is I'm not sure if I can.

Editor: theRedBrony

Chapters (1)

What if Twilight's destiny were different? What if it was not Princesshood she was bound for, but something else altogether?

I just want this to be known; I am not 'anti-Twilicorn' or anything. I don't mind her being an alicorn princess. But I admit this is a concept I would have liked better.

Chapters (1)

Suddenly finding herself in hell, Twilight is presented with one fact: for the rest of eternity, she's stuck in a library holding every book possible. She's expected to organize them and is allowed to read them.

What makes this hell, again?

Now has two Spanish translations, one by SPANIARD KIWI and another by Pugg-Senpai.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Best Hell Ever

Once upon a time, Twilight went to hell. It wasn’t that bad. It was pretty great, actually. It had a library! A big one. Like, bigger-than-the-universe big. But then Twilight went and got herself kicked out of hell, and now she’s depressed.

There’s only one logical solution: with Starlight’s reluctant help, Twilight is going to break into hell and invade its library. Oh, it’ll be tricky — trying to find one specific location in an infinite dimension tends to be a bit hard — but the infinite knowledge it’ll provide is too good to pass up. Twilight will find that library if it kills her (which, since this is hell, isn’t the worst thing ever in the grand scheme of things).

There is absolutely no way this can possibly go wrong.

Chapters (7)

After returning from the wedding in Canterlot, Fluttershy finds an unexpected house guest waiting for her.

After crashing next to a cottage in Ponyville, Chrysalis is determined to return to her hive. If only that element bearer wasn't a master of forces beyond her control.

Or had a lamp.

Entry for the May Pairings 2022 Contest.

(Somehow) Featured second on 2/6/2022!

Chapters (1)

After delivering some apples to a far away customer, Applejack gets lost on the way home. Stuck dealing with a bunch of troublesome situations and ponies she'd really rather not have to bother with, she just wishes she could find her way home and more than anything to just be able to eat an apple again.

Chapters (76)